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Reprints of papers for which PDF files are available.
Deschênes, É., M. Poulin, M.-H. Brice, P. Legendre & S. Pellerin. 2024. Mosses and vascular plants show diverging diversity patterns along a latitudinal gradient in bogs and fens. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e3249 (16 pages). http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jvs.13249.
Guénard, G. & P. Legendre. 2024. Spatially explicit predictions using spatial eigenvector maps. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15 : 2129–2140.
Supplementary materials containing videos.
Legendre, P. 2024. Indicator species: computation. Pp. 533–538 in: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 3rd edition, Volume 5. Paulo R. Guimarães Jr. / Samuel M. Scheiner [eds.] Elsevier Ltd, Oxford, England. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822562-2.00103-1.
Van Audenhaege, L., J. Sarrazin, P. Legendre, G. Perrois, M. Cannat, A. Arnaubect & M. Matabos. 2024. Monitoring ecological dynamics on complex hydrothermal structures: a novel photogrammetry approach reveals fine-scale variability of vent assemblages. Limnology and Oceanography 69: 325–338. https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.12486.
Zhang, A, J. Chen, H. Cui, J. Wang, S. Chen, H. Gao, X. Jiang, S. Xiao, L. An & P. Legendre. 2024. Shrub alters the spatial patterns of nematode taxonomic and functional diversity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Plant and Soil 505: 615–627. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-024-06698-4.
Adaïmé, M.-É., R. Pienitz, P. Legendre & D. Antoniades. 2022. Postglacial paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Fury and Hecla Strait region (Nunavut) inferred from microfossils and geochemical proxies. Journal of Quaternary Science 37: 944-958. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3287
Dansereau, G, P. Legendre & T. Poisot. 2022. Evaluating ecological uniqueness over broad spatial extents using species distribution modelling. Oikos 2022: e09063. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.09063.
Guénard, G. & P. Legendre. 2022. Hierarchical clustering with contiguity constraint in R. Journal of Statistical Software 103 (7): 1–26. doi: 10.18637/jss.v103.i07
Legendre, P. 2022. Coefficient of concordance. Revised version for: Encyclopedia of Research Design, 2nd edition. N. J. Salkind, ed. SAGE Publications, Inc., Los Angeles. 7 pages. https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781071812082.n89.
Schmera, D., P. Legendre, T. Erõs, M. Tóth, E. Magyari, B. Baur & J. Podani. 2022. New measures for quantifying directional changes in presence-absence community data. Ecological Indicators 136: 108618. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.108618 – Supplements.
Brice, M.-H., S. Vissault, W. Vieira, D. Gravel, P. Legendre & M.-J. Fortin. 2020. Moderate disturbances accelerate forest transition dynamics under climate change in the temperate-boreal ecotone of eastern North America. Global Change Biology 26: 4418–4435. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15143.
Laliberté, É., A. K. Schweiger & P. Legendre. 2020. Partitioning plant spectral diversity into alpha and beta components. Ecology Letters 23: 370–380. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13429
Legendre, P. 2020. The development of Numerical Ecology in China, an example of international scientific cooperation. Foreword to Numerical ecology with R, 2nd Chinese edition by D. Borcard, F. Gillet & P. Legendre (translation to Chinese: J. Lai, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences). Higher Education Press Beijing. Publication date: 9 May 2020.
[Chinese title of the Foreword: 前言 – 中国数字生态学的发展,国际科学合作的一个例子.]
Madi, N., M. Vos, C. L. Murall, P. Legendre & B. J. Shapiro. 2020. Does diversity beget diversity in microbiomes? eLife 9: e58999. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.58999. Supplements: same DOI.
Schmera, D., J. Podani & P. Legendre. 2020. What do beta diversity components reveal from presence-absence community data? Let us connect every indicator to an indicandum! Ecological Indicators 117: 106540. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106540. Supplementary material.
Taranu, Z. E., B. Pinel-Alloul & P. Legendre. 2020. Large-scale multi-trophic co-response models and environmental control of pelagic food webs in Québec lakes. Oikos 130: 377–395. (Published as Early View, 24 December 2020). https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.07685.
Wang, J., P. Legendre, J. Soininen, C.-F. Yeh, E. Graham, J. Stegen, E. O. Casamayor, J. Zhou, J. Shen & F. Pan. 2020. Temperature drives local contributions to beta diversity in mountain streams: stochastic and deterministic processes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 420–432. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13035.
Boyé, A., É. Thiébaut, J. Grall, P. Legendre, C. Broudin, C. Houbin, V. Le Garrec, M. Maguer, G. Droual & O. Gauthier. 2019. Trait-based approach to monitoring marine benthic data along 500 km of coastline. Diversity and Distributions 2019; 00:1–18. https://doi.org/10.1111/ddi.12987.
Brice, M.-H., K. Cazelles, P. Legendre & M.-J. Fortin. 2019. Disturbances amplify tree community responses to climate change in the temperate-boreal ecotone. Global Ecology & Biogeography 28: 1668–1681. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12971
De Cáceres, M., L. Coll, P. Legendre, R. Allen, S. Wiser, M.-J. Fortin, R. Condit & S. Hubbell. 2019. Trajectory analysis in community ecology. Ecological Monographs 00: e01350. 10.1002/ecm.1350
Legendre, P. 2019. A temporal beta-diversity index to identify sites that have changed in exceptional ways in space-time surveys. Ecology and Evolution; 9: 3500–3514 https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4984.
Legendre, P. 2019. Foreword. Pp. xi–xv in: Griffith, D. A., Y. Chun & B. Li, Foreword by P. Legendre. Spatial regression analysis using eigenvector spatial filtering. Elsevier Science BV / Academic Press, Amsterdam. ISBN 978-0-12-815043-6.
Legendre, P. 2019. Numerical ecology. In: Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2nd edition (B. Fath, Editor-in-Chief). Volume: Earth systems and environmental sciences, pp. 487–493. Elsevier Inc., Oxford, England. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.10595-0
Legendre, P. & R. Condit. 2019. Spatial and temporal analysis of beta diversity in the Barro Colorado Island forest dynamics plot, Panama. Forest Ecosystems 6: 1-11 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40663-019-0164-4.
Martin, Y., H. Van Dyck, P. Legendre, J. Settele, O. Schweiger, A. Harpke, M. Weimers, A. Ameztegui & N. Titeux. 2019. A novel tool to assess the effect of intraspecific spatial niche variation on species distribution shifts under climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 590–602. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13036.
Pearse, W.D., P. Legendre, P.R. Peres-Neto & T.J. Davies. 2019. The interaction of phylogeny and community structure: linking the community composition and trait evolution of clades. Global Ecology & Biogeography 28: 1499–1511 https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12938
Souza, C. A., L. C. G. Vieira, P. Legendre, P. Carvalho, L. F. M. Velho & B. E. Beisner. 2019. Damming interacts with the flood pulse to alter zooplankton communities in an Amazonian river. Freshwater Biology 2019; 00:1–14. https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13284.
Yao, J., C. Zhang, M. De Cáceres, P. Legendre & X. Zhao. 2019. Variation in compositional and structural components of community assemblage and its determinants. Journal of Vegetation Science 2019; 30: 257–268. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs12708
Bonifácio, P., Y. Lelièvre & E. Omnes. 2018. A new species and phylogenetic insights in Hesiospina (Annelida, Hesionidae). Zootaxa 4441: 59–75. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4441.1.3. [Description of a new species of hydrothermal polychaete, Hesiospina legendrei.]
Brind’Amour, A., S. Mahévas, P. Legendre & L. Bellanger. 2018. Application of Moran Eigenvector Maps (MEM) to irregular sampling designs. Spatial Statistics 16: 56–68 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spasta.2018.05.004.
Foubert, A., F. Lecomte, P. Legendre & M. Cusson. 2018. Spatial organization of fish communities in the St. Lawrence River: a test for longitudinal gradients and spatial heterogeneities in a large river system. Hydrobiologia 809: 155-173. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-017-3457-z.
Guénard, G. & P. Legendre. 2018. Bringing multivariate support to multiscale codependence analysis: assessing the drivers of community structure across spatial scales. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 292–304. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12864. Appendices.
Houlahan, J. E., D. J. Currie, K. Cottenie, G. S. Cumming, C. S. Findlay, S. D. Fuhlendorf, P. Legendre, E. H. Muldavin, D. Noble, R. Russell, R. D. Stevens, T. J. Willis & S. M. Wondzell. 2018. Negative relationships between species richness and temporal variability are common but weak in natural systems. Ecology 99: 2592–2604. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.2514.
Kuczynski, L., P. Legendre & G. Grenouillet. 2018. Concomitant impacts of climate change, fragmentation and non-native species have led to reorganization of fish communities since the 1980s. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 213-222. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12690.
