English-French vocabulary of numerical ecology and statistics
English-French vocabulary of numerical ecology and statistics
The English-French vocabulary of numerical ecology and statistics appended to this document contains nearly 1100 terms and expressions, including most of those found in the recent edition of
Numerical Ecology (Legendre & Legendre 1998). We are pleased to make it available to the research community, which is welcome to use it as a reference. The material therein has been assembled by the authors during more than 25 years of university teaching and research in quantitative ecology. It is expanded from earlier versions published as “French-English vocabulary of numerical ecology” in the 1979 and 1984 editions of our book Écologie numérique (Masson, Paris) and in the first English edition of Numerical ecology (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983). It does not provide definitive answers to all problems of translation, from English to French, of ecological and statistical terms used by ecologists. This new Vocabulary is a starting point, to be improved and completed.
During the course of this work, we benefited from the help of colleagues who provided us with translations for some expressions. We are thankful for their assistance.
Reference for the present Vocabulary
Legendre, Pierre & Louis Legendre. 1999. Lexique anglais-français d'écologie numérique et de statistique — English-French vocabulary of numerical ecology and statistics. WWWeb site http://www.numericalecology.com/.