520Aarestad, P.A., Frisvoll, A.A. & Eilertsen, O. (1995) Overvåking av ombrotrof myr, Havmyran-Hitra 1995. Undersøkelser av vegetasjon, torv og myrvann. NINA Oppdragsmelding 423, 78 pp.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Aarrestad, P. A. (1993) SNOMAX i kunstig snølegging; botanisk-økologiske undersøkelser i alpinanlegg. (SNOMAX for making artificial snow; botanical-ecological investigations on pistes.) Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning Oppdragsmelding 183, 1-46.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Adams, J. B., Knoop, W. T. & Bate, G. C. (1992) The distribution of estuarine macrophytes in relation to freshwater. Botanica Marina 35, 215-226.
[ DCCA; ecology, limnology; vascular plants]
Agbeti, M. D. (1992) Relationship between diatom assemblages and trophic variables: a comparison of old and new approaches. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49, 1171-1175.
[ CCA, calibration, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Ainley, D.G., Ribic, C.A. & Fraser, W.R. (1994) Ecological structure among migrant and resident seabirds of the Scotia-Weddell Confluence region. Journal of Animal Ecology 63, 347-364.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ornithology, ecology; birds]
Ainley, D. G., Ribic, C. A. & Spear, L. B. (1993) Species-habitat relationships among arctic seabirds: a function of physical or biological factors? The Condor 95, 806-816.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ornithology; birds]
Albert, O. T. & Bergstad, O. A. (1993) Temporal and spatial variation in the species composition of trawl samples from a demersal fish community. Journal of Fish Biology 43, 209-222.
[ RDA, partial RDA, partial PCA, Monte Carlo tests; marine biology; fish]
Ali, M.M., Hamad, A.M., Springuel, I.V. & Murphy, K.J. (1995) Environmental factors affecting submerged macrophyte communities in regulated waterbodies in Egypt. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 133, 107-128.
[DCCA; ecology, limnology; vascular plants]
Alkemade, R., Wielemaker, A. & Hemminga, M. A. (1993) Correlation between nematode abundance and decomposition rate of Spartina anglica leaves. Marine Ecology Progress Series 99, 293-300.
[ RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; marine ecology; nematodes]
Allen, R. B. & Peet, R. K. (1990) Gradient analysis of forests of the Sangre de Cristo Range, Colorado. Canadian Journal of Botany 68, 193-201.
[ DCCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Allen, R. B., Peet, R. K. & Baker, W. L. (1991) Gradient analysis of latitudinal variation in Southern Rocky Mountain forests. Journal of Biogeography 18, 123-139.
[ DCCA; ecology, biogeography; vascular plants]
Allen, R. B., Reif, A. & Hall, G. M. J. (1991) Elevational distribution of conifer-broadleaved forests on South Island, New Zealand. Journal of Vegetation Science 2, 323-330.
[ CCA, DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, bootstrapping, calibration; ecology; vascular plants]
Allott, T. E. H., Harriman, R. & Battarbee, R. W. (1992) Reversibility of lake acidification at the Round Loch of Glenhead, Galloway, Scotland. Environmental Pollution 77, 219-225.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Alstad, G. (1991) The influence of Acacia tortilis on soil in arid North-eastern Sudan. Cand. Scient. thesis, University of Bergen, 79 pp.
[ RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, CVA, spatial constraints; ecology, pedology; vascular plants]
Ammann, B., Birks, H. J. B., Drescher-Schneider, R., Juggins, S., Lang, G. & Lotter, A. (1993) Patterns of variation in Late-glacial pollen stratigraphy along a northwest - southeast transect through Switzerland - a numerical analysis. Quaternary Science Reviews 12, 277-286.
[CCA, partial CCA, temporal constraints, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; palaeoecology; pollen]
Anderson, D.S., Davis, R.B. & Janssens, J.A. (1995) Relationships of bryophytes and lichens to environmental gradients in Maine peatlands. Vegetatio 120, 147-159.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, mire ecology; bryophytes, lichens]
Anderson, D.S., Davis, R.B., Rooney, S.C. & Campbell, C.S. (1996) The ecology of sedges (Cyperaceae) in Maine peatlands. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 123, 100-110.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants]
Anderson, N.J., Korsman, T. & Renberg, I. (1994) Spatial heterogeneity of diatom strati-graphy in varved and non-varved sediments of a small, boreal-forest lake. Aquatic Sciences 56, 40-58.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Anderson, N.J., Odgaard, B.V., Segeström, U. & Renberg, I. (1996) Climate-lake interactions recorded in varved sediments from a Swedish boreal forest lake. Global Change Biology 2, 399-405.
[RDA, CCA, partial DCA, partial RDA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; palaeolimnology; diatoms, pollen]
Anderson, N.J., Renberg, I. & Segeström, U. (1995) Diatom production responses to the development of early agriculture in a boreal forest lake-catchment (Kassjön, northern Sweden) Journal of Ecology 83, 809-822.
[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, partial DCA, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology; diatoms, pollen]
Anderson, N. J., Rippey, B. & Gibson, C. E. (1993) A comparison of sedimentary and diatom-inferred phosphorus profiles: implications for defining pre-disturbance nutrient conditions. Hydrobiologia 253, 357-366.
[ CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Armitage, P.D., Pardo, I. & Brown, A. (1995) Temporal constancy of faunal assemblages in 'mesohabitats'- Application to management? Archiv für Hydrobiologie 133, 367-387.
[CCA; ecology, limnology, management; aquatic invertebrates, vascular plants]
Arts, G. H. P. (1990) Aquatic Bryophyta as indicators of water quality in shallow pools and lakes in The Netherlands. Annales Botanici Fennici 27, 19-32.
[ CCA; limnology; bryophytes]
äeffer, J. & äefferová, E. (1995) Gradient analysis of tall-forb and tall-grass communities in the High Tatra Mountains. Ekológia (Bratislava) 14, 17-22.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
ämilauer, P. (1994) Exploratory analysis of paleoecological data using the program CanoDraw. Journal of Paleolimnology 12, 163-169.
[CCA, logistic regression, response curves; graphics; chrysophytes]
Baar, J. (1996) The ectomycorrhizal flora of primary and secondary stands of Pinus sylvestris in relation to soil conditions and ectomycorrhizal succession. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 497-504.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, mycology; fungi]
Baar, J. & ter Braak, C.J.F. (1996) Ectomycorrhizal sporocarp ocurrence as affected by manipulation of litter and humus layers in Scots pine stands of different age. Applied Soil Ecology 4, 61-73.
[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, t-value biplots, regression biplot; field experiments, mycology; fungi]
Backéus, I. (1993) Ecotone versus ecocline: vegetation zonation and dynamics around a small reservoir in Tanzania. Journal of Biogeography 20, 209-218.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Backéus, L., Rulangaranga, Z. K. & Skoglund, J. (1994) Vegetation changes on formerly overgrazed hill slopes in semi-arid central Tanzania. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 327-336.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology,ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Baguette, M. (1993) Habitat selection of carabid beetle in deciduous woodlands of southern Belgium. Pedobiologia 37, 365-378.
[ CCA, variance partitioning; ecology; beetles]
Baker, W.L. & Walford, G.M. (1995) Multiple stable states and models of riparian vegetation succession on Animas River, Colorado. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 85, 320-338.
