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CCA Bibliography 86-93
Ecological dynamics
Backéus, I. (1993) Ecotone versus ecocline: vegetation zonation and dynamics around a small reservoir in Tanzania. Journal of Biogeography 20, 209-218.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Brown, V. K., Gibson, C. W. D. & Kathirithamby, J. (1992) Community organisation in leaf hoppers. Oikos 65, 97-106.[DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management, ecological dynamics; leafhoppers]
Cox, J. E. & Larson, D. W. (1993) Spatial heterogeneity of vegetation and environmental factors on talus slopes of the Niagara Escarpment. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 323-332.[DCCA, partial DCCA, spatial constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Cramer, W. (1988) Direct gradient analysis as a tool for studies of vegetation dynamics. Rapport, Botanisk Serie. University i Trondheim Vitenskapsmuseet, 1987-1, 5-6.[CCA, temporal constraints; ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Cramer, W. & Hytterborn, H. (1987) The separation of fluctuation and long-term change in vegetation dynamics of a rising seashore. Vegetatio 69, 157-167.[DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Crouch, H. J. (1992) Cryptogam distribution patterns and successional sequences on a glacier foreland in southern Norway. Doctoral thesis, University of Greenwich, 445 pp.[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics, bryology, lichenology; bryophytes, lichens, vascular plants]
Foster, D. R. (1992) Land-use history (1730-1990) and vegetation dynamics in central New Englnad, USA. Journal of Ecology 80, 753-772.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics, management; vascular plants]
Franklin, S. B., Robertson, P. A., Fralish, J. S. & Kettler, S. M. (1993) Overstory vegetation and successional trends of Land Between The Lakes, USA. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 509-520.[DCCA, response curves; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Gibson, C. W. D. & Brown, V. K. (1992) Grazing and vegetation change: deflected or modified succession? Journal of Applied Ecology 29, 120-131.[DCCA, partial DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics, field experiments; vascular plants]
Hytteborn, H. (1986) Methods of forest dynamics research. In Forest dynamics research in Western and Central Europe (Ed. J. Fanta), pp. 17-31. Pudoc, Wageningen.[DCCA; ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Lavorel, S. (1991) Spatial structure, disturbances, and dynamics of coexistence of plant species: from experimentation to modelling. Doctoral thesis. University of Montpellier II, 267 pp.[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics, field experiments; vascular plants]
Lavorel, S. & Lebreton, J. D. (1992) Evidence for lottery recruitment in Mediterranean old fields. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 91-100.[CCA, hybrid analysis, spatial constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Losvik, M. H. (1992) Restoring abandoned pasture by mowing - influences on frequency and cover of plant species. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 6, 391-409.[CCA; ecology, management, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Losvik, M. H. (1993) The effect of clear-cutting Betula pubescens Ehrh. (birch) on the plant species composition in a subalpine Vaccinium myrtillus-dominated pasture area. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7, 333-344.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics, field experiments, management; vascular plants]
Marrs, R. H., Bravington, M. & Rawes, M. (1988) Long-term vegetation change in the Juncus squarrosus grassland at Moor House, northern England. Vegetatio 76, 179-187.[CCA, temporal constraints; ecology, field experiments, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Mesléard, F. & Lepart, J. (1991) Germination and seedling dynamics of Arbutus unedo and Erica arborea on Corsica. Journal of Vegetation Science 2, 155-164.[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Mesléard, F., Grillas, P. & Lepart, J. (1991) Plant community succession in a coastal wetland after abandonment of cultivation: the example of the Rhone delta. Vegetatio 94, 35-45.[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Moles, R. & Breen, J. (1991) Surveillance of recent vegetation change in the Burren, County Clare, Republic of Ireland. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 1, 151-156.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecological impacts, ecology, management, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Nieppola, J. (1992) Long-term vegetation changes in stands of Pinus sylvestris in southern Finland. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 475-484.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Purata, S. E. (1986) Floristic and structural changes during old-field succession in the Mexican tropics in relation to site history and species availability. Journal of Tropical Ecology 2, 257-276.[DCCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Purata, S. E. (1986) Studies on secondary succesion in Mexican tropical rain forest. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 19, 34 pp.[DCCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Schmalzer, P. A. & Hinkle, C. R. (1992) Species composition and structure of oak-saw palmetto scrub vegetation. Castanea 57, 220-251.[DCCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Skjerdal, G. (1993) Kvantitative undersøkjingar av vegetasjonen på steintippar i Aurland, Vest-Noreg. Cand. scient. thesis, University of Bergen. 77pp.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Sterling, P. H., Gibson, C. W. D. & Brown, V. K. (1992) Leaf miner assemblies: effects of plant succession and grazing management. Ecological Entomology 17, 167-178.[DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management, ecological dynamics; leaf miners]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1987) Unimodal models to relate species to environment. Doctoral thesis, University of Wageningen, 152 pp.[CCA, partial CCA, DCCA, RDA, partial RDA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves and surfaces; theory, methods, ecology, ecological dynamics, limnology, management; spiders, vascular plants, algae]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1987) The analysis of vegetation-environment relationships by canonical correspondence analysis. Vegetatio 69, 69-77.[CCA, spatial constraints; theory, methods, ecology, management, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
ter Braak, C. J. F. & Prentice, I. C. (1988) A theory of gradient analysis. Advances in Ecological Research 18, 271-317.[CCA, DCCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves and surfaces; methods, theory, ecology, ecological dynamics, limnology; diatoms, vascular plants, birds]
Treskonova, M. (1991) Changes in the structure of tall tussock grasslands and infestation by species of Hieracium in the Mackenzie Country, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 15, 65-78.[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Vanha-Majamaa, I. & Lähde, E. (1991) Vegetation changes in a burned area planted by Pinus sylvestris in Northern Finland. Annales Botanici Fennici 28, 161-170.[CCA, temporal constraints; ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Vetaas, O. R. (1992) The interaction between biotic and abiotic factors controlling temporal and spatial dynamics of arid vegetation in Erkowit, north-eastern Sudan. Doctoral thesis, University of Bergen, 185 pp.[CCA, partial CCA, RDA, Partial RDA, spatial constraints, temporal constraints, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Vetaas, O. R. (1992) Gradients in field-layer vegetation on an arid misty mountain plateau in the Sudan. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 527-534.[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Vetaas, O. R. (1993) Spatial and temporal vegetation changes along a moisture gradient in northeastern Sudan. Biotropica 25, 164-175.[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, temporal constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Vetaas, O. R. (1993) Effect of spatial arrangement of environmental variables on ordination results from a disturbed humidity gradient in northeastern Sudan. Coenoses 8, 27-37.[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Whittaker, R. J. (1989) The vegetation of the Storbreen Gletschervorfeld, Jotunheimen, Norway. III. Vegetation-environment relationships. Journal of Biogeography 16, 413-433.[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Wiegleb, G., Herr, W. & Todeskino, D. (1989) Ten years of vegetation dynamics in two rivulets in Lower Saxony (FRG). Vegetatio 82, 163-178.[CCA, partial CCA, temporal constraints; limnology, ecological dynamics, ecological impacts; vascular plants]