Legendre, P. & D. Borcard. 2018. Box-Cox-chord transformations for community composition data prior to beta diversity analysis. Ecography 41: 1820–1824. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ecog.03498. Supplements: Appendices 4-5.
Lelièvre, Y., J. Sarrazin, J. Marticorena, G. Schaal, T. Day, P. Legendre, S. Hourdez & M. Matabos. 2018a. Biodiversity and trophic ecology of hydrothermal vent fauna associated with tubeworm assemblages on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Biogeosciences 15: 2629-2647. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-15-2629-2018.
Lelièvre, Y., J. Sarrazin, J. Marticorena, G. Schaal, T. Day, P. Legendre, S. Hourdez & M. Matabos. 2018b. Grotto hydrothermal edifice: abundance and isotopic data from Ocean Networks Canada's Expedition 2015 and 2016: Wiring the Abyss. SEANOE (SEA scieNtific Open data Edition; Data paper). https://doi.org/10.17882/55008.
Lelièvre, Y., M. Matabos, P. Legendre, P.-M. Sarradin & J. Sarrazin. 2018c. Long-term and high-resolution time series datasets of vent species abundance from the Grotto hydrothermal edifice (Main Endeavour Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge). SEANOE (SEA scieNtific Open data Edition; Data paper). https://doi.org/10.17882/57113.
Mimouni, El-A., B. Pinel-Alloul, B. Beisner & P. Legendre. 2018. Summer assessment of zooplankton biodiversity and environmental control in urban waterbodies on the Island of Montréal. Ecosphere 9: e02277. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2277.
Ngor, P. B., P. Legendre, T. Oberdorff & S. Lek. 2018. Flow alterations by dams shaped fish assemblage dynamics in the complex Mekong-3S river system. Ecological Indicators 88: 103–114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.01.023.
Sor, R., P. Legendre & S. Lek. 2018. Uniqueness of sampling sites contributions to the total variance of macroinvertebrate communities in the Lower Mekong Basin. Ecological Indicators 84: 425–432. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.08.038.
Boyé, A., P. Legendre, J. Grall & O. Gauthier. 2017. Constancy despite variability: local and regional macrofaunal diversity in intertidal seagrass beds. Journal of Sea Research 130: 107-122.
Cuvelier, D., P. Legendre, A. Laes-Huon, P.-M. Sarradin & J. Sarrazin. 2017. Biological and environmental rhythms in (dark) deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystems. Biogeosciences, 14: 2955–2977. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-2955-2017.
Lelièvre, Y., P. Legendre, M. Matabos, S. Mihály, C. P. Arango, R. W. Lee, P.-M. Sarradin & J. Sarrazin. 2017. Astronomical and atmospheric impacts on deep-sea hydrothermal vent invertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20162123. Supplements, Open Access version.
Lévesque, D., C. Hudon, P. James & P. Legendre. 2017. Environmental factors structuring benthic primary producers at different spatial scales in the St. Lawrence River (Canada). Aquatic Sciences 79: 345-356.
Macnaughton, C. J., F. McLaughlin, G. Bourque, C. Senay, G. Lanthier, S. Harvey-Lavoie, P. Legendre, M. Lapointe and D. Boisclair. 2017. The effects of regional hydrologic alteration on fish community structure in regulated rivers. River Research and Applications 33: 249–257.
Obame Engone, J.-P., P. Legendre, L. Bélanger, D. Borcard & B. S. Assame. 2017. Caractérisation de la mosaïque forestière et identification des espèces indicatrices en forêt tropicale humide d’Ipassa, Gabon. Revue Scientifique et Technique Forêt et Environnement du Bassin du Congo 9: 11-19.
Pelletier, J., A. Siampale, P. Legendre, P. Jantz, N. Laporte & S. Goetz. 2017. Human and natural controls of the variation in aboveground tree biomass in African dry tropical forests. Ecological Applications, https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.1550. Published online, 15 June 2017. Supplements included in previous hyperlink.
Poisot, T., C. Guéveneux-Julien, M.-J. Fortin, D. Gravel & P. Legendre. 2017. Hosts, parasites, and their interactions respond to different climatic variables. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 : 942–951 https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12602.
Taranu, Z. E., I. Gregory-Eaves, R. J. Steele, M. Beaulieu & P. Legendre. 2017. Predicting microcystin concentrations in lakes and reservoirs at a continental scale: A new framework for modelling an important health risk factor. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 625–637. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12569.
Winegardner, A. K., P. Legendre, B. E. Beisner, & I. Gregory-Eaves. 2017. Diatom diversity patterns over the past ~ 150 years across the conterminous United States: identifying mechanisms behind beta diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 1303-1315. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12640.
Blanchet, F. G., P. Legendre & F. He. 2016. A new cost-effective approach to survey ecological communities. Oikos 125: 975-987. doi: 10.1111/oik.02838.
Guénard, G., G. Lanthier, S. Harvey-Lavoie, C. J. Macnaughton, C. Senay, M. Lapointe, P. Legendre & D. Boisclair. 2016. A spatially-explicit assessment of the fish population response to flow management in a heterogeneous landscape. Ecosphere 7(5): e01252.
Guénard, G., G. Lanthier, S. Harvey-Lavoie, C. J. Macnaughton, C. Senay, M. Lapointe, P. Legendre & D. Boisclair. 2016. Modelling habitat distributions for multiple species using phylogenetics. Ecography 39: 001-010. doi: 10.1111/ecog.02423. Supplements: Appendix.
Lévesque, D., C. Hudon, P. James & P. Legendre. 2016. Environmental factors structuring benthic primary producers at different spatial scales in the St. Lawrence River (Canada). Aquatic Sciences (published online, August 2016). doi: 10.1007/s00027-016-0501-4.
Macnaughton, C. J., C. Senay, I. Dolinsek, G. Bourque, A. Maheu, G. Lanthier, S. Harvey-Lavoie, J. Asselin, P. Legendre & D. Boisclair. 2016. Using guilds to assess fish community response to hydrological and thermal regimes across temperate rivers. Freshwater Biology, doi:10.1111/fwb.12815.
Tardif, S., É. Yergeau, J. Tremblay, P. Legendre, L. G. Whyte & C. W. Greer. 2016. The willow microbiome is influenced by soil petroleum-hydrocarbon concentration with plant compartment-specific effects. Frontiers in Microbiology (accepted).
Charles-Dominique, T., C. Edelin, A. Bouchard, P. Legendre and J. Brisson. 2015. Using intra-individual variation of shrub architecture to explain population cover. Oikos 124: 707-716.
Gaudreau, J., L. Perez et P. Legendre. 2015. Identification des variables expliquant la distribution spatiale d’oiseaux de la forêt boréale et modélisation de tendances futures : une approche multivariée. Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European Journal of Geography, document #722. doi: 10.4000/cybergeo.26969.
Guénard, G., D. Boisclair and P. Legendre. 2015. Phylogenetics to help predict active metabolism. Ecosphere 6: art62.
Lamy, T., P. Legendre, Y. Chancerelle, G. Siu and J. Claudet. 2015. Understanding the spatio-temporal response of coral reef fish communities to natural disturbances: insights from beta-diversity decomposition. PLoS ONE 10 : e0138696. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138696
- Legendre, P., M.-J. Fortin & D. Borcard. 2015. Should the Mantel test be used in spatial analysis? Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 1239–1247. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12425.
- Legendre, P. and B. Salvat. 2015. Thirty-year recovery of mollusc communities after nuclear experimentations on Fangataufa atoll (Tuamotu, French Polynesia). Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20150750. Supplements: Appendices S1-S3.
Macnaughton, C., S. Harvey-Lavoie, C. Senay, G. Lanthier, G. Bourque, P. Legendre and D. Boisclair. 2015. A comparison of electrofishing and visual surveying methods for estimating fish community structure in temperate rivers. River Research and Applications 31: 1040-1051
Sarrazin, J., P. Legendre, F. De Busserolles, M.-C. Fabri, K. Guilini, V. N. Ivanenko, M. Morineaux, A. Vanreusel & P.-M. Sarradin. 2015. Biodiversity patterns, environmental drivers and indicator species on a high temperature hydrothermal edifice, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Deep-Sea Research II 121: 177-192. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.04.013.
- Winegardner, A.K., B.E. Beisner, P. Legendre and I. Gregory-Eaves. 2015. Are the landscape-level drivers of water column and surface sediment diatoms different? Freshwater Biology 60: 267-281.
Blanchet, F. G., P. Legendre, J. A. C. Bergeron and F. He. 2014. Consensus RDA across dissimilarity coefficients for canonical ordination of community composition data. Ecological Monographs 84: 491-511.