[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Bakker, C., Herman, P. M. J. & Vink, M. (1990) Changes in seasonal succession of phytoplankton induced by the storm-surge barrier in the Oosterschelde (S. W. Netherlands). Journal of Plankton Research 12, 947-972.
[ CCA, partial DCA, hybrid analysis, temporal constraints; marine biology, algology; phytoplankton]
Bakker, C., Herman, P.M.J. & Vink, M. (1994) A new trend in the development of the phytoplankton in the Oosterschelde (SW Netherlands) during and after the construction of a storm-surge barrier. Hydrobiologia 282/283, 79-100.
[CCA; algology, ecology, ecological impacts; phytoplankton]
Balfour, D. A. & Bond, W. J. (1993) Factors limiting climber distribution and abundance in a southern African forest. Journal of Ecology 81, 93-99.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Barton, A. M. (1994) Gradient analysis of relationships among fire, environment, and vegetation in a southwestern USA mountain range. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 121, 251-265.
[DCCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Bates, J. W. (1992) Influence of chemical and physical factors on Quercus and Fraxinus epiphytes at Loch Sunart, western Scotland: a multivariate analysis. Journal of Ecology 80, 163-179.
[ CCA; ecology, bryology, lichenology; bryophytes, lichens]
Bates, J.W. (1995) Numerical analysis of bryophyte-environment relationships in a lowland English flora. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 40, 471-490.
[CCA; ecology, biogeography, bryology; bryophytes]
Battarbee, R. W. (1991) Recent paleolimnology and diatom-based environmental reconstruction. In Quaternary Landscapes (Eds. L. C. K. Shane & E. J. Cushing), pp. 129-174. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Battarbee, R. W. et al. (1989) Rapid reversibility of lake acidification? Reply. Nature 337, 217-218.
[ CCA; palaeolimnology, ecological impacts; diatoms]
Bayer, R. (1992) Allozyme variation, genecology, and phytogeography of Antennaria arcuata (Asteraceae), a rare species from the Great Basin and Red Desert with small disjunct populations. American Journal of Botany 79, 872-881.
[ CCA; ecology, genecology, biogeography; vascular plants]
Bayer, R. J., Purdy, B. G. & Lebedyk, D. G. (1991) Niche differentiation among eight sexual species of Antennaria Gaertner (Asteraceae: Inuleae) and A. rosea, their allopolyploid derivative. Evolutionary Trends in Plants 5, 109-123.
[ CCA; ecology, genecology; vascular plants]
Beffy, J.-L. & Doledec, S. (1991) Mise en évidence d'une typologie spatiale dans le cas d'un fort effet temporel: un exemple en hydrobiologie. Bulletin Ecologie 22, 169-178.
[ Partial CCA, temporal constraints; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Behr, H. (1994) Lebensgemeinschaften koexistierender Arten der Wasserkäfergattung Hydroporus aus zwei norddeutschen Untersuchungsgebieten (Coleoptera; Dytiscidae). (Communities of Coexisting Species of the Waterbeetle Genus Hydroporus in two Northern German Areas (Coleoptera; Dytiscidae). International Revue für gesellschaft Hydrobiologie 79, 337-355.
[CCA; limnology, ecology; beetles]
Bekele, T. (1994) Phytosociology and ecology of a humid Afromontane forest on the Central Plateau of Ethiopia. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 87-98.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Bekele, T. (1994) Vegetation ecology of remnant Afromontane forests on the Central Plateau of Shewa, Ethiopia. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 79, 61pp.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Belgrano, A., Legendre, P., Dewarumez, J.-M. & Frontier, S. (1995) Spatial structure and ecological variation of meroplankton on the French-Belgian coast of the North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 128, 43-50.
[CCA; partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; marine biology; marine plankton]
Belgrano, A., Legendre, P., Dewarumez, J.-M. & Frontier, S. (1995) Spatial structure and ecological variation of meroplankton on the Belgian-Dutch coast of the North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 128, 50-59.
[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; marine ecology; marine plankton]
Belland, R.J. & Vitt, D.H. (1995) Bryophyte vegetation patterns along environmental gradients in continental bogs. Ecoscience 2, 395-407.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning; ecology, mire ecology, bryology; bryophytes]
Bellido, A. & Deleporte, S. (1994) Oribatid mites / Diptera interactions in a deciduous forest leaf-litter: an application of multivariate analysis under linear constraints. Pedobiologia 38, 429-447.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; ecology; mites, flies]
Ben-Shahar, R. (1993) Patterns of elephant damage to vegetation in northern Botswana. Biological Conservation 65, 249-256.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Ben-Shahar, R. (1993) Patterns of nutrient contents in grasses of semi-arid savanna. African Journal of Ecology 31, 343-347.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Bengtsson-Linsjö, S., Ihse, M. & Olsson, E. G. A. (1991) Landscape patterns and grassland plant species diversity in the 20th century. In The Cultural Landscape during 6000 years in south Sweden (Ed. B. E. Berglund). Ecological Bulletins 41, 388-396.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Bennion, H. (1994) A diatom-phosphorus transfer function for shallow, eutrophic ponds in southeast England. Hydrobiologia 275, 391-419.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Berg, H. (1992) Alvarängar på Stora Karlsö. Meddelanden från Växtbiologiska institutionen 1992 1, 50 pp.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Bersier, L.-F. & Meyer, D. R. (1994) Bird assemblages in mosaic forests: the relative importance of vegetation structure and floristic composition along the successional gradient. Acta Oecologica 15, 561-576.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning; ecology, ornithology; birds]
Bersier, L.F. & Meyer, D.R. (1995) Relationships between bird assemblages, vegetation structure, and floristic composition of mosaic patches in riparian forests. Revue Ecologie (Terre Vie) 50, 15-33.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning; ecology, ornithology; birds]
Bertoli, G.C. (1996) Aquatic vegetation of the Orinoco River Delta (Venzuela). An overview. Hydrobiologia 340, 109-113.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Best, E. P. H. (1993) The impact of mechanical harvesting regimes on the species composition of Dutch ditch vegetation: a quantitative approach. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31, 148-154.
[ RDA, Monte Carlo tests, partial RDA; ecology, ecological impacts, field experiments, management; vascular plants]
Best, E. P. H. (1994) The impact of mechanical harvesting regimes on the aquatic and shore vegetation in water courses of agricultural areas of the Netherlands. Vegetatio 112, 57-71.
[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecological impacts, ecology; vascular plants]
Beyens, L., Chardez, D. & De Baere, D. (1990) Ecology of terrestrial testate amoebae assemblages from coastal lowlands on Devon Island (NWT, Canadian Arctic). Polar Biology 10, 431-440.
[ CCA, hybrid analysis; ecology; amoebae]
Beyens, L., Chardez, D. & De Baere, D. (1991) Ecology of aquatic testate amoebae in coastal lowlands of Devon Island (Canadian high arctic). Archiv Protistenkende 140, 23-33.
[ ?CCA; ecology; amoebae]
Birks, H. H. (1991) Holocene vegetational history and climatic change in west Spitsbergen - plant macrofossils from Skardjørna, an Arctic lake. The Holocene 1, 209-218.
[ RDA, temporal constraints; palaeoecology; macrofossils]
Birks, H. J. B. (1987) Methods for pH-calibration and reconstruction from palaeolimnological data: procedures, problems, potential techniques. Proceedings of Surface Water Acidification Programme (SWAP) Mid-Term Conference, Bergen 22-26 June 1987, pp. 370-380.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Birks, H. J. B. (1990) Indicator values of pollen types from post-6000 B.P. pollen assemblages from southern England and southern Sweden. Quaternary Studies in Poland 10, 21-31.
