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CCA Bibliography 86-93
Bayer, R. (1992) Allozyme variation, genecology, and phytogeography of Antennaria arcuata (Asteraceae), a rare species from the Great Basin and Red Desert with small disjunct populations. American Journal of Botany 79, 872-881.[CCA; ecology, genecology, biogeography; vascular plants]
Bayer, R. J., Purdy, B. G. & Lebedyk, D. G. (1991) Niche differentiation among eight sexual species of Antennaria Gaertner (Asteraceae: Inuleae) and A. rosea, their allopolyploid derivative. Evolutionary Trends in Plants 5, 109-123.[CCA; ecology, genecology; vascular plants]
Briones, M. J. I. (1993) Two ecotypes in Allolobophora caliginosa (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). Acta Oecologica 14, 317-325.[DCCA; ecology, genecology; oligochaetes]
Prentice, H. C. & Cramer, W. (1990) The plant community as a niche bioassay: environmental correlates of local variation in Gypsophila fastigiata. Journal of Ecology 78, 313-325.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; genecology; vascular plants]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1992) Multidimensional scaling and regression. Statistica Applicata (Italian Journal of Applied Statistics) 4, 577-586.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; theory, methods, genecology, field experiments; butterflies, vascular plants]
van Eeuwijk, F. A. (1992) Interpreting genotype-by-environment interaction using redundancy analysis. Theoretical Applied Genetics 85, 89-100.[RDA; theory, genecology; vascular plants]