Cuvelier, D., P. Legendre, A. Laes, P.-M. Sarradin and J. Sarrazin. 2014. Rhythms and community dynamics of a hydrothermal tubeworm assemblage at Main Endeavour Field – A multidisciplinary deep-sea observatory approach. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96924. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096924.
Guénard, G., P. C. von der Ohe, S. C. Walker, S. Lek and P. Legendre. 2014. Using phylogenetic information and chemical properties to predict species tolerances to pesticides. Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20133239.
Legendre, P. 2014. Interpreting the replacement and richness difference components of beta diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23: 1324-1334. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12207. Supplements: Appendices S1-S6.
Legendre, P. and O. Gauthier. 2014. Statistical methods for temporal and space-time analysis of community composition data. Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 281: 20132728. Download also the eLetter. Supplements: Appendices S1-S4, Appendix S5.
Makarenkov, V., A. Boc & P. Legendre. 2014. A new algorithm for inferring hybridization events based on the detection of horizontal gene transfers. Pp. 273–293 in: F. Aleskerov, B. Goldengorin and P. M. Pardalos [eds.] Clusters, Orders, and Trees: Methods and Applications. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 92. Springer, New York.
Murtagh, F. and P. Legendre. 2014. Ward’s hierarchical agglomerative clustering method: which algorithms implement Ward’s criterion? Journal of Classification 31: 274-295. doi: 10.1007/s00357-014-9161-z
Sarrazin, J., D. Cuvelier, L. Peton, P. Legendre and P. M. Sarradin. 2014. High-resolution dynamics of a deep-sea hydrothermal mussel assemblage monitored by the EMSO-Açores MoMAR observatory. Deep-Sea Research I 90: 62-75 (published online, 10 May 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2014.04.004).
Tremblay, R., R. Pienitz and P. Legendre. 2014. Reconstructing phosphorus levels using models based on the modern diatom assemblages of 55 lakes in southern Quebec. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71: 887-914.
Voisin, G., G. Bouvet, P. Legendre, A. Dagenais, C. Massé and Y. Berthiaume. 2014. Oxidative stress modulates the expression of genes involved in cell survival in ΔF508 cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells. Physiological Genomics 46: 634-646. doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00003.2014.
Boc, A., P. Legendre and V. Makarenkov. 2013. An efficient algorithm for the detection and classification of horizontal gene transfer events and identification of mosaic genes. Pp. 253-260 in: B. Lausen, D. Van den Poel and A. Ultsch (eds) Algorithms from and for Nature and Life: Classification and data analysis. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
De Cáceres, M., P. Legendre and F. He. 2013. Dissimilarity measurements and the size structure of ecological communities. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 1167-1177.
Genard, B., B. Marie, E. Loumaye, B. Knoops, P. Legendre, F. Zal and J.-F. Rees. 2013. Living in a hot redox soup: antioxidant defences of the hydrothermal worm, Alvinella pompejana. Aquatic Biology 18: 217-228.
Guénard, G., P. Legendre and P. R. Peres-Neto. 2013. Phylogenetic eigenvector maps (PEM): a framework to model and predict species traits. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 1120-1131.
Lanthier, G., D. Boisclair, G. Bourque, P. Legendre, M. Lapointe, and B. Angers. 2013. Optimization of temporal versus spatial replication in the development of habitat use models to explain among-reach variations of fish density estimates in rivers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70: 600-609.
Legendre, P. 2013. Indicator species: computation. Pp. 264-268 in : Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd edition. Simon Levin (ed.) Academic Press, Waltham, MA, USA.
Legendre, P. and M. De Cáceres. 2013. Beta diversity as the variance of community data: dissimilarity coefficients and partitioning. Ecology Letters 16: 951-963.
Mines, C., A. Ghadouani, N. D. Yan, P. Legendre and G. N. Ivey. 2013. Examining shifts in zooplankton community variability following biological invasion. Limnology & Oceanography 58: 399-408.
Pinel-Alloul, B., A. André, P. Legendre, J. Cardille, K. Patalas and A. Salki. 2013. Large-scale geographic patterns of diversity and community structure of pelagic crustacean zooplankton in Canadian lakes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 784-795.
Rogic, A., N. Tessier, P. Legendre, F.-J. Lapointe and V. Millien. 2013. Genetic structure of the white-footed mouse in the context of the emergence of Lyme disease in southern Québec. Ecology and Evolution (Article first published online: 3 June 2013 | DOI: 10.1002/ece3.620).
Sork, V. L., S. N. Aitken, R. J. Dyer, A. J. Eckert, P. Legendre and D. B. Neale. 2013. Putting the landscape into the genomics of forest trees: Approaches for understanding local adaptation and population responses to a changing climate. Tree Genetics & Genomes 9: 901-911.
Terrier, A., M. Girardin, C. Périé, P. Legendre and Y. Bergeron. 2013. Potential changes in forest composition could reduce impacts of climate change on boreal wildfires. Ecological Applications 23: 21-35.
Bertolo, A., G. F. Blanchet, P. Magnan, P. Brodeur, M. Mingelbier, and P. Legendre. 2012. Inferring processes from spatial patterns: the role of directional and non–directional forces in shaping fish larvae distribution in a freshwater lake system. PLoS ONE 7: e50239. doi:10.1371.
Beltrán, Y., C. M. Centeno, F. García-Oliva, P. Legendre & L. I. Falcón. 2012. N2 fixation rates and associated diversity (nifH) of microbialite and mat-forming consortia from different aquatic environments in Mexico. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 67: 15-24.
Borcard, D. and P. Legendre. 2012. Is the Mantel correlogram powerful enough to be useful in ecological analysis? A simulation study. Ecology 93: 1473-1481.
Centeno, C. M., P. Legendre, Y. Beltrán, R. J. Alcántara-Hernández, U. E. Lidström, M N. Ashby, and L. I. Falcón. 2012. Microbialite genetic diversity and composition relate to environmental variables. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 82: 724-735.
De Cáceres, M., P. Legendre, R. Valencia, M. Cao, L.-W. Chang, G. Chuyong, R. Condit, Z. Hao, C.-F. Hsieh, S. Hubbell, D. Kenfack, K. Ma, X. Mi, N. Supardi Noor, A. R. Kassim, H. Ren, S.-H. Su, I-F. Sun, D. Thomas, W. Ye and F. He. 2012. The variation of tree beta diversity across a global network of forest plots. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 1191-1202 (first published online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1466-8238.2012.00770.x).
De Cáceres, M., P. Legendre, S. Wiser and L. Brotons. 2012. Using species combinations in indicator value analyses. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (first published online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00246.x).
Dray, S., R. Pélissier, P. Couteron, M.-J. Fortin, P. Legendre, P. R. Peres-Neto, E. Bellier, R. Bivand, F. G. Blanchet, M. De Cáceres, A.-B. Dufour, E. Heegaard, T. Jombart, F. Munoz, J. Oksanen, J. Thioulouse and H. H. Wagner. 2012. Community ecology in the age of multivariate multiscale spatial analysis. Ecological Monographs 82: 257-275.
Kopp, D., Y. Bouchon-Navaro, M. Louis, P. Legendre and C. Bouchon. 2012. Spatial and temporal variation in a Caribbean herbivorous fish assemblage. Journal of Coastal Research 28: 63-72.
Lacoursière-Roussel, A., D. G. Bock, M. E. Cristescu, F. Guichard, P. Girard, P. Legendre and C. W. McKindsey. 2012. Disentangling invasion processes in a dynamic shipping–boating network. Molecular Ecology 21: 4227-4241.
Legendre, P. & H. J. B. Birks. 2012. Clustering and partitioning. Chapter 7, pp. 167-200 in: Tracking Environmental Change using Lake Sediments, Volume 5: Data handling and numerical techniques. H. J. B. Birks, A. F. Lotter, S. Juggins and J. P. Smol [eds.]. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Legendre, P. & H. J. B. Birks. 2012. From classical to canonical ordination. Chapter 8, pp. 201-248 in: Tracking Environmental Change using Lake Sediments, Volume 5: Data handling and numerical techniques. H. J. B. Birks, A. F. Lotter, S. Juggins and J. P. Smol [eds.]. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Legendre, P., D. Borcard and D. W. Roberts. 2012. Variation partitioning involving orthogonal spatial eigenfunction submodels. Ecology 93: 1234-1240.
Manel, S., F. Gugerli, W. Thuiller, N. Alvarez, P. Legendre, R. Holderegger, L. Gielly and P. Taberlet. 2012. Broad-scale adaptive genetic variation in Alpine plants is mainly driven by temperature and precipitation. Molecular Ecology 21: 3729-3738.