[ CCA; palaeoecology; pollen]
Birks, H. J. B. (1992) Some reflections on the application of numerical methods in Quaternary palaeoecology. In The first meeting of Finnish palaeobotanists; State of the art in Finland - May 2-4, 1990 (Ed. E. Grönlund), Publications of Karelian Institute, University of Joensu
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; palaeoecology; pollen]
Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Is the hypothesis of survival on glacial nunataks necessary to explain the present-day distributions of Norwegian mountain plants? Phytocoenologia 23, 399-426.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints, variance partitioning, RDA, partial RDA; biogeography; vascular plants]
Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Impact of computer-intensive procedures in testing palaeoecological hypotheses. INQUA - Commission for the Study of the Holocene - Working Group on Data-Handling Methods Newsletter 9, 1-5.
[ CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; diatoms, pollen]
Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Quaternary palaeoecology and vegetation science - current contributions and possible future developments. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 79, 153-177.
[ CCA; palaeoecology; pollen]
Birks, H. J. B. (1994) The importance of pollen and diatom taxonomic precision in quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 83, 107-117.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; pollen, diatoms]
Birks, H.J.B. (1995) Quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. In Statistical Modelling of Quaternary Science Data. (Eds. D.Maddy, & J.S. Brew), Technical Guide 5, Quaternary Research Association, Cambridge, pp.161-254.
[DCCA, CCA, RDA, calibration; theory, palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; diatoms, chrysophytes, pollen]
Birks, H. J. B., Juggins, S. & Line, J. M. (1990) Lake surface-water chemistry reconstructions from palaeolimnological data. In The Surface Waters Acidification Programme (Ed. B. J. Mason), pp. 301-313. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Birks, H. J. B., Line, J. M., Juggins, S., Stevenson, A. C. & ter Braak, C. J. F. (1990) Diatoms and pH reconstruction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B327, 263-278.
[ CCA, calibration, bootstrapping, Gaussian logit regression; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Birks, H. J. B. & Lotter, A. F. (1994) The impact of the Laacher See Volcano (11 000 yr. B.P.) on terrestrial vegetation and diatoms. Journal of Paleolimnology 11, 313-322.
[DCCA, RDA, partial RDA, temporal constraints, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; palaeolimnology; pollen, diatoms]
Birks, H.J.B., Peglar, S.M. & Austin, H.A. (1996) An annotated bibliography of canonical correspondence analysis and related constrained ordination methods 1986-1993. Abstracta Botanica 20, 17-36.
[bibliography; general, methods, theory; -]
Bisang, I. (1996) Quantitative analysis of the diaspore banks of bryophytes and ferns in cultivated fields in Switzerland. Lindbergia 21, 9-20.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; bryology, ecology; bryophytes, ferns]
Björck, S., Håkansson, H., Olsson, S., Barnekow, L. & Janssens, J. (1993) Palaeoclimatic studies in South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, based on numerous stratigraphic variables in lake sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology 8, 233-272.
[ RDA; palaeolimnology, palaeoecology; diatoms, pollen, chemical elements]
Björck, S., Olsson, S., Ellis-Evans, C., Håkansson, H., Humlum, O. & de Liriro, J.M. (1996) Late Holocene palaeoclimatic records from lake sediments on James Ross Islands, Antarctica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 121, 195-220.
[RDA; palaeolimnology, palaeoecology; diatoms]
Bjarnason, Á. H. (1991) Vegetation on lava fields in the Hekla area, Iceland. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 77, 114 pp.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Blair, R.B. (1996) Land use and avian species diversity along an urban gradient. Ecological Applications 6, 506-519.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ornithology; birds]
Blair, R.B. & Launer, A.E. (1996) Butterfly diversity and human land use: species assemblages along an urban gradient. Biological Conservation 80, 113-125.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; butterflies]
Bliss, L.C., Henry, G.H.R., Svoboda, J. & Bliss, D.I. (1994) Patterns of plant distribution within two polar desert landscapes. Arctic and Alpine Research 26, 46-55.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Blomberg, Y. (1992) Part I. Effects of species number in a plant ecological data set on the results of Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Part II. Studies of vegetation cover along the Khor-gradient in the Sinkat District, The Sudan. Cand. Scient. thesis, University of Berg
[ CCA; theory, ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Boeken, B. & Shachak, M. (1994) Desert plant communities in human-made patches - implications for management. Ecological Applications 4, 702-716.
[RDA; ecology, management; vascular plants]
Boeken, B., Shachak, M., Gutterman, Y. & Brand, S. (1995) Patchiness and disturbance: plant community responses to porcupine diggings in the central Negev. Ecography 18, 410-422.
[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Boeye, D. & Verheyen, R F. (1994) The relation between vegetation and soil chemistry gradients in a ground water discharge fen. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 553-560.
[CCA; mire ecology, ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Boggero, A., Barbieri, A., Conedera, M., Marchetto, A., Mosello, R. & Tartari, G.A. (1993) Land cover as a factor influencing the chemistry of mountain lakes in the western Alps. Verhandlungen Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. 25, 772-775.
[RDA; limnology; chemical elements, lakes]
Bootsma, M.C. & Wasen, M.J. (1996) Environmental conditions and fen vegetation in three lowland mires. Vegetatio 127, 173-189.
[CCA, Gaussian logit regression; mire ecology; vascular plants]
Borcard, D. (1989) Notes d'utilisation de CANOCO. Département des sciences biologiques, Université de Montréal. Canada. 13 pp.
[ CCA, DCCA; general, computing]
Borcard, D. & Legendre, P. (1994) Environmental control and spatial structure in ecological communities: an example using oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatei). Environmental and Ecological Statistics 1, 37-53.
[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; ecology, theory; mites]
Borcard, D., Legendre, P. & Drapeau, P. (1992) Partialling out the spatial component of ecological variation. Ecology 73, 1045-1055.
[ CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints, variance partitioning; ecology, theory, limnology; mites, bacteria, vascular plants]
Borgegård, S.-O. (1990) Vegetation development in abandoned gravel pits: effects of surrounding vegetation, substrate and regionality. Journal of Vegetation Science 1, 675-682.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Bos, D.G., Cumming, B.F., Watters, C.E. & Smol, J.P. (1996) The relationship between zooplankton, conductivity and lake-water ionic composition in 111 lakes from the Interior Plateau of British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Salt Lake Research 5, 1-15.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, Gaussian logit regression, calibration; limnology; zooplankton]
Bosman, A. F., van der Molen, P. C., Young, R. & Cleef, A. M. (1993) Ecology of a paramo cushion mire. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 633-640.
[ CCA; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Bossio, D.A. & Scow K.M. (1995) Impact of carbon and flooding on the metabolic diversity of microbial communities in soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61, 4043-4050.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology, microbiology; bacteria]
Bourget, E. & Fortin, M.-J. (1995) A commentary on current approaches in the aquatic sciences. Hydrobiologia 300/301, 1-16.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology, microbiology; bacteria]
Boyle, J. F., Smayda, T. & Birks, H. J. B. (1989) The influence of catchment characteristics on the chemical composition of chronically acidified lakes in southern Norway. Botanisk Institutt, Universitetet i Bergen, Rapport 48, 32 pp.
