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CCA Bibliography 86-93
Best, E. P. H. (1993) The impact of mechanical harvesting regimes on the species composition of Dutch ditch vegetation: a quantitative approach. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31, 148-154.[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, partial RDA; ecology, ecological impacts, field experiments, management; vascular plants]
Brown, V. K., Gibson, C. W. D. & Kathirithamby, J. (1992) Community organisation in leaf hoppers. Oikos 65, 97-106.[DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management, ecological dynamics; leafhoppers]
Dale, M. R. T., Thomas, A. G. & John, E. A. (1992) Environmental factors including management practices as correlates of weed community composition in spring seeded crops. Canadian Journal of Botany 70, 1931-1939.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management; vascular plants]
Dzwonko, Z. (1993) Relations between the floristic composition of isolated young woods and their proximity to ancient woodland. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 693-698.[Partial DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology, conservation, management; vascular plants]
Eyre, M. D., Luff, M. L., Rushton, S. P. & Topping, C. J. (1989) Ground beetles and weevils (Carabidae and Curculionoidea) as indicators of grassland management practices. Journal of Applied Entomology 107, 508-517.[CCA; ecology, management; beetles, insects, weavils]
Fielding, D. J. & Brusven, M. A. (1993) Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) community composition and ecological disturbance on southern Idaho rangeland. Environmental Entomology 22, 71-81.[CCA, partial CCA; ecology, management; grasshoppers]
Foster, D. R. (1992) Land-use history (1730-1990) and vegetation dynamics in central New Englnad, USA. Journal of Ecology 80, 753-772.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics, management; vascular plants]
Holopainen, A-L. & Huttunen, P. (1992) Effects of forest clear-cutting and soil disturbance on the biology of small forest brooks. Hydrobiologia 243/244, 457-464.[CCA; ecological impacts, management, limnology; algae]
Hughes, J. & Huntley, B. (1988) Upland Hay Meadows in Britain - Their vegetation, management and future. In The Cultural Landscape Past, Present and Future (Eds. H. H. Birks et al.), pp. 91-110. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.[CCA; ecology, management; vascular plants]
Losvik, M. H. (1992) Restoring abandoned pasture by mowing - influences on frequency and cover of plant species. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 6, 391-409.[CCA; ecology, management, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Losvik, M. H. (1993) Hay meadow communities in western Norway and relations between vegetation and environmental factors. Nordic Journal of Botany 13, 195-206.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management; vascular plants]
Losvik, M. H. (1993) The effect of clear-cutting Betula pubescens Ehrh. (birch) on the plant species composition in a subalpine Vaccinium myrtillus-dominated pasture area. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7, 333-344.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics, field experiments, management; vascular plants]
Moles, R. & Breen, J. (1991) Surveillance of recent vegetation change in the Burren, County Clare, Republic of Ireland. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 1, 151-156.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecological impacts, ecology, management, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Odland, A. (1993) Botaniske undersøkelser i forbindelse med Sauda-utbyggingen. Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning Utredning 39, 1-36.[CCA; ecology, management; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Richards, C., Host, G. E. & Arthur, J. W. (1993) Identification of predominant environmental factors structuring stream macroinvertebrate communities within a large agricultural catchment. Freshwater Biology 29, 285-294.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, management; aquatic invertebrates]
Rushton, S. P. & Eyre, M. D. (1989) The spider fauna of intensively managed agricultural grasslands. Journal of Applied Entomology 108, 291-297.[CCA; ecology, ecological impacts, management; spiders]
Siepel, H. (1989) Objective selection of indicator species for nature management. Comtes Rendus du Symposium "Invertebres de Belgique", 443-446.[DCCA, Gaussian logit regression; conservation, management; arthropods]
Siepel, H. & van de Bund, C. F. (1988) The influence of management practises on the microarthropod community of grassland. Pedobiologia 31, 339-354.[DCCA, Gaussian logit regression; ecology, management, ecological impacts; arthropods]
Siepel, H., Meijer, J., Marbelis, A. A. & Den Boer, M. H. (1989) A tool to assess the influence of management practices on grassland surface macrofaunas. Journal of Applied Entomology 108, 271-290.[DCCA, Gaussian logit regression; management, ecological impacts; insects]
Sinke, A. J. C., Cornelese, A. A., Keizer, P., van Tongeren, O. F. R. & Cappenberg, T. E. (1990) Mineralization, pore water chemistry and phosphorus release from peaty sediments in the eutrophic Loosdrecht lakes, The Netherlands. Freshwater Biology 23, 587-599.[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, management; chemical elements]
Smith, R. S. & Jones, L. (1991) The phenology of mesotrophic grassland in the Pennine Dales, Northern England: Historic hay cutting dates, vegetation variation and plant species phenologies. Journal of Applied Ecology 28, 42-59.[CCA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves; ecology, management; vascular plants]
Sterling, P. H., Gibson, C. W. D. & Brown, V. K. (1992) Leaf miner assemblies: effects of plant succession and grazing management. Ecological Entomology 17, 167-178.[DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management, ecological dynamics; leaf miners]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1987) Unimodal models to relate species to environment. Doctoral thesis, University of Wageningen, 152 pp.[CCA, partial CCA, DCCA, RDA, partial RDA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves and surfaces; theory, methods, ecology, ecological dynamics, limnology, management; spiders, vascular plants, algae]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1987) The analysis of vegetation-environment relationships by canonical correspondence analysis. Vegetatio 69, 69-77.[CCA, spatial constraints; theory, methods, ecology, management, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Valázquez, A. (1993) Man-made and ecological habitat fragmentation: study case of the Volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi). Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 58, 54-61.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management; mammals, vascular plants]
Velázquez, A. (1993) Man-made and ecological habitat fragmentation: study case of the Volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi). Zeitschrift für Saugetierkunde 58, 54-61.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, conservation, management; mammals]
Yeates, G. W., Wardle, D. A. & Watson, R. N. (1993) Relationships between nematodes, soil microbial biomass and weed-management strategies in maize and asparagus cropping systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25, 869-876.[DCCA; ecology, management; nematodes]
Zobel, M. (1993) Changes in pine forest communities after clear-cutting: a comparison of two edaphic gradients. Annales Botanici Fennici 30, 131-137.[CCA; ecology, management; vascular plants, bryophytes]