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CCA Bibliography 86-93
Agbeti, M. D. (1992) Relationship between diatom assemblages and trophic variables: a comparison of old and new approaches. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49, 1171-1175.[CCA, calibration, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Allott, T. E. H., Harriman, R. & Battarbee, R. W. (1992) Reversibility of lake acidification at the Round Loch of Glenhead, Galloway, Scotland. Environmental Pollution 77, 219-225.[CCA, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Anderson, N. J., Rippey, B. & Gibson, C. E. (1993) A comparison of sedimentary and diatom-inferred phosphorus profiles: implications for defining pre-disturbance nutrient conditions. Hydrobiologia 253, 357-366.[CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Battarbee, R. W. (1991) Recent paleolimnology and diatom-based environmental reconstruction. In Quaternary Landscapes (Eds. L. C. K. Shane & E. J. Cushing), pp. 129-174. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Battarbee, R. W. et al. (1989) Rapid reversibility of lake acidification? Reply. Nature 337, 217-218.[CCA; palaeolimnology, ecological impacts; diatoms]
Birks, H. J. B. (1987) Methods for pH-calibration and reconstruction from palaeolimnological data: procedures, problems, potential techniques. Proceedings of Surface Water Acidification Programme (SWAP) Mid-Term Conference, Bergen 22-26 June 1987, pp. 370-380.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Impact of computer-intensive procedures in testing palaeoecological hypotheses. INQUA - Commission for the Study of the Holocene - Working Group on Data-Handling Methods Newsletter 9, 1-5.[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; diatoms, pollen]
Birks, H. J. B., Juggins, S. & Line, J. M. (1990) Lake surface-water chemistry reconstructions from palaeolimnological data. In The Surface Waters Acidification Programme (Ed. B. J. Mason), pp. 301-313. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Birks, H. J. B., Line, J. M., Juggins, S., Stevenson, A. C. & ter Braak, C. J. F. (1990) Diatoms and pH reconstruction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B327, 263-278.[CCA, calibration, bootstrapping, Gaussian logit regression; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Björck, S., Håkansson, H., Olsson, S., Barnekow, L. & Janssens, J. (1993) Palaeoclimatic studies in South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, based on numerous stratigraphic variables in lake sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology 8, 233-272.[RDA; palaeolimnology, palaeoecology; diatoms, pollen, chemical elements]
Christie, C. E. (1993) Palaeoecological reconstruction of lake trophic status: the effect of human activity on lake conditions in southeastern Ontario in the recent (ca. 200 years) past. Doctoral thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, 211 pp.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; palaeolimnology, limnology; diatoms]
Christie, C. E. & Smol, J. P. (1993) Diatom assemblages as indicators of lake trophic status in southeastern Ontario lakes. Journal of Phycology 29, 575-586.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Davis, R. B. et al. (1990) Alkalinity and pH of three lakes in northern New England, U.S.A., over the past 300 years. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 327, 413-421.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; chrysophytes, diatoms]
Dixit, S. S. et al. (1990) Utility of scaled chrysophytes for inferring lakewater pH in northern New England lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 3, 269-286.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; chrysophytes]
Dixit, S. S., Dixit, A. S. & Smol, J. P. (1991) Multivariable environmental inferences based on diatom assemblages from Sudbury (Canada) lakes. Freshwater Biology 26, 251-266.[CCA, partial CCA, calibration, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Dixit, A. S., Dixit, S. S. & Smol, J. P. (1992) Algal microfossils provide high temporal resolution of environmental trends. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 62, 75-87.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms, chrysophytes]
Dixit, S. S., Smol, J. P., Kingston, J. C., & Charles, D. F. (1992) Diatoms: powerful indicators of environmental change. Environmental Science and Technology 26, 23-33.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Dixit, S. S. et al. (1993) Diatom assemblages from Adirondack Lakes (New York, U.S.A.) and the development of inference models for retrospective environmental assessment. Journal of Paleolimnology 8, 27-47.[DCCA, partial DCCA, calibration, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Duff, K. E. & Smol, J. P. (1991) Morphological descriptions and stratigraphic distributions of the chrysophycean stomatocysts from a recently acidified lake (Adirondack Park, N. Y.). Journal of Paleolimnology 5, 73-113.[RDA; palaeolimnology; chrysophytes]
Flower, R. J. et al. (1990) Post-1970 water-chemistry changes and palaeolimnology of several acidified upland lakes in the U. K. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 327, 427-433.[CCA; palaeolimnology, ecological impacts; diatoms]
Fritz, S. C. (1990) Twentieth-century salinity and water-level fluctuations in Devils Lake, North Dakota: Test of a diatom-based transfer function. Limnology and Oceanography 35, 1771-1781.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Fritz, S. C., Kingston, J. C. & Engstrom, D. R. (1993) Quantitative trophic reconstruction from sedimentary diatom assemblages: a cautionary tale. Freshwater Biology 30, 1-23.[CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Grönlund, E. (1991) Sediment characteristics in relation to cultivation history in two varved lake sediments from East Finland. Hydrobiologia 214, 137-142.[CCA; palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; pollen]
Hall, R. I. (1993) Paleolimnological analysis of lake - watershed interactions and long term lake trophic status. Doctoral thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, 318 pp.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology, paleolimnology; diatoms]