Ouellette, M.-H., P. Legendre and D. Borcard. 2012. Cascade multivariate regression tree: a novel approach for modelling nested explanatory sets. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 3:234-244.
Sharma, S., P. Legendre, D. Boisclair and S. Gauthier. 2012. Effects of spatial scale and choice of statistical model (linear versus tree-based) on determining species-habitat relationships. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 2095-2111.
Walker, S., G. Guénard and P. Legendre. 2012. Multiple-table data in R with the multitable package. Journal of Statistical Software 51: 1-38.
Bellchambers, L. M., J. J. Meeuwig, S. N. Evans, and P. Legendre. 2011. Modelling habitat associations of 14 species of holoturians from an unfished coral atoll: implications for fisheries management. Aquatic Biology 14: 57-66.
Bellchambers, L. M., J. J. Meeuwig, S. N. Evans, and P. Legendre. 2011. Modelling habitat associations of the common spider conch in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 432: 83-90.
Blanchet, F. G., P. Legendre, R. Maranger, D. Monti and P. Pepin. 2011. Modelling the effect of directional spatial ecological processes at different scales. Oecologia 166: 357-368.
Brind’Amour, A., D. Boisclair, S. Dray and P. Legendre. 2011. Relationships between species feeding traits and environmental conditions in fish communities: a three-matrix approach. Ecological Applications 21: 363-377.
Campbell, V., P. Legendre, and F.-J. Lapointe. 2011. The performance of the Congruence Among Distance Matrices (CADM) test in phylogenetic analysis. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 64. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/11/64.
Clua, E., N. Buray, P. Legendre, J. Mourier and S. Planes. 2011. Business partner or simple catch? The economic value of the sicklefin lemon shark in French Polynesia. Marine and Freshwater Research 62: 764-770. (Special issue of MFR for the proceedings of the Sharks International Conference, Cairns, Australia, June 6-11, 2010).
Coat, S., D. Monti, P. Legendre, C. Bouchon, F. Massat and G. Lepoint. 2011. Organochlorine pollution in tropical rivers (Guadeloupe): role of ecological factors in food web bioaccumulation. Environmental Pollution 159: 1692-1701.
De Cáceres, M., D. Sol, O. Lapiedra and P. Legendre. 2011. A framework for estimating niche metrics using the resemblance between qualitative resources. Oikos 120: 1341-1350.
Declerck, S. A. J., J. S. Coronel, P. Legendre and L. Brendonck. 2011. Scale dependency of processes structuring metacommunities of cladocerans in temporary pools of High-Andes wetlands. Ecography 34: 296-305.
Guénard, G., P. C. von der Ohe, D. de Zwart, P. Legendre and S. Lek. 2011. Using phylogenetic information to predict species tolerances to toxic chemicals. Ecological Applications 21: 3178-3190.
Legendre, P., J. Oksanen and C. J. F. ter Braak. 2011. Testing the significance of canonical axes in redundancy analysis. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 2: 269-277. (Zipped folder of R functions.)
Matabos M., S. Plouviez, S. Hourdez, D. Desbruyère, P. Legendre, A. Warén, D. Jollivet, and E. Thiébaut. 2011. Faunal changes and geographic crypticism indicate the occurrence of a biogeographic transition zone along the southern East Pacific Rise. Journal of Biogeography 38: 575-594.
Sharma, S., P. Legendre, M. De Cáceres and D. Boisclair. 2011. The role of environmental and spatial processes in structuring native and non-native fish communities across thousands of lakes. Ecography 34: 762-771.
Ali, G., A. Roy and P. Legendre. 2010. Spatial relationships between soil moisture patterns and topographic variables at multiple scales in a humid temperate forested catchment. Water Resources Research 46, W10526, doi:10.1029/2009WR008804.
Clua, E., N. Buray, P. Legendre, J. Mourier and S. Planes. 2010a. Behavioural response of sicklefin lemon sharks Negaprion acutidens to underwater feeding for ecotourism purposes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 414: 257-266.
Clua, E., N. Buray, P. Legendre, J. Mourier and S. Planes. 2010b. Effects of provisioning on shark behaviour: Reply to Brunnschweiler & McKenzie (2010). Marine Ecology Progress Series 420 : 285-288.
(Le fichier pdf contient deux articles: Brunnschweiler and McKenzie 2010, suivi de Clua et al. 2010b.)
(The pdf file contains two papers: Brunnschweiler and McKenzie 2010, followed by Clua et al. 2010b.)
De Cáceres, M., P. Legendre and M. Moretti. 2010. Improving indicator species analysis by combining groups of sites. Oikos 119: 1674-1684.
Epperson, B. K., B. H. McRae, K. Scribner, S. A. Cushman, M. S. Rosenberg, M.-J. Fortin, P. M.A. James, M. Murphy, S. Manel, P. Legendre, and M. R. T. Dale. 2010. Utility of computer simulations in landscape genetics. Molecular Ecology 19: 3549-3564.
Guénard, G., P. Legendre, D. Boisclair, and M. Bilodeau. 2010. Multiscale codependence analysis: an integrated approach to analyze relationships across scales. Ecology 91: 2952-2964.
Laliberté, E., and P. Legendre. 2010. A distance-based framework for measuring functional diversity from multiple traits. Ecology 91(1): 299-305.
Legendre, P. 2010. Coefficient of concordance. Pp. 164-169 in: Encyclopedia of Research Design, Vol. 1. N. J. Salkind, ed. SAGE Publications, Inc., Los Angeles.
Legendre, P., M. De Cáceres, and D. Borcard. 2010. Community surveys through space and time: testing the space-time interaction in the absence of replication. Ecology 91(1): 262-272 . Appendices and Supplement to this paper.
Legendre, P. and M.-J. Fortin. 2010. Comparison of the Mantel test and alternative approaches for detecting complex multivariate relationships in the spatial analysis of genetic data. Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 831-844. - Appendices to this paper.
Makarenkov, V., J. Xie, A. Boc, P. Peres-Neto, F.-J. Lapointe and P. Legendre. 2010. Weighted bootstrapping: a correction method for assessing the robustness of phylogenetic trees. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 250. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-10-250.
Manel, S, B. N. Poncet, P. Legendre, F. Gugerli and R. Holderegger. 2010. Common factors drive adaptive genetic variation at different spatial scales in Arabis alpina. Molecular Ecology 19: 3824-3835.
Moretti, M., M. De Cáceres, C. Pradella, M. K. Obrist, B. Wermelinger, P. Legendre and P. Duelli. 2010. Fire-induced taxonomic and functional changes in saproxylic beetle communities in fire sensitive regions. Ecography 33: 760-771.
Noorduijn, S. L., A. Ghadouani, R. Vogwill, K. R. J. Smettem, and P. Legendre. 2010. Water table response to an experimental alley farming trial: dissecting the spatial and temporal structure of the data. Ecological Applications 20: 1704-1720.
Peres-Neto, P. R. and P. Legendre. 2010. Estimating and controlling for spatial structure in the study of ecological communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 174-184.
Roy, M. L., A. G. Roy, and P. Legendre. 2010. The relations between ‘standard’ fluvial habitat variables and turbulent flow at multiple scales in morphological units of a gravel-bed river. River Research and Applications 26: 439-455.
Sattler, T., D. Borcard, R. Arlettaz, F. Bontadina, P. Legendre, M. Obrist, and M. Moretti. 2010. Spider, bee and bird communities in cities are shaped by environmental control and high stochasticity. Ecology 91: 3343-3353.
Aubin, I., M.-H. Ouellette, P. Legendre, C. Messier and A. Bouchard. 2009. Comparison of two plant functional approaches to evaluate natural restoration along an old-field - deciduous forest chronosequence. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 185-198.
Bachraty, C., P. Legendre and D. Desbruyères. 2009. Biogeographic relationships among deep-sea hydrothermal vent faunas at global scale. Deep-Sea Research I 56(8): 1371-1378.
Boutet, I., A. Tanguy, D. Le Guen, P. Piccino, S. Hourdez, P. Legendre, and D. Jollivet. 2009. Global depression in gene expression as a response to rapid thermal changes in vent mussels. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276 : 3071-3079.
Campbell, V., P. Legendre and F.-J. Lapointe. 2009. Assessing congruence among ultrametric distance matrices. Journal of Classification 26: 103-117.
De Cáceres, M., and P. Legendre. 2009. Associations between species and groups of sites: indices and statistical inference. Ecology 90: 3566-3574
Laliberté, E., A. Paquette, P. Legendre, and A. Bouchard. 2009. Assessing the scale-specific importance of niches and other spatial processes on beta diversity: a case study from a temperate forest. Oecologia 159: 377-388.
