It's in the works!
I apologize to my french-speaking colleagues. Though this page is not available in French, all the programs are fully bilingual. When the development cycle is completed, I will make sure this website is bilingual; for now, as things change rapidly, it's just not worth the effort. Distribution of R 4.0 preview releases has started. I am working full-time on Version 4.0 and a more complete alpha release. Version 4.0 is now an integrated package, not a collection of separate modules. Up-to-the minute progres information is found below. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list and bookmarking this page.You may now download the latest build directly from our ftp site:Current progress (as of 30/03/13; 12:14:32) on version 4.0d10, build [Macro error: The file "o Moof!" wasn't found.] :
(modifications are in bold)
- MacOS X version
- Cocopan
Windows version (preliminary tests)
- Common source code compiled in a .DLL with CodeWarrior
- User Interface with Delphi
- Integration of StoneTable to replace the List Manager
- >16k cells displayed
- Non-scrolling row/col headers
- Easy in-cell editing
- Row/col headers
- Values within cells
- Add/delete rows and columns (see Copy and Paste)
- The User's manual is being written as the program is being developed, and is distributed with the program
- Import of CANOCO files of any format
- Modules
SIMIL (Mard 09 mars 2004 at 23:14:37 by PhC)
- Similarity coefficients (between objects) tested against version 3
- S01 — (a+d)/(a+b+c+d) Simple matching coeff. (Sokal & Michener)
- S02 — (a+d)/(a+2b+2c+d) (Rogers & Tanimoto)
- S03 — (2a+2d)/(2a+b+c+2d)
- S04 — (a+d)/(b+c)
- S05 — (1/4) [a/(a+b) + a/(a+c) + d/(b+d) + d/(c+d)]
- S06 — ad/√[(a+b)(a+c)(b+d)(c+d)]
- S07 — a/(a+b+c) Coefficient of community (Jaccard)
- S08 — 2a/(2a+b+c) (Sørensen, Dice)
- S09 — 3a/(3a+b+c)
- S10 — a/(a+2b+2c)
- S11 — a/(a+b+c+d) (Russell & Rao)
- S12 — a/(b+c) (Kulczynski)
- S13 — (1/2) [a/(a+b)+a/(a+c)] (Kulczynski)
- S14 — a/√[(a+b)(a+c)] (Ochiai)
- S15 — Σ(w[i] s[i])/Σ(w[i]) (Gower, symmetrical)
- S16 — Σ(w[i] s'[i])/Σ(w[i]) (Estabrook & Rogers)
- S17 — 2W/(A+B) (Steinhaus)
- S18 — (1/2) [(W/A) + (W/B)] (Kulczynski)
- S19 — Σ(w[i] s[i])/Σ(w[i]) (Gower, asymmetrical)
- S20 — Σ(w[i] s'[i])/Σ(w[i]) (Legendre & Chodorowski)
- S21 — Chi-square similarity (Roux & Reyssac)
- S22 — Chi-square probabilistic similarity
- S23 — Goodall's probabilistic coefficient
- S24 — [a/√((a+b)(a+c))] - 0.5√(a+c) (Fager & McGowan)
- S25 — 1 - p(Chi-square) (Krylov)
- S26 — [ a + (d/2) ]/(a+b+c+d) (Faith)
- NEI — Nei's genetic similarity (bounded between 0 and 1)
- Distance coefficients (between objects) tested against version 3
- D01 — Euclidean distance
- D02 — Taxonomic, or average distance
- D03 — Chord distance
- D04 — Geodesic metric
- D05 — Mahalanobis generalized distance (among groups)
- D06 — Minkowski metric
- D07 — Manhattan metric
- D08 — Mean character difference (Czekanowski)
- D09 — Index of association (Whittaker)
- D10 — Canberra metric (Lance & Williams)
- D11 — Coefficient of divergence (Clark)
- D13 — Nonmetric coefficient (Watson, Williams & Lance)
- D14 — Percentage difference (Odum; Bray & Curtis)
- R Mode coefficients (between variables) tested against version 3
- TAU — Kendall's Tau (new algorithm)
- RP — Pearson's r
- RS — Spearman's r
- CHI — G statistic (Wilks' chi-square)
- HT — Tschuproff's contingency coefficient
- HS0 — (reciprocal information; Estabrook)
- HS1 — (Rajski's coherence coefficient)
- HS2 — (symmetric uncertainty coefficient)
- HD — (Rajski's metric)
- New coefficients
- S27 — 1 - p(a): Raup & Crick's modified probabilistic association coefficient (Raup & Crick)
- D15 — Chi-square metric (introduced in Simil 3.02)
- D16 — Chi-square distance (introduced in Simil 3.02)
- D17 — Hellinger distance
- Untested/Not yet implemented
- D12 — Coefficient of racial likeness (among groups; Pearson)
- Similarity coefficients (between objects) tested against version 3
- Correspondance Analysis
- Periodograph
- Chrono
- Biogeo (spatially-constrained clustering) (Vend 29 juin 2001 at 09:59:04 by PhC)
PnComp (Principal components) (Lund 07 mai 2001 at 14:25:48 by PhC)
- Works on any-sized matrix, as long as you have enough memory
- Still missing
- Supplementary objects and descriptors
- Pairwise deletion of missing values
- K-Means (Lund 12 mars 2001 at 15:46:52 by PhC)
Mantel (Merc 14 févr 2001 at 16:18:21 by PhC)
- Partial Mantel correlation rewritten
- No longer uses Smouse, Long & Sokal 1986
- Works with both Mantel's r and Spearman's r
- Limited permutations with group selection
- Current correlation coefficients:
- Mantel's Z
- Mantel's r
- Mantel's t (permutation-free probability approximation, useful for large, > 30 objects datasets)
- Added correlation coefficients:
- Spearman's r
- Kendall's Tau
- Left to do
- PROTEST: Procrustes statistic sensu Jackson, 1995.