[ RDA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; chemical elements]
Branquart, E., Kime, R.D., Dufrêne, M., Tavernier, J. & Wauthy, G. (1995) Macroarthropod-habitat relationships in oak forests in South Belgium. 1. Environments and communities. Pedobiologia 39, 243-263.
[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, temporal constraints, variance partitioning; ecology; arthropods]
Brewer, J. S. & Grace, J. B. (1990) Plant community structure in an oligohaline tidal marsh. Vegetatio 90, 93-107.
[ DCCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Briones, M. J. I. (1993) Two ecotypes in Allolobophora caliginosa (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). Acta Oecologica 14, 317-325.
[ DCCA; ecology, genecology; oligochaetes]
Briones, M. J. I., Mascato, R. & Mato, S. (1992) Relationships of earthworms with environmental factors studied by means of detrended canonical correspondence analysis. Acta Oecologica 13, 617-626.
[ DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; earthworms]
Briones, M.J.I., Mascato, R. & Mato, S. (1995) Autecological study of some earthworm species (Oligochaeta) by means of ecological profiles. Pedobiologia, 39, 97-106.
[CCA; ecology; earthworms]
Brodersen, K.P. (1995) The effect of wind exposure and filamentous algae on the distribution of surf zone macroinvertebrates in Lake Esrom, Denmark. Hydrobiologia 297, 131-148.
[RDA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Brown, A., Birks, H. J. B. & Thompson, D. B. A. (1993) A new biogeographical classification of the Scottish Uplands. II. Vegetation-environment relationships (1993). Journal of Ecology 81, 231-251.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; conservation, ecology; vegetation types]
Brown, A. F. & Stillman, R. A. (1993) Bird-habitat associations in the eastern Highlands of Scotland. Journal of Applied Ecology 30, 31-42.
[ RDA; ecology; birds]
Brown, V. K., Gibson, C. W. D. & Kathirithamby, J. (1992) Community organisation in leaf hoppers. Oikos 65, 97-106.
[ DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management, ecological dynamics; leafhoppers]
Brunet, J. (1993) Environmental and historical factors limiting the distribution of rare forest grasses in south Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management 61, 263-275.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Bubier, J.L. (1995) The relationship of vegetation to methane emission and hydrochemical gradients in northern peatlands. Journal of Ecology 83, 403-420.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Bubier, J.L., Moore, T.R., Bellisario, L. & Comer, N.T. (1995) Ecological controls on methane emissions from a northern peatland complex in the zone of discontinuous permafrost, Manitoba, Canada. Global Biochemical Cycles 9, 455-470.
[CCA; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Bubier, J.L., Moore, T.R. & Juggins, S. (1995) Predicting methane emission from bryophyte distribution in northern Canadian peatlands. Ecology 76, 677-693.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, calibration; ecology, mire ecology; bryophytes]
Buhl-Mortensen, L. & Høisæter, T. (1993) Mollusc fauna along an offshore-fjord gradient. Marine Ecology Progress Series 97, 209-224.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; marine biology; molluscs]
Burgaz, A.R., Fuertes, E. & Escudero, A. (1994) Ecology of cryptogamic epiphytes and their communities in deciduous forests in Mediterranean Spain. Vegetatio 112, 73-86.
[CCA, partial CCA, response surfaces; ecology; bryophytes, lichens]
Busing, R. T., White, P. S. & MacKenzie, M. D. (1993) Gradient analysis of old spruce-fir forests of the Great Smoky Mountains circa 1935. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 951-958.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Buttler, A., Warner, B.G., Grosverner, P. & Matthey, Y. (1996) Vertical patterns of testate amoebae (Protozoa:Rhizopoda) and peat-forming vegetation on cutover bogs in the Jura, Switzerland. New Phytologist 134, 371-382.
[CCA, RDA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, partial CCA; mire ecology; amoebae]
Cadoret, L., Legendre, P., Adjeroud, M. & Galzin, R. (1995) Répartition spatiale des Chaetodontidae dans différents secteurs récifaux de l'île de Moorea, Polynésie française. Écoscience 2, 129-140.
[CCA; marine biology; fish]
Campbell, B. D., Grime, J. P. Mackey, J. M. L. & Jalili, A. (1991) The quest for a mechanistic understanding of resource competition in plant communities: the role of experiments. Functional Ecology 5, 241-253.
[ CCA; ecology, field experiments; vascular plants]
Carey, P. D., Dring, J. C. M., Hill, M. O., Preston, C. D. & Sparks, T. H. (1993) Biogeographical zones in Scotland: a pilot study. ITE Project TO2054A5. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood,Huntingdon, 26 pp.
[ DCCA, classification; biogeography, bryology; bryophytes]
Carey, P.D., Dring, J.C.M., Hill, M.O., Preston, C.D. & Wright S.M. (1994) Biogeographical zones in Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage: Research, Survey and Monitoring Report 26, 84 pp.
[DCCA, classification; biogeography; vascular plants, molluscs, insects, bryophytes]
Carey, P.D., Preston, C.D., Hill, M.O., Usher, M.B. & Wright, S.M. (1995) An environmentally defined biogeographical zonation of Scotland designed to reflect species distributions. Journal of Ecology 83, 833-845.
[DCCA, classification; biogeography; vascular plants, birds, insects, bryophytes, molluscs]
Carleton, T. J. (1990) Variation in terricolous bryophyte and macrolichen vegetation along primary gradients in Canadian boreal forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 1, 585-594.
[ DCCA, response curves; ecology; bryophytes, lichens]
Carleton, T.J. & MacLellan, P. (1994) Woody vegetation responses to fire versus clear-cutting logging: A comparative survey in the central Canadian boreal forest. Ecoscience 1, 141-152.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; ecology, ecological dynamics, management, vascular plants]
Carleton, T.J., Maycock, P.F., Arnup, R. & Gordon, A.M. (1996) In situ regeneration of Pinus strobus and P. resinosa in the Great Lakes forest communities of Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 431-444.
[CCA, COINSPAN; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Carleton, T.J., Stitt, R.H. & Nieppola, J. (1996) Constrained indicator species analysis (COINSPAN) - an extension of TWINSPAN. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 125-130.
[COINSPAN, CCA; theory, methods, ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Cary, G. J. & Morrison, D.A. (1995) Effects of fire frequency on plant species composition of sandstone committees in the Sydney region: combinations of inter-fire intervals. Australian Journal of Ecology 20, 418-426.
[RDA; ecological dynamics, ecology; vascular plants]
Cattaneo, A., Legendre, P. & Niyonsenga, T. (1993) Exploring periphyton unpredictability. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 12, 418-430.
[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; algae, phytoplankton]
Charles, D. F. & Smol, J.P. (1994) Long-term chemical changes in lakes. Quantitative inferences from biotic remains in the sediment record. Advances in Chemistry Series 237, 3-31.
[CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms, chrysophytes, fish]
Charman, D. J. (1993) Patterned fens in Scotland: evidence from vegetation and water chemistry. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 543-552.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Charman, D.J. & Pollard, A.J. (1994) Long term vegetation recovery after vehicle track abandonment on Dartmoor, south-west England, UK. Bulletin of the British Ecological Society 25, 22-28.
[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Charman, D.J. & Pollard, A.J. (1995) Long-term vegetation recovery after vehicle track abandonment on Dartmoor, SW England, UK. Journal of Environmental Management 45, 73-85.