Legendre, P. and Y. Desdevises. 2009. Independent contrasts and regression through the origin. Journal of Theoretical Biology 259: 727-743.
Legendre, P., X. Mi, H. Ren, K. Ma, M. Yu, I. F. Sun, and F. He. 2009. Partitioning beta diversity in a subtropical broad-leaved forest of China. Ecology 90: 663-674.
Monti, D. and P. Legendre. 2009. Shifts between biotic and physical driving forces of species organization under natural disturbance regimes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66 (8): 1282-1293.
Arias-González, J. E., P. Legendre, and F. A. Rodríguez-Zaragoza. 2008. Scaling up beta diversity on Caribbean coral reefs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 366 : 28-36.
Blanchet F. G., P. Legendre, and D. Borcard. 2008. Forward selection of explanatory variables. Ecology 89: 2623-2632.
Blanchet, F.G., P. Legendre, and D. Borcard. 2008. Modelling directional spatial processes in ecological data. Ecological Modelling 215: 325-336.
Clua, E. and P. Legendre. 2008. Shifting dominance among Scarid species on reefs representing a gradient of fishing pressure. Aquatic Living Resources 21:339-348.
Cubo, J., P. Legendre, A. de Ricqlès, L. Montes, E. de Margerie, J. Castanet, and Y. Desdevises. 2008. Phylogenetic, functional, and structural components of variation in bone growth rate of amniotes. Evolution & Development 10: 217-227.
De Caceres, M., and P. Legendre. 2008. Beals smoothing revisited. Oecologia 156: 657-669.
Dray, S. and P. Legendre. 2008. Testing the species traits-environment relationships: the fourth-corner problem revisited. Ecology 89: 3400-3412.
Escobar-Briones, E. G., C. Diaz, and P. Legendre. 2008a. Meiofaunal community structure of the deep-sea Gulf of Mexico: variability due to sorting methods. Deep-Sea Research 1I: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55: 2627-2633.
Escobar-Briones, E. G., A. Gaytán-Caballero, & P. Legendre. 2008b. Epibenthic megacrustaceans from the continental margin, slope and abyssal plain of the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico: factors responsible for variability in species composition and diversity. Deep-Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55: 2667-2678.
Escobar-Briones, E., E. L. Estrada Santillán, & P. Legendre. 2008c. Macrofaunal density and biomass in the Campeche Canyon, Southern Gulf of Mexico. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55: 2679-2686.
Houlahan, J. E., K. Cottenie, G. S. Cumming, D. J. Currie, C. S. Findlay, U. Gaedke, P. Legendre, J. J. Magnuson, B. H. McArdle, R. D. Stevens, I. P. Woiwod, & S. M. Wondzell. 2008. The utility of covariances: a response to Ranta et al. Oikos 117: 1912-1913.
Jones, M. M., H. Tuomisto, D. Borcard, P. Legendre, D. B. Clark, and P. C. Olivas. 2008. Explaining variation in tropical plant community composition: influence of environmental and spatial data quality. Oecologia 155: 593-604.
Léonard, R., P. Legendre, M. Jean and A. Bouchard. 2008. Spatial patterns of submerged macrophyte communities in a fluvio-lacustrine section of the St. Lawrence River: a landscape ecology perspective. Landscape Ecology 23 : 91-105.
Legendre, P. 2008. Studying beta diversity: ecological variation partitioning by multiple regression and canonical analysis. Journal of Plant Ecology (English version) 1: 3-8. (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science.)
Legendre, P., D. Borcard, & P. R. Peres-Neto. 2008. Analyzing or explaining beta diversity? Comment. Ecology 89: 3238-3244.
Pélissier, R., P. Couteron, and S. Dray. 2008. Analyzing or explaining beta diversity: Comment. Ecology 89: 3227-3232.
Laliberté, É. 2008.Analyzing or explaining beta diversity: Comment. Ecology 89: 3232-3237.
Legendre, P., D. Borcard, and P. R. Peres-Neto. 2008. Analyzing or explaining beta diversity: Comment. Ecology 89: 3238-3244.
Rhainds, M., J. Brodeur, D. Borcard, & P. Legendre. 2008. Toward management guidelines for soybean aphid, Aphis glycine, in Québec. II. Spatial distribution of aphid populations in commercial soybean fields. Canadian Entomologist 140: 219-234.
Tuomisto, H., and K. Ruokolainen. 2008. Analyzing or explaining beta diversity: Reply. Ecology 89: 3244-3256.
(La discussion sur “Analyzing or explaining beta diversity” comprend quatre articles dans le même fichier)
(The “Analyzing or explaining beta diversity” discussion comprises four papers in the same file.)
Caraguel, C. G. B., C. J. O’Kelly, P. Legendre, S. Frasca Jr., R. J. Gast, B. M. Després, R. J. Cawthorn & S. J. Greenwood. 2007. Microheterogeneity and coevolution: an examination of rDNA sequence characteristics in Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis and its prokinetoplastid endosymbiont. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 54: 418-426.
Houlahan, J. E., D. J. Currie, K. Cottenie, G. S. Cumming, S. K. M. Ernest, C. S. Findlay, S. D. Fuhlendorf, U. Gaedke, P. Legendre, J. J. Magnuson, B. H. McArdle, E. H. Muldavin, D. Noble, R. Russell, R. D. Stevens, T. J. Willis, I. P. Woiwod, and S. M. Wondzell. 2007. Compensatory dynamics are rare in natural ecological communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA) 104: 3273-3277.
Lacey, R. W. J., P. Legendre and A. Roy. 2007. Spatial-scale partitioning of in situ turbulent flow data over a pebble cluster in a gravel-bed river. Water Resources Research 43, W03416, doi:10.1029/2006WR005044
Legendre, P. 2007. Studying beta diversity: ecological variation partitioning by multiple regression and canonical analysis. Journal of Plant Ecology (Chinese version), formerly Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 31 : 976-981.
Michel, N., F. Burel, P. Legendre and A. Butet. 2007. Role of habitat and landscape in structuring small mammal assemblages in hedgerow networks of contrasted farming landscapes in Brittany, France. Landscape Ecology 22, 1241-1253.
Paquette, A., E. Laliberté, A. Bouchard, S. de Blois, P. Legendre and J. Brisson. 2007. Lac Croche understory vegetation data set (1998-2006). Ecology 88: 3209. (“Data paper”)
Clua, E., P. Legendre, L. Vigliola, F. Magron, M. Kulbicki, S. Sarramegna, P. Labrosse and R. Galzin. 2006. Medium-scale approach (MSA) for improved assessment of coral reef fish habitat. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
333: 219-230.
Dray, S., P. Legendre and P. Peres-Neto. 2006. Spatial modelling: a
framework for principal coordinate analysis of neighbor matrices
Ecological Modelling 196: 483-493.
Durand, S., P. Legendre and S. K. Juniper. 2006. Sonar backscatter differentiation of dominant macrohabitat types in a hydrothermal vent field. Ecological Applications 16: 1421-1435.
Legendre, P. & D. Borcard. 2006.
Quelles sont les échelles spatiales importantes dans un écosystème ? Chapitre 19 (p. 425-442) in: J.-J. Droesbeke, M. Lejeune et G. Saporta (éds), Analyse statistique de données spatiales. Editions TECHNIP, Paris. (Manuscrit du chapitre en format PDF / Chapter manuscript in PDF format.)
Makarenkov, V., D. Kevorkov and P. Legendre. 2006. Phylogenetic network construction approaches. Pp. 61-97 in: Applied Mycology and Biotechnology, Volume 6: Bioinformatics. Elsevier Science B. V., Amsterdam.
Passy, S. I. and P. Legendre. 2006. Power law relationships among hierarchical taxonomic categories in algae reveal a new paradox of the plankton. Global Ecology and Biogeography 15: 528-535.
Passy, S. I. and P. Legendre. 2006. Are algal communities driven toward maximum biomass? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273: 2667-2674.
Peres-Neto, P.R., P. Legendre, S. Dray, and D. Borcard. 2006. Variation partitioning of species data matrices: estimation and comparison of fractions. Ecology 87: 2614-2625
Tall, L., A. Cattaneo, L. Cloutier, S. Dray and P. Legendre. 2006. Resource partitioning in a grazer guild feeding on a multilayer diatom mat. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25: 800-810.
Blanchet, G. et P. Legendre. 2005. Analyse spatiale de la communauté végétale de la portion nord du désert du Chihuahua. P. 63-66 in: Makarenkov, V., G. Cucumel et F.-J. Lapointe (éds) Comptes-rendus des 12èmes Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, Université du Québec à Montréal, 30 mai - 1er juin 2005.
Bouchon-Navaro, Y., C. Bouchon, M. Louis and P. Legendre. 2005. Biogeographic patterns of coastal fish assemblages in the West Indies. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 315: 31-47.