- Mantel's correlogram is now a part of module Autocor
- Partial Mantel correlation rewritten
- Links (Merc 14 févr 2001 at 15:16:05 by PhC)
- Autocor (Merc 29 mars 2000 at 11:29:57 by PhC)
- Cluster (Merc 08 mars 2000 at 16:43:00 by PhC)
VerNorm (Jeud 08 avri 1999 at 12:20:36 by PhC)
- Transpose any rectangular matrix (bugfix on Jeud 08 avri 1999)
- Make data positive
- Simple translation of the data to a user-defined (positive) minimum
- Useful for Box-Cox and Taylor
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality
- Box-Cox and Box-Cox-Bartlett normalizations
- Ranging and standardization
- Your choice of transformation
- Y' = a + bY
- Y' = Y * exp(a)
- Y' = exp(Y)
- Y' = ln(a + bY)
- Multinormality test
- Left to do
- Taylor transformation
Convert (Mard 23 févr 1999 at 15:09:34 by PhC)
- Similarity <-> Distance matrix conversions
PCoord: Principal COORDinates (Lund 21 sept 1998 at 15:35:45 by PhC)
- Standard reduced-space ordinations for distance matrices (similarity matrices must be converted to distances first)
- Lingoes (1971) and Cailliez (1983) corrections for negative eigenvalues; see DistPCoA for more information
- Left to do
- Iterative eigenvalue algorithm, useful for large datasets with no correction for negative eigenvalues
GeoDistances (Jeud 02 avri 1998 at 11:27:13 by PhC)
- Requires data already formatted as decimal degrees (conversion from other formats will happen when importing a file)
SIMIL (Mard 09 mars 2004 at 23:14:37 by PhC)
- Use of WASTE instead of TextEdit
- >32k of text in Text windows (limited by available memory)
Diagram types in the R Package
- X-Y scatterplots with optional Z variable
- Types of Z variable (all documented in the manual):
- Group symbol, including "none" if you want no display of the points (e.g. you only want the ellipses)
- Symbols are now highly contrasting and can be re-ordered
- Label (number)
- 95% ellipse-grouping criteria (draw ellipses around a group of points)
- Proportional "bubble"
- Arrow: draw an arrow from the origin [0, 0] to the point itself. Very useful in CCA/RDA biplots.
- Color (8 colors to choose from)
- Group symbol, including "none" if you want no display of the points (e.g. you only want the ellipses)
- You can also use row names (characters) as labels
- Axes can be constrained to be proportional: if one centimeter equals 50 units horizontally, one centimeter will equal 50 units vertically. Very useful in ordination diagrams.
- Bounds can be set on both axes
- Settings are remembered when you double-click on a graph
- Types of Z variable (all documented in the manual):
- Link map (see Links)
- Autocorrelograms
- Now including regular or progressive Bonferroni correction
- Histograms
- Growth diagrams are now functional
- They are a special kind of histogram for population dynamics
- Saved diagrams can be re-opened and re-sized at will
- All diagram windows can be set to an arbitrary size regardless of your screen size (e.g. 1600x1600 on a Mac Plus)
- PICT image: paste any PICT from the clipboard
- Distance comparison diagrams
- Useful in reduced-space ordination for reduced vs. original space distance comparison (called a Shepard diagram in this case)
- One can also compare arbitrary distance matrices
- X-Y scatterplots with optional Z variable
- The User's manual is coming along nicely, over 115 pages!