[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Charman, D. J. & Warner, B. G. (1992) Relationship between testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) and microenvironmental parameters on a forested peatland in northeastern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70, 2474-2482.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; ecology; amoebae]
Cherrill, A.J. & Rushton, S.P. (1993) The Auchenorhyncha of an unimproved moorland in northern England. Ecological Entomology 18, 95-103.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; leafhoppers, vascular plants]
Chessel, D. (1992) Echanges interdisciplinaires en analyse des données écologiques. Mémoire, Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon, 108 pp.
[ CCA, RDA; computing, theory, general, graphics]
Chessel, D., Lebreton, J. D. & Yoccoz, N. (1987) Propriétés de l'analyse canonique des correspondances; une illustration en hydrobiologie. Revue de Statistique Appliquée 35, 55-72.
[ CCA; theory; limnology; fish]
Christie, C. E. (1993) Palaeoecological reconstruction of lake trophic status: the effect of human activity on lake conditions in southeastern Ontario in the recent (ca. 200 years) past. Doctoral thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, 211 pp.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; palaeolimnology, limnology; diatoms]
Christie, C. E. & Smol, J. P. (1993) Diatom assemblages as indicators of lake trophic status in southeastern Ontario lakes. Journal of Phycology 29, 575-586.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Coimbra, C.N., GraÁa & Cortes, R.M. (1996) The effects of a basic effluent on macroinvertebrate community structure in a temporary Mediterranean river. Environmental Pollution 94, 301-307.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, ecological impacts; aquatic invertebrates]
Coker, P.D. (1994) Plant communities and environmental relationships, Høydal, Jotunheimen, Southern Norway. Colloques Phytosociologiques XXIII, 339-358.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Copp, G. H. (1992) An empirical model for predicting microhabitat of 0+ juvenile fishes in a lowland river catchment. Oecologia 91, 338-345.
[ CCA; limnology, ecology; fish]
Copp, G. H. (1993) The upper River Rhône revisited: an empirical model of microhabitat use by 0+ juvenile fishes. Folia Zoologica 42, 329-340.
[ CCA; limnology, ecology; fish]
Copp, G.H. (1993) Microhabitat use of fish larvae and 0+ juveniles in a small abandoned channel of the Upper River Rhône, France. Folia Zoologica 42, 153-164.
[CCA; limnology, ecology; fish]
Copp, G.H., Guti, G., Rovny, B. & Eerny, J. (1994) Hierarchical analysis of habitat use by 0+ juvenile fish in Hungarian/Slovak flood plain, Danube River. Environmental Biology of Fishes 40, 329-348.
[CCA; limnology, ecology; fish]
Coppejans, E., Beeckman, H. & De Wit, M. (1992) The seagrass and associated macroalgal vegetation of Gazi Bay (Kenya). Hydrobiologia 247, 59-75.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; marine ecology; vascular plants, algae]
Cortes, R. M. V. (1992) Seasonal pattern of benthic communities along the longitudinal axis of river systems and the influence of abiotic factors on the spatial structure of those communities. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 126, 85-103.
[ CCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Cortes, R.M.V. (1992) Seasonal pattern of benthic communities along the longitudinal axis of river systems and the influence of abiotic factors on the spatial structure of those communities. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 126, 85-103.
[CCA; freshwater biology; aquatic invertebrates]
Cowell, C. M. (1993) Environmental gradients in secondary forests of the Georgia Piedmont, U.S.A. Journal of Biogeography 20, 199-207.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Cowell, C.M. (1995) Presettlement Piedmont Forests: Patterns of composition and distur-bance in Central Georgia. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 85, 65-83.
[DCCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Cowie, R.H., Nishida, G.M., Basset, Y. & Gon III, S.M. (1995) Patterns of snail distribution in a montane habitat on the island of Hawaii. Malacologia 36, 155-169.
[CCA, hybrid analysis, variance partitioning; ecology; molluscs]
Cox, J. E. & Larson, D. W. (1993) Spatial heterogeneity of vegetation and environmental factors on talus slopes of the Niagara Escarpment. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 323-332.
[ DCCA, partial DCCA, spatial constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Cox, J. E. & Larson, D. W. (1993) Environmental relations of the bryophytic and vascular components of a talus slope plant community. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 553-560.
[ DCCA, spatial constraints; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Cramer, W. (1988) Direct gradient analysis as a tool for studies of vegetation dynamics. Rapport, Botanisk Serie. University i Trondheim Vitenskapsmuseet, 1987-1, 5-6.
[CCA, temporal constraints; ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Cramer, W. & Hytterborn, H. (1987) The separation of fluctuation and long-term change in vegetation dynamics of a rising seashore. Vegetatio 69, 157-167.
[ DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Cross, A. F. (1991) Vegetation of two southeastern Arizona marshes. Madrono 38, 185-194.
[ DCCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Crouch, H. J. (1992) Cryptogam distribution patterns and successional sequences on a glacier foreland in southern Norway. Doctoral thesis, University of Greenwich, 445 pp.
[ CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics, bryology, lichenology; bryophytes, lichens, vascular plants]
Cumming, B.F., Davey, K.A., Smol, J.P. & Birks, H.J.B. (1994) When did acid-sensitive Adirondack lakes (New York, USA) begin to acidify and are they still acidifying? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51, 1550-1568.
[CCA, CVA, Monte Carlo tests; palaeolimnology; chrysophytes]
Cumming, B. F. & Smol, J. P. (1993) Development of diatom-based salinity models for paleoclimatic research from lakes in British Columbia (Canada). Hydrobiologia 269/270, 179-196.
[ CCA, calibration, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; diatoms]
Cumming, B. F., Smol, J. P. & Birks, H. J. B. (1991) The relationship between sedimentary chrysophyte scales (Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae) and limnological characteristics in 25 Norwegian lakes. Nordic Journal of Botany 11, 231-242.
[ CCA, calibration; limnology; chrysophytes]
Cumming, B. F., Smol, J. P. & Birks, H. J. B. (1992) Scaled chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae) from Adirondack drainage lakes and their relationship to environmental variables. Journal of Phycology 28, 162-178.
[ CCA, calibration, bootstrapping, Gaussian logit regression, Monte Carlo tests, partial CCA, response curves; algology, limnology; algae, chrysophytes]
Dale, M. R. T., Thomas, A. G. & John, E. A. (1992) Environmental factors including management practices as correlates of weed community composition in spring seeded crops. Canadian Journal of Botany 70, 1931-1939.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management; vascular plants]
Davis, M.M., Sprecher, S.W., Wakeley, J.S. & Best, G.R. (1996) Environmental gradients and identification of wetlands in north-central Florida. Wetlands 16, 512-523.
[CCA; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants]
Davis, R.B., Anderson, D.S., Norton, S.A., Ford, J., Sweets P.R. & Kahl, J.S. (1994) Sedimented diatoms in Northern New England lakes and their use as pH and alkalinity indicators. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51, 1855-1876.
[CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Davis, R. B. et al. (1990) Alkalinity and pH of three lakes in northern New England, U.S.A., over the past 300 years. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 327, 413-421.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; chrysophytes, diatoms]
de Bakker, A. J. (1989) Effects of ammonia emission on epiphytic lichen vegetation. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 38, 337-342.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecological impacts; lichens]
De Blois, S. & Bouchard, A. (1995) Dynamics of Thuja occidentalis in an agricultural landscape of southern Quebec. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 531-542.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
de Leeuw, J. Apon, L.P., Herman, P.M.J., de Munck, W. & Beeftink, W.G. (1994) The response of salt marsh vegetation to tidal reduction caused by the Oosterschelde storm-surge barrier. Hydrobiologia 282/283, 335-353.