Brind’Amour, A., D. Boisclair, P. Legendre and D. Borcard. 2005. Multiscale
spatial distribution of a littoral fish community in relation to
environmental variables. Limnology and Oceanography 50: 465-479.
Durand, S. et P. Legendre. 2005. Classification et détection d’habitats benthiques à l’aide de signatures sonores. P. 130-134 in: Makarenkov, V., G. Cucumel et F.-J. Lapointe (éds) Comptes-rendus des 12èmes Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, Université du Québec à Montréal, 30 mai - 1er juin 2005.
Hooper, E., P. Legendre and R. Condit. 2005. Barriers to forest regeneration of deforested and abandoned land in Panama. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 1165-1174.
Legendre, P. 2005. Species associations: the Kendall coefficient of concordance revisited. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 10: 226-245.
Legendre, P., D. Borcard and P. R. Peres-Neto. 2005. Analyzing beta diversity: partitioning the spatial variation of community composition data. Ecological Monographs 75: 435-450. ("Concepts & Synthesis" paper.)
Legendre, P. et F.-J. Lapointe. 2005. Congruence entre matrices de distance. P. 178-181 in: Makarenkov, V., G. Cucumel et F.-J. Lapointe (éds) Comptes-rendus des 12èmes Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, Université du Québec à Montréal, 30 mai - 1er juin 2005.
Núñez-Lara, E., E. Arias-González and P. Legendre. 2005. Spatial patterns of Yucatan reef fish communities: testing models using a multi-scale survey design. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 324: 157-169.
Ouellette, M.-H., J.-L. DesGranges, P. Legendre et D. Borcard. 2005. L’arbre de régression multivariable : classification d’assemblages d’oiseaux fondée sur les caractéristiques de leur habitat. P. 229-232 in: Makarenkov, V., G. Cucumel et F.-J. Lapointe (éds) Comptes-rendus des 12èmes Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, Université du Québec à Montréal, 30 mai - 1er juin 2005.
Makarenkov, V., P. Legendre & Y. Desdevises. 2004. Modelling phylogenetic relationships using reticulated networks. Zoologica Scripta 33: 89-96.
Borcard, D., P. Legendre, C. Avois-Jacquet & H. Tuomisto. 2004. Dissecting the spatial structure of ecological data at multiple scales. Ecology 85(7): 1826-1832 (Statistical report).
Makarenkov, V. & P. Legendre. 2004. From a phylogenetic tree to a reticulated network. Journal of Computational Biology 11(1): 195-212.
Legendre, P., M. R. T. Dale, M.-J. Fortin, P. Casgrain and J. Gurevitch. 2004.
Effects of spatial structures on the results of field experiments. Ecology 85: 3202-3214.
Legendre, P. & F.-J. Lapointe. 2004. Assessing the congruence among distance matrices: single malt Scotch whiskies revisited. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Statistics 46: 615-629.
Hewitt, J. E., S. F. Thrush, P. Legendre, G. A. Funnell, and M. Morrison. 2004. Mapping of marine soft-sediment communities: integrated sampling for
ecological interpretation. Ecological Applications 14(4):1203-1216.
Hooper, E.R., P. Legendre and R. Condit. 2004. Factors affecting community
composition of forest regeneration in deforested, abandoned land in Panama. Ecology 85: 3313-3326
Borcard, D. 2002. Régression et corrélation multiples et partielles: r2
partiel, contribution et fraction (a) (version française) Partial r2, contribution and fraction (a) (English version). Département de sciences biologiques, Université de Montréal. 8 pages.
Borcard, D. and P. Legendre. 2002. All-scale spatial analysis of ecological data by means of principal coordinates of neighbour matrices. Ecological Modelling 153: 51-68.
Dale, M., P. Dixon, M.-J. Fortin, P. Legendre, D. Myers and M. Rosenberg. 2002. Conceptual and mathematical relationships among methods for spatial
analysis. Ecography 25: 558-577.
(PDFs of all
papers of the Ecography special section “Integrating the statistical
analysis of spatial data in ecology” are available on
Dalle, S. P., H. López, D. Díaz, P. Legendre & C. Potvin. 2002. Spatial distribution and habitats of useful plants: an initial assessment for conservation on an indigenous territory, Panama. Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 637-667.
Desdevises, Y., Morand, S., & P. Legendre. 2002. Evolution and determinants of host specificity in the genus Lamellodiscus (Monogenea). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 77: 431-443.
Desdevises, Y., S. Morand, O. Jousson & P. Legendre. 2002. Coevolution
between Lamellodiscus (Monogenea: Diplectanidae) and Sparidae (Teleostei):
the study of a complex host-parasite system. Evolution 56(12) 2459-2471.
Dungan, J. L., J. N. Perry, M. R. T. Dale, P. Legendre, S. Citron-Pousty,
M.-J. Fortin, A. Jakomulska, M. Miriti and M. S. Rosenberg. 2002. A
balanced view of scaling in spatial statistical analysis. Ecography 25:
(PDFs of all
papers of the Ecography special section “Integrating the statistical
analysis of spatial data in ecology” are available on
Durand, S., M. Le Bel, S. K. Juniper and P. Legendre. 2002. The use of video
surveys, a Geographic Information System and sonar backscatter data to
study faunal community dynamics at Juan de Fuca Ridge hydrothermal vents.
Cahiers de Biologie Marine 43: 235-240.
Grillet, M. E., P. Legendre & D. Borcard. 2002. Community structure of neotropical wetland insects in Northern Venezuela. I. Temporal and environmental factors. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 155: 413-436.
Grillet, M. E., P. Legendre & D. Borcard. 2002. Community structure of neotropical wetland insects in Northern Venezuela. II. Habitat type and environmental factors. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 155: 437-453.
He, F. and P. Legendre. 2002. Species diversity patterns derived from species-area models. Ecology 83(5): 1185-1198. (“Concept” section).
Hewitt, J. E., S. F. Thrush, P. Legendre, V. J. Cummings & A. Norkko. 2002. Integrating heterogeneity across spatial scales: interactions between
Atrina zealandica and benthic macrofauna. Marine Ecology Progress Series 239: 115-128.
Hooper, E., R. Condit and P. Legendre. 2002. Responses of 20 native tree species to reforestation strategies for abandoned farmland in Panama. Ecological Applications 12(6): 1626-1641.
Legendre, P., Y. Desdevises and E. Bazin. 2002. A statistical test for host-parasite coevolution. Systematic Biology 51(2): 217-234.
Legendre, P., M. R. T. Dale, M.-J. Fortin, J. Gurevitch, M. Hohn and D.
Myers. 2002. The consequences of spatial structure for the design and
analysis of ecological field surveys. Ecography 25: 601-615.
(PDFs of all
papers of the Ecography special section “Integrating the statistical
analysis of spatial data in ecology” are available on
Legendre, P., K. E. Ellingsen, E. Bjørnbom & P. Casgrain. 2002. Acoustic seabed classification: improved statistical method. Canadian Journal of Fisheries
and Aquatic Sciences 59 (7): 1085-1089.
(La discussion sur “Acoustic seabed classification” comprend trois
(The discussion on “Acoustic seabed classification” is made of three
- Legendre, P. and V. Makarenkov. 2002. Reconstruction of biogeographic and evolutionary networks using reticulograms. Systematic Biology 51(2): 199-216.
Lobo, A., P. Legendre, J. L. González Rebollar, J. Carreras & J.-M. Ninot. 2002. Land cover classification at a regional scale in Iberia: separability in a multi-temporal and multi-spectral data set of satellite images. Pp. 348–353 in: Proceedings of the Symposium “Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing”, Auditori de Torrent, Spain, 16-20 September 2002.
- Makarenkov, V., & Legendre, P. 2002. Nonlinear redundancy analysis and canonical
correspondence analysis based on polynomial regression. Ecology 83(4): 1146-1161.
Guay, J. C., D. Boisclair, M. Leclerc, M. Lapointe & P. Legendre. 2001. Science on the edge of spatial scales: a reply to the comment of Williams (2001). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58: 2108-2111.
Legendre, P. and E. Gallagher. 2001. Ecologically meaningful transformations for
ordination of species data. Oecologia 129: 271-280. (Reprint available, © 2001 “Springer-Verlag”. The original publication is available on http://link.springer.de/)
Makarenkov, V., E. Bazin & P. Legendre. 2001. T-REX – Software for reconstructing phylogenetic trees and reticulation networks. The multiple regression on distance matrices as a comparative method. Pp. 209-210 in: N. El-Mabrouk, T. Lengauer & D. Sankoff [Eds.], Currents in computational molecular biology 2001. (Proceedings of the RECOMB 2001 Conference, Montréal.) Les Publications CRM, Montréal.
