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CCA Bibliography 86-93
Partial detrended canonical correspondence analysis (Partial DCCA)
Cox, J. E. & Larson, D. W. (1993) Spatial heterogeneity of vegetation and environmental factors on talus slopes of the Niagara Escarpment. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 323-332.[DCCA, partial DCCA, spatial constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Dixit, S. S. et al. (1993) Diatom assemblages from Adirondack Lakes (New York, U.S.A.) and the development of inference models for retrospective environmental assessment. Journal of Paleolimnology 8, 27-47.[DCCA, partial DCCA, calibration, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Dzwonko, Z. (1993) Relations between the floristic composition of isolated young woods and their proximity to ancient woodland. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 693-698.[Partial DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology, conservation, management; vascular plants]
Gibson, C. W. D. & Brown, V. K. (1992) Grazing and vegetation change: deflected or modified succession? Journal of Applied Ecology 29, 120-131.[DCCA, partial DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics, field experiments; vascular plants]
Innes, J. L. & Whittaker, R. J. (1993) Relationships between the crown condition of Sitka and Norway spruce and the environment in Great Britain: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 30, 341-360.[DCCA, partial DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Palmer, M. W. (1990) Spatial scale and patterns of species-environment relationships in hardwood forest of the North Carolina piedmont. Coenoses 5, 79-87.[DCCA, partial DCCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Reed, R. A. (1992) Book Review - ter Braak, C. J. F. (1990) CANOCO Version 3.10. Smilauer, P. 1991. CANODRAW: A companion program to CANOCO for publication-quality graphical output. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 567-570.[CCA, DCCA, partial CCA, partial DCCA, RDA, partial RDA; general, graphics, computing]
Väisänen, R. (1992) Distribution and abundance of diurnal Lepidoptera on a raised bog in southern Finland. Annales Zoologica Fennici 29, 75-92.[DCCA, partial DCCA; ecology; butterflies, moths]