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CCA Bibliography 86-93
Brown, A., Birks, H. J. B. & Thompson, D. B. A. (1993) A new biogeographical classification of the Scottish Uplands. II. Vegetation-environment relationships (1993). Journal of Ecology 81, 231-251.[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; conservation, ecology; vegetation types]
Denys, L. & van Straaten, D. (1992) A survey of the acid water diatom assemblages of two heathland relics in the Belgian northern Campine (Groot & Klein Schietveld, Brasschaat) with an assessment of their conservational value. Diatom Research 7, 1-13.[CCA; limnology, conservation, algology; diatoms]
Dzwonko, Z. (1993) Relations between the floristic composition of isolated young woods and their proximity to ancient woodland. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 693-698.[Partial DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology, conservation, management; vascular plants]
Heliövaara, K., Väisänen, R. & Immonen, A. (1991) Quantitative biogeography of the bark beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Nothern Europe. Acta Forestalia Fennica 219, 1-35.[CCA, logistic regression; biogeography, conservation; beetles]
Siepel, H. (1989) Objective selection of indicator species for nature management. Comtes Rendus du Symposium "Invertebres de Belgique", 443-446.[DCCA, Gaussian logit regression; conservation, management; arthropods]
Sætersdal, M. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Assessing the representativeness of nature reserves using multivariate analysis: vascular plants and breeding birds in deciduous forests, western Norway (1993). Biological Conservation 65, 121-132.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, CVA; conservation, ecology; birds, vascular plants]
Velázquez, A. (1993) Man-made and ecological habitat fragmentation: study case of the Volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi). Zeitschrift für Saugetierkunde 58, 54-61.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, conservation, management; mammals]