[CCA, response curves, predictive modelling; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
de Mars, H., Wassen, M.J. & Peeters, W.H.M. (1996) The effect of drainage and management on peat chemistry and nutrient deficiency in the former Jegrznia-floodplain (NE-Poland). Vegetatio 126, 59-72.
[RDA; mire ecology, ecology; vegetation types]
De Rooij-van der Goes, P.C.E.M., van der Putten, W.H. & van Dijk, C. (1995) Analysis of nematodes and soil-borne fungi from Ammophila arenaria (Marram grass) in Dutch coastal foredunes by multivariate techniques. European Journal of Plant Pathology 101, 149-162.
[CCA; Monte Carlo tests; ecology; nematodes, fungi]
Del Moral, R. Titus, J. H. & Cook, A.M. (1995) Early primary succession on Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 107-120.
[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests; ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Delettre, Y.R. (1994) Fire disturbance of a chironomid (Diptera) community on heathlands. Journal of Applied Ecology 31, 560-570.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; chironomids]
Denys, L. & van Straaten, D. (1992) A survey of the acid water diatom assemblages of two heathland relics in the Belgian northern Campine (Groot & Klein Schietveld, Brasschaat) with an assessment of their conservational value. Diatom Research 7, 1-13.
[ CCA; limnology, conservation, algology; diatoms]
Desender, K.R.C. (1996) Diversity and dynamics of coastal dune carabids. Annales Zoologici Fennici 33, 65-75.
[DCCA; ecology; beetles]
Diamantopoulos, J., Pirintsos, S.A., Margaris, N.S. & Stamou, G.P. (1994) Variation in Greek phrygana vegetation in relation to soil and climate. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 355-360.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Didden, W.A.M. et al. (1994) Soil meso- and macrofauna in two agricultural systems: factors affecting population dynamics and evaluation of their role in carbon and nitrogen dynamics. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 51, 171-186.
[CCA; ecology, pedology; soil fauna]
Diekmann, M. (1994) Deciduous forest vegetation in Boreo-nemoral Scandinavia. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 80, 116 pp.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Dirkse, G. M. & van Dobben, H. F. (1989) Effects of experimental fertilization on forest undergrowth in young stands of Scots pine in Sweden. In Forests of the world: diversity and dynamics (Abstracts) (Ed. E. Sjögren). Studies in Plant Ecology 18, 62-64.
[ RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; field experiments; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Dixit, A. S., Dixit, S. S. & Smol, J. P. (1992) Algal microfossils provide high temporal resolution of environmental trends. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 62, 75-87.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms, chrysophytes]
Dixit, S. S., Cumming, B. F., Smol, J. P. & Kingston, J. C. (1992) Monitoring environmental changes in lakes using algal microfossils. In Ecological Indicators (Eds. D. H. McKenzie, D. E. Hyatt & V. J. MacDonald), Vol. 2, pp. 1135-1155. Elsevier Applied Sciences, Amsterdam.
[ CCA, calibration; limnology, monitoring; diatoms, chrysophytes]
Dixit, S. S., Dixit, A. S. & Smol, J. P. (1989) Relationship between chrysophyte assemblages and environmental variables in seventy-two Sudbury lakes as examined by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46, 1167-1176.
[ CCA, calibration; limnology; chrysophytes]
Dixit, S. S., Dixit, A. S. & Smol, J. P. (1991) Multivariable environmental inferences based on diatom assemblages from Sudbury (Canada) lakes. Freshwater Biology 26, 251-266.
[ CCA, partial CCA, calibration, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Dixit, S. S. et al. (1990) Utility of scaled chrysophytes for inferring lakewater pH in northern New England lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 3, 269-286.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; chrysophytes]
Dixit, S. S. et al. (1993) Diatom assemblages from Adirondack Lakes (New York, U.S.A.) and the development of inference models for retrospective environmental assessment. Journal of Paleolimnology 8, 27-47.
[ DCCA, partial DCCA, calibration, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Dixit, S.S. & Smol, J.P. (1994) Diatoms as indicators in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program-Surface Waters (EMAP-SW). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 31, 275-306.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology; diatoms]
Dixit, S.S. & Smol, J.P. (1995) Diatom evidence of past water quality changes in Adirondack seepage lakes (New York, U.S.A). Diatom Research 10, 113-129.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Dixit, S. S., Smol, J. P., Kingston, J. C., & Charles, D. F. (1992) Diatoms: powerful indicators of environmental change. Environmental Science and Technology 26, 23-33.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Dolédec, S. & Chessel, D. (1989) Rythmes saisonniers et composantes stationnelles en milieu aquatique. II. Prise en compte et élimination d'effets dans un tableau faunistique. Acta Oecologia, Oecologia Generalis 10, 207-232.
[ Partial CCA, spatial constraints; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Dolédec, S. & Chessel, D. (1991) Recent developments in linear ordination methods for environmental sciences. Advances in Ecology 1, 133-155.
[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial DCA temporal constraints; general, theory; aquatic invertebrates]
Dolédec, S., Chessel, D., ter Braak, C.J.F. & Champely, S. (1996) Matching species traits to environmental variables: a new three-table ordination method. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 3, 143-166.
[Three-way CA, Monte Carlo tests; theory, methods; birds]
Douglas, M. S. V. & Smol, J. P. (1993) Freshwater diatoms from high arctic ponds (Cape Herschel, Ellesmere Island, N. W. T.). Nova Hedwigia 57, 511-552.
[ CCA; limnology; diatoms]
Douglas, M.S.V. & Smol, J.P. (1995) Periphytic diatom assemblages from high arctic ponds. Journal of Phycology 31, 60-69.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; diatoms]
Downie, I.S., Butterfield, J.E.L. & Coulson, J.C. (1995) Habitat preferences of sub-montane spiders in northern England. Ecography 18, 51-61.
[CCA; ecology; spiders]
Du Plessis, A. & Kerley, G. I. H. (1991) Refuge strategies and habitat segregation in two sympatric rodents Otomys unisulcatus and Parotomys brantsii. Journal of Zoology, London 224, 1-10.
[ DCCA; ecology; rodents]
Duff, K. E. & Smol, J. P. (1991) Morphological descriptions and stratigraphic distributions of the chrysophycean stomatocysts from a recently acidified lake (Adirondack Park, N. Y.). Journal of Paleolimnology 5, 73-113.
[ RDA; palaeolimnology; chrysophytes]
Duff, K.E. & Smol, J.P. (1995) Chysophycean cyst assemblages and their relationship to water chemistry in 71 Adirondack Park (New York, USA) lakes. Archiv Hydrobiologie 134, 307-336.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; chrysophytes]
Duff, K.E. & Smol, J.P. (1995) The relationship of chrysophycean stomatocysts to environmental variables in freshwater lakes in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Botany 73, 1097-1111.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; chrysophytes]
Duigan, C. & Kovach, W.L. (1994) Relationships between littoral microcrustacea and aquatic macrophyte communities on the Isle of Skye (Scotland), with implications for the conservation of standing waters. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 4, 307-331.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; vascular plants, cladocera]
Duivenvoorden, J.F. (1995) Tree species composition and rain forest-environment relationships in the middle Caquetá area, Colombia, NW Amazonia. Vegetatio 120, 91-113.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, partial CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Dzwonko, Z. (1993) Relations between the floristic composition of isolated young woods and their proximity to ancient woodland. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 693-698.