Makarenkov, V., Legendre, P. 2001. Optimal Variable Weighting for Ultrametric and Additive Trees and K-means Partitioning: Methods and Software. Journal of Classification 18: 245-271.
Avois, C., P. Legendre, S. Masson and B. Pinel-Alloul. 2000. Is the sampling strategy interfering with the study of spatial variability of zooplankton communities? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 1940-1956.
Bellehumeur, C., D. Marcotte & P. Legendre. 2000. Estimation of regionalized phenomena by geostatistical methods: lake acidity on the Canadian Shield. Environmental Geology 39: 211-220.
- Dutilleul, P., J. D. Stockwell, D. Frigon & P. Legendre. 2000. The Mantel test versus Pearson’s correlation analysis: assessment of the differences for biological and environmental studies. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 5: 131-150.
Guay, J.-C., D. Boisclair, D. Rioux, M. Leclerc, M. Lapointe & P. Legendre. 2000. Development and validation of numerical habitat models for juveniles of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 2065-2075.
- Legendre, P. 2000. Comparison of permutation methods for the partial
correlation and partial Mantel tests. Journal of Statistical Computation
and Simulation 67: 37-73.
- Legendre, P. (Guest Editor) 2000. Special section on reticulate evolution. Journal of Classification 17: 153-195.
Augustin, D., R. Galzin, P. Legendre & B. Salvat. 1997. Variation interannuelle des peuplements récifaux du récif-barrière de Tiahura (île de Moorea, Polynésie française). Oceanologica Acta 20: 743-756.
Bellehumeur, C. & P. Legendre. 1997. Aggregation of Sampling Units: An Analytical Solution to Predict Variance. Geographical Analysis 29: 258-266.
Bellehumeur, C., P. Legendre & D. Marcotte. 1997. Variance and spatial scales in a tropical rain forest: changing the size of sampling units. Plant Ecology 130: 89–98.
Dufrêne, M. & P. Legendre. 1997. Species assemblages and indicator species: the need for a flexible asymmetrical approach. Ecological Monographs 67: 345-366.
Gauthier, S., D. Boisclair & P. Legendre. 1997. Evaluation of a variable angle scanning method to estimate relative abundance and distribution of fish using a single-beam echosounder in shallow lakes. Journal of Fish Biology 50: 208-221.
Grant, J., S. J. Turner, P. Legendre, T. M. Hume & R. G. Bell. 1997. Patterns of sediment reworking and transport over small spatial scales on an intertidal sandflat, Manukau Harbour, New Zealand. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 216: 33-50.
He, F., P. Legendre & J. V. LaFrankie. 1997. Distribution patterns of tree species in a Malaysian tropical rain forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 8: 105-114.
Hewitt, J. E., P. Legendre, B. H. McArdle, S. F. Thrush, C. Bellehumeur & S. M. Lawrie. 1997. Identifying relationships between adult and juvenile bivalves at different spatial scales. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 216: 77-98.
Hines, A. H., R. B. Whitlatch, S. F. Thrush, J. E. Hewitt, V. J. Cummings, P. K. Dayton & P. Legendre. 1997. Nonlinear foraging response of a large marine predator to benthic prey: eagle ray pits and bivalves in a New Zealand sandflat. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 216: 191-210.
Lanctôt, J.-L., P. Legendre & B. Salvat. 1997. How do coral reef Gastropods feel about nuclear testing? A long-term study of the effects of man-made perturbations. Oceanologica Acta 20: 243-257.
Legendre, P., R. Galzin & M. L. Harmelin-Vivien. 1997. Relating behavior to habitat: solutions to the fourth-corner problem. Ecology 78: 547-562.
Legendre, P. & B.H. McArdle. 1997. Comparison of surfaces. Oceanologica Acta 20: 27-41.
Legendre, P., S. F. Thrush, V. J. Cummings, P. K. Dayton, J. Grant, J. E. Hewitt, A. H. Hines, B. H. McArdle, R. D. Pridmore, D. C. Schneider, S. J. Turner, R. B. Whitlatch & M. R. Wilkinson. 1997. Spatial structure of bivalves in a sandflat: scale and generating processes. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 216: 99-128.
Renaud, J. & P. Legendre. 1997. Nouveaux immigrants et localisation résidentielle. P. 103-127 in: D. Meintel, V. Piché, D. Juteau et S. Fortin (éds.) Le quartier Côte-des-Neiges à Montréal - Les interfaces de la pluriethnicité. L’Harmattan, Paris.
Thrush, S. F., V. J. Cummings, P. K. Dayton, R. Ford, J. Grant, J. E. Hewitt, A. H. Hines, S. M. Lawrie, R. D. Pridmore, P. Legendre, B. H. McArdle, D. C. Schneider, S. J. Turner, R. B. Whitlatch & M. R. Wilkinson. 1997. Matching the outcome of small-scale density manipulation experiments with larger scale patterns: an example of bivalve adult/juvenile interactions. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 216: 153-169.
Thrush, S. F., R. D. Pridmore, R. G. Bell, V. J. Cummings, P. K. Dayton, R. Ford, J. Grant, M. O. Green, J. E. Hewitt, A. H. Hines, T. M. Hume, S. M. Lawrie, P. Legendre, B. H. McArdle, D. Morrisey, D. C. Schneider, S. J. Turner, R. A. Walters, R. B. Whitlatch & M. R. Wilkinson. 1997. The sandflat habitat: scaling from experiments to conclusions. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 216: 1-9.
Thrush, S. F., D. C. Schneider, P. Legendre, R. B. Whitlatch, P. K. Dayton, J. E. Hewitt, A. H. Hines, V. J. Cummings, S. M. Lawrie, J. Grant, R. D. Pridmore, S. J. Turner & B. H. McArdle. 1997. Scaling-up from experiments to complex ecological systems: where to next? J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 216: 243-254.
Casgrain, P., P. Legendre, J.-L. Sixou & C. Mouton. 1996. A graph-theory method to establish serological relationships within a bacterial taxon, with example from Porphyromonas gingivalis. Journal of Microbiological Methods 26: 225-236.
He, F. and P. Legendre. 1996. On species-area relations. The American
Naturalist 148(5): 719-737.
He, F., P. Legendre & J. V. LaFrankie. 1996. Spatial pattern of diversity in a tropical rain forest of Malaysia. Journal of Biogeography 23: 57-74.
Lapointe, F.-J. & P. Legendre. 1996. Evolution of the marsupial brain: Does it reflect the evolution of behavior? Chapter 11, pp. 187-212 in: Animals and their environment – A tribute to Paul Pirlot (T. Cabana, editor). Éditions Orbis Publishing, Frelighsburg, Canada.
Le Boulengé, É., P. Legendre, C. de le Court, P. Le Boulengé-Nguyen & M. Languy. 1996. Microgeographic morphological differentiation in muskrats. Journal of Mammalogy 77: 684-701.
Mesplé, F., M. Troussellier, C. Casellas and P. Legendre. 1996. Evaluation of simple statistical criteria to qualify a simulation. Ecological Modelling 88: 9-18.
Morand, S., P. Legendre, S. L. Gardner & J.-P. Hugot. 1996. Body size evolution of oxyurid (Nematoda) parasites: the role of hosts. Oecologia 107: 274-282.
Thomson, J. D., G. Weiblen, B. A. Thomson, S. Alfaro & P. Legendre. 1996. Untangling multiple factors in spatial distributions: lilies, gophers, and rocks. Ecology 77: 1698-1715. (“Concept” section.)
Borcard, D. & P. Legendre. 1994. Environmental control and spatial structure in ecological communities: an example using Oribatid mites
(Acari, Oribatei). Environmental and Ecological Statistics 1: 37-61.
De Puytorac, P., J. Grain & P. Legendre. 1994. An attempt at reconstructing the phylogenetic tree of Ciliophora using parsimony methods. European Journal of Protistology 30: 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0932-4739(11)80193-8.
He, F., P. Legendre, C. Bellehumeur & J. V. LaFrankie. 1994. Diversity pattern and spatial scale: a study of a tropical rain forest of Malaysia. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 1: 265-286.
Lapointe, F.-J. & P. Legendre. 1994. A classification of pure malt Scotch whiskies. Applied Statistics 43: 237-257.
Legendre, P., F.-J. Lapointe & P. Casgrain. 1994. Modeling brain evolution from behavior: a permutational regression approach. Evolution 48: 1487-1499.
Magnan, P., M. A. Rodríguez, P. Legendre and S. Lacasse. 1994. Dietary variation in a freshwater fish species: relative contribution of biotic interactions, abiotic factors, and spatial structure. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51: 2856-2865.