- I try to document every feature in the manual, e.g. "Press the option key while clicking to do this..."
- Note: the self-reading (.srd) version was dropped because it was getting too big (4.2 MB vs. 247k for the pdf version)
- Printing has been implemented!
- Better import/export code
- Bug fix when importing unfolded triangulars
- Export matrices in many formats
- Change language from French to English and back on the fly
- Now uses stand-alone "dictionary" files
- Import/Export text data file
- Export of SIMIL-type files (resemblance matrices) is no longer restricted to square matrix. You can export as:
- Lower triangular (with or without diagonal)
- Upper triangular (with or without diagonal)
- Unfolded lower triangular (without diagonal)
- Unfolded upper triangular (without diagonal)
(This is the format required by Permute! version 3.4 alpha) - Square
- Import from text files
- Import DD MM SS-type data (i.e. GeoDist)
- Progress thermometers
- Faster scanning
- Can import via drag-and-drop (user preference), also works for multiple imports if option key is held down!
- Direct importation of DOS or UNIX text files
- Rectangular (nxp) matrices
- Resemblance matrices
- Square with diagonal
- Unfolded upper triangular without diagonal
- Unfolded lower triangular without diagonal
- Other formats coming soon
- Parser is now faster and more robust; also used for Copy/Paste
- Text format is compatible with spreadsheet programs
- Columns in files can be delimited with tabs, spaces or commas
- Row and column headers
- Export of SIMIL-type files (resemblance matrices) is no longer restricted to square matrix. You can export as:
- Persistent user preferences
- Import text files via drag-and-drop
- Language
- Missing value indicator
- Matrix display font
- Number of decimals in matrix display
- Binary computations threshold (i.e. above this value, everything is 1 and below, 0)
- Multithreading using Thread Manager (System 7.5 and up, there is an extension for previous systems)
- If the Thread Manager is present, one is able to run multiple, concurrent tasks and continue to use one's computer while computations are being made
- One can also turn the multithreading off to use the full power of one's computer
- Open and save
- Binary data files for accuracy and faster opening
- Matrix data (rows/cols)
- SIMIL-type file (internally stored as a one row matrix)
- Text data files (computation results) in text display windows
- Binary data files for accuracy and faster opening
- Copy and paste
- To clipboard
- Data matrix selection to clipboard, tab-delimited
- Internally kept as binary (private clipboard) to prevent loss of precision when pasting between two data matrices
- Text window to clipboard
- Picture window to clipboard
- Data matrix selection to clipboard, tab-delimited
- From clipboard
- Tab-delimited matrix text to a matrix (uses the import parser)
- Append to text window from clipboard
- Picture from clipboard (non-dynamic, though)
- To clipboard
- On-screen display of rectangular matrices and SIMIL-type files
- Current data matrices limits:
- Rectangular matrices: 32,000 rows x 32,000 columns
- SIMIL matrices: 32,000 values, which means 256 objects (256*255/2 = 32640)
- I use 32,000 because it makes debugging easier!
- When the Package will be released, the limits will be raised to 2,147,483,647 * 2,147,483,647
- Everything is stored internally as Long Integers
- The theoretical limit is not 32,000 (~ 215-1) but 2,147,483,647 (231-1)
- Due to a design constraint in early versions of the R package, SIMIL matrices will never be able to handle more than 32,767 objects
- That is still 536,821,761 values!
- And such a matrix would require over 5,110 Megabytes of memory and storage...
- The theoretical limits of the internal format for SIMIL matrices is 46,341 objects, but to achieve it I would have to hack backward compatibility
- Note that there is an internal limit to the List Manager
- It cannot display more than 16,000 cells (e.g. a 400x40 matrix)
- Larger matrices will only show the first 16,000 values
- However, all values will be accessible for computation
- Error reporting
- Use alert if Macsbug is not present
- Distinguish between fatal and non-fatal errors
- Create empty files
- Text
- Data matrices
- Diagrams (pictures)
- Labels, arrows, ellipses, symbols, bubbles
- Re-computed from original data upon window resize
- PowerPC-native (fat binary)
- Balloon help throughout
- Though not completely translated...
This list changes often... please bookmark it!
- Diagram types
- Dendrogram or tree
- Chronological clustering
- Import/Export text data file
- Specify number of rows and columns
- When exporting, allow the user to specify the number of columns to wrap the data
- Data processing
- Fold/unfold SIMIL-type matrices (distance or similarity matrices) when copying and pasting
- Picture processing
- Zoom in/out
- Help
- AppleGuide (dependant on OSA support)
- OSA support
- OSA-compliant: scriptable and recordable