[ Partial DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology, conservation, management; vascular plants]
Edds, D. R. (1993) Fish assemblage structure and environmental correlates in Nepal's Gandaki river. Copeia 1993 (1), 48-60.
[ DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, limnology; fish]
Eggenberg, S. (1994) Dynamik der Vegetation an der Waldgrenze und die Abhängigkeit ihrer Zusammensetztung vom Klima. Doctoral thesis. University of Bern, 188 pp.
[CCA; ecological dynamics, ecology; vascular plants]
Eilertsen, O. (1991) Vegetation patterns and structuring processes in coastal shell-beds at Akerøya, Hvaler, S.E. Norway. Sommerfeltia 12, 90 pp.
[ DCCA, hybrid analysis; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
El-Demerdash, M.A. (1996) The vegetation of the Farasan Islands, Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 81-88.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Elliott, K.J. & Vose, J.M. (1995) Evaluation of the competitive environment for White Pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings planted on prescribed burn sites in the Southern Appalachians. Forest Science 41, 513-530.
[CCA, predictive modelling; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Emmer, I.M. (1994) Humus form characteristics in relation to undergrowth vegetation in a Pinus sylvestris forest. Acta Oecologica 15, 677-687.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; pedology, ecology; vascular plants, soils]
Escudero, A. (1996) Community patterns on exposed cliffs in a Mediterranean calcareous mountain. Vegetatio 125, 99-110.
[CCA, hybrid analysis; ecology; vascular plants]
Escudero, A. & Pajarón, S. (1994) Numerical syntaxonomy of the Asplenietalia petrarchae in the Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 205-214.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Escudero, A., Pajarón, S. & Gavilán, R. (1994) Saxicolous communities in the Sierra del Moncayo (Spain): a classificatory study. Coenoses 9, 15-24.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Esler, K. J. & Cowling, R. M. (1993) Edaphic factors and competition as determinants of pattern in South African karoo vegetation. South African Journal of Botany 59, 287-295.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Eyre, M. D., Foster, G. N. & Foster A. P. (1990) Factors affecting the distribution of water beetle species assemblages in drains of eastern England. Journal of Applied Entomology 109, 217-225.
[ CCA; ecology; beetles]
Eyre, M. D., Luff, M. L., Rushton, S. P. & Topping, C. J. (1989) Ground beetles and weevils (Carabidae and Curculionoidea) as indicators of grassland management practices. Journal of Applied Entomology 107, 508-517.
[ CCA; ecology, management; beetles, insects, weavils]
Eyre, M. D., Rushton, S. P., Young, A. G. & Hill, D. (1992) Land cover and breeding birds. In Land use change: the causes and consequences, pp. 131-136. HMSO, London.
[ CCA, logistic regressions; ecology, ecological impacts; birds]
Fängström, I. & Willén, E. (1987) Clustering and canonical correspondence analysis of phytoplankton and environmental variables in Swedish lakes. Vegetatio 17, 87-95.
[ DCCA; limnology; algae, phytoplankton]
Facher, E. & Schmidt R. (1996) A siliceous chrysophycean cyst-based pH transfer function for Central European lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 16, 275-321.
[CCA, calibration; limnology; chrysophytes]
Fairchild, G. W. & Sherman, J. W. (1993) Algal periphyton response to acidity and nutrients in softwater lakes: lake comparison vs. nutrient enrichment approaches. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 12, 157-167.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; algology, limnology; algae, phytoplankton]
Fernández-Palacios, J.M. & de Nicolás, J.P. (1995) Altitudinal pattern of vegetation variation on Tenerife. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 183-190
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Fernandez, F.A.S., Evans, P.E. & Dunstone, N. (1994) Local variation in rodent communities of Sitka spruce plantations: the interplay of successional stage and site-specific habitat parameters. Ecography 17, 305-313.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; rodents]
Ferry, B.W. & Lodge, E. (1996) Distribution and succession of lichens associated with Prunus spinosa at Dungeness, England. Lichenologist 28, 129-143.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, lichenology; lichens]
Fiedler, P.C. & Reilly, S.B. (1994) Interannual variability of dolphin habitats in the eastern tropical Pacific. II: Effects on abundance from Tuna vessel sightings, 1975-1990. Fishery Bulletin 92, 451-463.
[CCA, logistic regression; ecology, marine ecology, dolphins]
Fielding, D. J. & Brusven, M. A. (1993) Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) community composition and ecological disturbance on southern Idaho rangeland. Environmental Entomology 22, 71-81.
[ CCA, partial CCA; ecology, management; grasshoppers]
Fielding, D.J. & Brusven, M.A. (1995) Ecological correlates between rangeland grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and plant communiites of Southern Idaho. Environmental Entomology 24, 1432-1441.
[CCA; Monte Carlo tests; ecology; grasshoppers, vegetation types]
Flower, R. J. et al. (1990) Post-1970 water-chemistry changes and palaeolimnology of several acidified upland lakes in the U. K. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 327, 427-433.
[ CCA; palaeolimnology, ecological impacts; diatoms]
Forbes, B.C. (1996) Plant communities of archaeological sites, abandoned dwellings, and trampled tundra in the eastern Canadian arctic: a multivariate analysis. Arctic 49, 141-154.
[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Foster, D. R. (1992) Land-use history (1730-1990) and vegetation dynamics in central New Englnad, USA. Journal of Ecology 80, 753-772.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics, management; vascular plants]
Fraile, L., Escoufier, Y. & Raibaut, A. (1993) Analyse des correspondances de données planifiées: etude de la chémotaxie de la larve infestante d'un parasite. Biometrics 49, 1142-1153.
[ CCA, variance partitioning; ecological experiments, marine biology; parasites, fish]
Franklin, J. & Merlin, M. (1992) Species - environment patterns of forest vegetation on the uplifted reef limestone of Atiu, Mangaia, Ma'uke and Miti'aro, Cook Islands. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 3-14.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Franklin, S. B., Robertson, P. A., Fralish, J. S. & Kettler, S. M. (1993) Overstory vegetation and successional trends of Land Between The Lakes, USA. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 509-520.
[ DCCA, response curves; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Frederiksen, P. & Lawesson, J. E. (1992) Vegetation types and patterns in Senegal based on multivariate analysis of field and NOAA-AVHRR satellite data. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 535-544.
[ CCA; ecology, remote sensing; vegetation types]
Frenzel, S.A. & Swanson, R.B. (1996) Relations of fish community composition to environmental variables in streams of Central Nebraska, USA. Environmental Management 20, 689-705.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; fish]
Friedman, J.M., Osterkamp, W.R. & Lewis, W.M. Jr. (1996) Channel narrowing and vegetation development following a Great Plains flood. Ecology 77, 2167-2181.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Frisvad, J.C. (1994) Correspondence, principal coordinate, and redundancy analysis used on mixed chemotaxonomical qualitative and quantitative data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 23, 213-229.
