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CCA Bibliography 86-93
Bates, J. W. (1992) Influence of chemical and physical factors on Quercus and Fraxinus epiphytes at Loch Sunart, western Scotland: a multivariate analysis. Journal of Ecology 80, 163-179.[CCA; ecology, bryology, lichenology; bryophytes, lichens]
Crouch, H. J. (1992) Cryptogam distribution patterns and successional sequences on a glacier foreland in southern Norway. Doctoral thesis, University of Greenwich, 445 pp.[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics, bryology, lichenology; bryophytes, lichens, vascular plants]
Hyvärinen, M., Halonen, P. & Kauppi, M. (1992) Influence of stand age and structure on the epiphytic lichen vegetation in the middle-boreal forests of Finland. Lichenologist 24, 165-180.[CCA; ecology, lichenology; lichens, vascular plants]
John, E. & Dale, M. R. T. (1989) Niche relationships amongst Rhizocarpon species at Jonas Rockslide, Alberta, Canada. Lichenologist 21, 313-330.[CCA; ecology, lichenology; lichens]
John, E. & Dale, M. R. T. (1991) Determinants of spatial pattern in saxicolous lichen communities. Lichenologist 23, 227-236.[CCA; ecology, lichenology; lichens]