Roy, R., P. Legendre, R. Knowles & M.N. Charlton. 1994. Denitrification and methane production in sediment of Hamilton Harbour (Canada). Microbial Ecology 27: 123-141.
Cattaneo, A., P. Legendre & T. Niyonsenga. 1993. Exploring periphyton unpredictability. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 12: 418-430.
Dutilleul, P. & P. Legendre. 1993. Spatial heterogeneity against heteroscedasticity: an ecological paradigm versus a statistical concept. Oikos 66: 152-171.
Fromentin, J.-M., F. Ibanez & P. Legendre. 1993. A phytosociological method for interpreting plankton data. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 93: 285-306.
Legendre, P. 1993. Real data are messy Statistics and Computing 3: 197-199.
Legendre, P. 1993. Spatial autocorrelation: Trouble or new paradigm? Ecology 74: 1659-1673 (Part of a Special Feature).
Planes, S., A. Lefèvre, P. Legendre & R. Galzin. 1993. Spatio-temporal variability in fish recruitment to a coral reef (Moorea, French Polynesia). Coral Reefs 12: 105-113.
Bach, P., P. Legendre, M. Amanieu & G. Lasserre. 1992. Strategy of eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) exploitation in the Thau lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 35: 55-73.
Borcard, D., P. Legendre & P. Drapeau. 1992. Partialling out the spatial component of ecological variation. Ecology 73: 1045-1055.
Bourgault, G., D. Marcotte & P. Legendre. 1992. The multivariate (co)variogram as a spatial weighting function in classification methods. Mathematical Geology 24: 463-478.
Demers, S., J. Kim, P. Legendre & L. Legendre. 1992. Analyzing multivariate flow cytometric data in aquatic sciences. Cytometry 13: 291-298.
Dutilleul, P. & P. Legendre. 1992. Lack of robustness in two tests of normality against autocorrelation in sample data. J. Statist. Comput. Simul. 42: 79-91.
Élie, D. & P. Legendre. 1992. Autocorrélation spatiale et déplacement de la criminalité. Criminologie 25: 139-154.
Lapointe, F.-J. & P. Legendre. 1992. A statistical framework to test the consensus among additive trees (cladograms). Syst. Biol. 41: 158-171.
Lapointe, F.-J. & P. Legendre. 1992. Statistical significance of the matrix correlation coefficient for comparing independent phylogenetic trees. Syst. Biol. 41: 378-384.
Leduc, A., P. Drapeau, Y. Bergeron & P. Legendre. 1992. Study of spatial components of forest cover using partial Mantel tests and path analysis. Journal of Vegetation Science 3: 69-78.
Simard, Y., P. Legendre, G. Lavoie & D. Marcotte. 1992. Mapping, estimating biomass, and optimizing sampling programs for spatially autocorrelated data: Case study of the Northern Shrimp (Pandalus borealis). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 49: 32-45.
- Dufrêne, M. & P. Legendre. 1991. Geographic structure and potential ecological factors in Belgium. J. Biogeogr. 18: 257-266.
- Hudon, C., P. Legendre, A. Lavoie, J.-M. Dubois & G. Vigeant. 1991. Effets du climat et de l'hydrographie sur le recrutement du homard américain (Homarus americanus) dans le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Pp. 161-177 in: Therriault, J.-C. [éd.] Le golfe du Saint-Laurent: petit océan ou grand estuaire? Publ. spéc. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 113 / Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 113.
- Jarry, V., G.-F. Frisoni & P. Legendre. 1991. Organisation spatiale et modélisation écologique d’un peuplement phytoplanctonique de lagune (étang de Thau, France). Oceanologica Acta 14: 473-488.
- Lapointe, F.-J. & P. Legendre. 1991. The generation of random ultrametric matrices representing dendrograms. Journal of Classification 8: 177-200.
- Legendre, P. & P. Dutilleul. 1991. Comments on Boyle’s Acidity and organic carbon in lake water: variability and estimation of means. Journal of Paleolimnology 6: 103-110.
- Ardisson, P.-L., E. Bourget & P. Legendre. 1990. Multivariate approach to study species assemblages at large spatiotemporal scales: The community structure of the epibenthic fauna of the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 47: 1364-1377.
- Lapointe, F.-J. & P. Legendre. 1990. A statistical framework to test the consensus of two nested classifications. Syst. Zool. 39: 1-13.
- Legendre, P. 1990. Quantitative methods and biogeographic analysis. Pp. 9-34 in: Garbary, D. J. & G. R. South (eds.) Evolutionary biogeography of the marine algae of the North Atlantic. NATO ASI Series, Vol. G 22. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Legendre, P. & L. Legendre. 1990. Structure spatio-temporelle des variables en océanographie. Problèmes d'analyse numérique et méthodes d'analyse spatiale. Pp. 7-12 in: S. Frontier [éd.] Biométrie et océanographie. Société française de Biométrie, Actes de Colloques No 10.
- Legendre, P., N. L. Oden, R. R. Sokal, A. Vaudor & J. Kim. 1990.Approximate analysis of variance of spatially autocorrelated regional data.Journal of Classification 7: 53-75.
- Sokal, R. R., N. L. Oden, P. Legendre, M.-J. Fortin, J. Kim, B. A. Thomson, A. Vaudor, R. M. Harding & G. Barbujani. 1990. Genetics and language in European populations. American Naturalist 135: 157-175.
Amanieu, M., P. Legendre, M. Troussellier & G.-F. Frisoni. 1989. Le programme Écothau: théorie écologique et base de la modélisation. Oceanologica Acta 12: 189-199.
Fortin, M.-J., P. Drapeau & P. Legendre. 1989. Spatial autocorrelation and sampling design in plant ecology. Vegetatio 83: 209-222.
Legendre, P. & M.-J. Fortin. 1989. Spatial pattern and ecological analysis. Vegetatio 80: 107-138.
Legendre, P., M. Troussellier, V. Jarry & M.-J. Fortin. 1989. Design for simultaneous sampling of ecological variables: from concepts to numerical solutions. Oikos 55: 30-42.
Troussellier, M. & P. Legendre. 1989. Dynamics of fecal coliform and culturable heterotroph densities in an eutrophic ecosystem: stability of models and evolution of these bacterial groups. Microbial Ecology 17: 227-235.
Sokal, R. R., N. L. Oden, P. Legendre, M.-J. Fortin, J. Kim & A. Vaudor. 1989. Genetic differences among language families in Europe. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79: 489-502.
Bell, M. A. & P. Legendre. 1987. Multicharacter chronological clustering in a sequence of fossil sticklebacks. Syst. Zool. 36: 52-61.
Bölter, M., P. Legendre, J. De Leeuw, R. Park, P. Schwinghamer, S. E. Stevens & M. Troussellier. 1987. Numerical ecology: Developments for microbial ecology. Pp. 469-484 in: P. Legendre & L. Legendre [eds.] Developments in numerical ecology. NATO ASI series, Vol. G-14. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Galzin, R. & P. Legendre. 1987. The fish communities of a coral reef transect. Pacific Science 41: 158-165.
Hudon, C. & P. Legendre. 1987. The ecological implications of growth forms in epibenthic diatoms. Journal of Phycology 23: 434-441.
Legendre, P. 1987. Constrained clustering. Pp. 289-307 in: P. Legendre & L. Legendre [eds.] Developments in numerical ecology. NATO ASI series, Vol. G-14. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
De Puytorac, P., J. Grain, P. Legendre & J. Dévaux. 1984. Essai d'application de l'analyse phénétique à la classification du phylum des Ciliophora. Journal of Protozoology 31: 496-507.
Legendre, P. 1984. Report on Seventeenth International Numerical Taxonomy Conference. Systematic Zoology 33: 117-121.
Legendre, P. 1984. L'analyse des données en relation avec l'échantillonnage. Revue d'Entomologie du Québec 29: 86-100.
Legendre, P., B. Baleux & M. Troussellier. 1984. Dynamics of pollution-indicator and heterotrophic bacteria in a sewage treatment lagoon. Appl. Environm. Microbiol. 48: 586-593.
Legendre, P., D. Planas & M.-J. Auclair. 1984. Succession des communautés de gastéropodes dans deux milieux différant par leur degré d'eutrophisation. Can. J. Zool. 62: 2317-2327.
Legendre, P., M. Troussellier & B. Baleux. 1984. Indices descriptifs pour l'étude de l'évolution des communautés bactériennes. 71-84 in: A. Bianchi [éd.] Bactériologie marine: Colloque international no 331. Editions du CNRS, Paris.
Legendre, P. & V. Legendre. 1984. Postglacial dispersal of freshwater fishes in the Québec peninsula. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 41: 1781-1802.