Hall, R. I. & Smol, J. P. (1993) The influence of catchment size on lake trophic status during the hemlock decline and recovery (4800 to 3500 BP) in southern Ontario lakes. Hydrobiologia 269/270, 371-390.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Huttunen, P. & Turkia, J. (1990) Estimation of palaeoalkalinity from diatom assemblages by means of CCA. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Diatom Symposium (Ed. H. Simola), pp. 443-450. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koeningstein.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Huttunen, P. & Turkia, J. (1990) Surface sediment diatom assemblages and lake acidity. In Acidification in Finland (Eds. P. Kauppi et al.), pp. 995-1008. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology, limnology; diatoms]
Huttunen, P. et al. (1990) Palaeoecological evaluation of the recent acidification of susceptible lakes in Finland. In Acidification in Finland (Eds. P. Kauppi et al.), pp. 1071-1090. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Jacobsen, J. (1991) Heavy metal concentrations in recent lake sediments along a west-east transect in the Bergen area. Cand. Scient. thesis. University of Bergen, 80 pp.[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; palaeolimnology; chemical elements]
Kingston, J. C. et al. (1990) Paleoecological investigation of recent lake acidification in the northern Great Lakes states. Journal of Paleolimnology 4, 153-201.[CCA; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Kingston, J. C., Birks, H. J. B., Uutala, A. J., Cumming, B. F. & Smol, J. P. (1992) Assessing damaged fishery resources and lake water aluminum trends using paleolimnological analyses of siliceous algae. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49, 116-127.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration, bootstrapping; palaeolimnology, limnology; diatoms, fish]
Korhola, A. A. & Tikkanen, M. J. (1991) Holocene development and early extreme acidification in a small hilltop lake in southern Finland. Boreas 20, 335-356.[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Korsman, T. (1993) Acidification trends in Sweden: An assessment of past water conditions using lake sediments. Doctoral thesis, University of Umeå.[DCCA, RDA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology, limnology, ecological impacts; diatoms, pollen]
Korsman, T. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Diatom-based water chemistry reconstructions: a comparison of reconstruction techniques. Journal of Paleolimnology (submitted).[DCCA, partial CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Lotter, A. F. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) The impact of the Laacher See Tephra on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Black Forest (Southern Germany). Journal of Quaternary Science 8, 263-276.[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints, variance partitioning; palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; diatoms, pollen]
Marchetto, A. & Schmidt, R. (1993) A regional calibration data set to infer lakewater pH from sediment diatom assemblages in alpine lakes. Memorie Dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 51, 115-125.[DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, bootstrapping, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Marsicano, L. J. & Siver, P. A. (1993) A paleolimnological assessment of lake acidification in five Connecticut lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 9, 209-221.[CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; chrysophytes]
Ollikainen, M., Simola, H. & Niinioja, R. (1993) Changes in diatom assemblages in the profundal sediments of two large oligohumic lakes in eastern Finland. Hydrobiologia 269/270, 405-413.[CCA, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Pienitz, R. & Smol, J. P. (1993) Diatom assemblages and their relationship to environmental variables in lakes from the boreal forest-tundra ecotone near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Hydrobiologia 269/270, 391-404.[CCA, partial CCA, calibration, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Pienitz, R., Smol, J. P. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Assessment of freshwater diatoms as quantitative indicators of past climatic change in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada. Arctic and Alpine Research (submitted).[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, calibration; palaeolimnology, palaeoecology; diatoms]
Renberg, I., Korsman, T. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Palaeolimnological evidence for the role of prehistoric land-use changes in influencing the pH of acid-sensitive lakes in Sweden. Nature 362, 824-826.[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology, palaeoecology; diatoms, pollen, inferred-pH]
Siver, P. A. (1993) Inferring the specific conductivity of lake water with scaled chrysophytes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38, 1480-1492.[CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; chrysophytes]
Stevenson, A. C., Birks, H. J. B., Flower, R. J. & Battarbee, R. W. (1989) Diatom-based pH reconstruction of lake acidification using canonical correspondence analysis. Ambio 18, 229-233.[CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Stevenson, A. C. et al. (1991) The Surface Waters Acidification Project Palaeolimnology Programme: modern diatom/lake-water chemistry data-set. Ensis Publishing, London, 86 pp.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Sweets, P. R. et al. (1990) Paleoecological investigations of recent lake acidification in Northern Florida. Journal of Paleolimnology 4, 103-137.[CCA; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
ter Braak, C. J. F. & Juggins, S. (1993) Weighted averaging partial least squares regression (WA-PLS): an improved method for reconstructing environmental variables from species assemblages. Hydrobiologia 269/270, 485-502.[DCCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology, theory; diatoms]
Walker, I. R., Smol, J. P., Engstrom, D. R. & Birks, H. J. B. (1991) An assessment of Chironomidae as quantitative indicators of past climatic change. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48, 975-987.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; chironomids]
Walker, I. R., Smol, J. P., Engstrom, D. R. & Birks, H. J. B. (1992) Aquatic invertebrates, climate, scale, and statistical hypothesis testing: a response to Hann, Warner, and Warwick. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49, 1276-1280.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; chironomids]
Wilson, S. E., Walker, I. R., Mott, R. J. & Smol, J. P. (1993) Climatic and limnological changes associated with the Younger Dryas in Atlantic Canada. Climate Dynamics 8, 177-187.[CCA, calibration; palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; diatoms, chironomids]