[RDA; taxonomy; bacteria]
Fritz, S. C. (1990) Twentieth-century salinity and water-level fluctuations in Devils Lake, North Dakota: Test of a diatom-based transfer function. Limnology and Oceanography 35, 1771-1781.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Fritz, S.C., Engstrom, D.R. & Haskell, B.J. (1994) 'Little Ice Age' aridity in the North American Great Plains: a high-resolution reconstruction of salinity fluctuations from Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA. The Holocene 4, 69-73.
[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Fritz, S. C., Juggins, S. & Battarbee, R. W. (1993) Diatom assemblages and ionic characterization of lakes of the northern Great Plains, N.A.: a tool for reconstructing past salinity and climate fluctuations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 50, 1844-1856.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology; diatoms]
Fritz, S. C., Kingston, J. C. & Engstrom, D. R. (1993) Quantitative trophic reconstruction from sedimentary diatom assemblages: a cautionary tale. Freshwater Biology 30, 1-23.
[ CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Fulton, M. (1991) Simulation modelling of some forested landscapes in Sweden. Doctoral thesis, University of Uppsala, 122 pp.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Fuselier, L. & Edds, D. (1996) Seasonal variation of riffle and pool fish assemblages in a short mitigated stream reach. The Southwestern Naturalist 41, 299-306.
[CCA; limnology; fish]
Gégout, J.C. & Houllier, F. (1996) Canonical correspondence analysis for forest site classification. A case study. Annales des Sciences Forestieres 53, 981-990.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Gacia, E., Ballestros, E., Camarero, L., Delgado, O., Palau, A., Riera, J.L. & Catalan, J. (1994) Macrophytes from lakes in the eastern Pyrenees: community composition and ordination in relation to environmental factors. Freshwater Biology 32, 73-81.
[RDA; limnology; vascular plants]
Gaillard, M.-J., Birks, H. J. B., Emanuelsson, U. & Berglund, B. E. (1992) Modern pollen/land-use relationships as an aid in the reconstruction of past land-use and cultural landscapes: an example from south Sweden. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 1, 3-17.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; palaeoecology, ecological impacts; pollen]
Gaillard, M.-J., Birks, H.J.B., Emanuelsson, U., Karlsson, S., Lagerås, P. & Olaussen, D. (1994) Application of modern pollen/land-use relationships to the interpretation of pollen diagrams - reconstructions of land-use history in south Sweden, 3000-0 BP. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 82, 47-73.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; palaeoecology; pollen]
Gaillard, M.-J., Birks, H.J.B., Karlsson, S. & Lagerås, P. (1996) Quantitative reconstruction of past land-use and soil conditions using the modern analogue approach - a case study in south Sweden. In Landscapes and Life. Studies in honour of Urve Miller. (Eds. A.M.Robertsson, S.Hicks, A.Åkerlund, J.Risberg & T.Hakens, PACT 50, pp. 431-442.
[CCA, calibration; palaeoecology; pollen]
García, L. V., Marañón, T., Moreno, A. & Clemente, L. (1993) Above-ground biomass and species richness in a Mediterranean salt marsh. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 417-424.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Garcia-Rubies A. & Macpherson E. (1995) Substrate use and temporal pattern of recruitment in juvenile fishes of the Mediterranean littoral. Marine Biology 124, 35-42.
[CCA; marine biology; fish]
Gasse, F., Juggins, S. & Ben Khelifa, L. (1995) Diatom-based transfer functions for inferring past hydrochemical characteristics of African lakes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 117, 31-54.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; diatoms]
Genard, M., Bruchou, C. & Souty, M. (1991) Variabilité de croissance et de la qualité chez la pêche ( Prunus persica L Batsch) et liason entre croissance et qualité. Agronomie 11, 829-845
[RDA; horticulture; fruits]
Gerdol, R. (1995) Community and species-performance patterns along an alpine poor-rich mire gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 175-182.
[DCCA, partial DCCA; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Gibson, C. W. D. & Brown, V. K. (1992) Grazing and vegetation change: deflected or modified succession? Journal of Applied Ecology 29, 120-131.
[ DCCA, partial DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics, field experiments; vascular plants]
Gibson, D.J. & Looney, P.B. (1994) Vegetation colonization of dredge spoil on Pedrido Key, Florida. Journal of Coastal Research 10, 133-143.
[CCA; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Gignac, L. D. (1993) Distribution of Sphagnum species, communities, and habitats in relation to climate. Advances in Bryology 5, 187-222.
[ DCCA, response surfaces; bryology, mire ecology; bryophytes]
Gignac, L.D. (1994) Peatland species preferences: an overview of our current knowledge base. Wetlands 14, 216-222.
[DCCA; mire ecology; bryophytes]
Gignac, L. D. & Vitt, D. H. (1990) Habitat limitations of Sphagnum along climatic, chemical, and physical gradients in mires of Western Canada. The Bryologist 93, 7-22.
[ DCCA; bryology, mire ecology; bryophytes]
Gignac, L. D., Vitt, D. H., Zoltai, S. C. & Bayley, S. E. (1991) Bryophyte response surfaces along climatic, chemical, and physical gradients in peatlands of western Canada. Nova Hedwigia 53, 27-71.
[ DCCA; response surfaces; bryology, mire ecology; bryophytes]
Glaser, P. H. (1992) Raised bogs in eastern North America - regional controls for species richness and floristic assemblages. Journal of Ecology 80, 535-554.
[ CCA; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Glaser, P. H., Janssens, J. A. & Siegel, D. I. (1990) The response of vegetation to chemical and hydrological gradients in the Lost River peatland, northern Minnesota. Journal of Ecology 78, 1021-1048.
[ CCA; mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Gonçalves, J. H. C. (1991) Fitocenoses espontaneas dos sobreirais alentejanors: dinamica da vegetcao e factores ambientais associada a condicees de mortalidade des arvores. Thesis, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Tecnica de hisboa 104 pp.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Gonzáles-Mancebo, J.M. & Hernández-García, C.D. (1996) Bryophyte life strategies along an altitudal gradient in El Canal y los Tiles (La Palma, Canary Islands) Journal of Bryology 19, 243-255.
[CCA; bryology, ecology; bryophytes]
Gonzáles-Mancebo, J.M. & Hernández-García, C.D. (1996) Distribution and morphological variations of Scleropodium touretii (brid.) L.Koch along an altitudinal gradient in El Canal y los Tiles, La Palma (Canary Islands). Cryptogamie, Bryologie, Lichénologie 17, 295-304.
[CCA; morphology, bryology; bryophytes]
Gorham, E. & Janssens, J.A. (1993) The paleorecord of geochemistry and hydrology in northern peatlands and its relation to global change. Suo 43, 117-126.
[CCA; ecology, mire ecology, palaeoecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Gorissen, A., Joosten, N.N. & Burgers, S.L.G.E. (1994) Ammonium deposition and the mycoflora in the rhizosphere of Douglas-fir. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 26, 1011-1022.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecological experiments, field experiments, ecology, mycology; fungi]
Gower, A.M., Myers, G., Kent, M. & Foulkes, M.E. (1994) Relationships between macroinvertebrate communities and environmental variables in metal-contaminated streams in south-west England. Freshwater Biology 32, 199-221.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; limnology, ecology, ecological impacts; aquatic invertebrates]
Grönlund, E. (1991) Sediment characteristics in relation to cultivation history in two varved lake sediments from East Finland. Hydrobiologia 214, 137-142.
[ CCA; palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; pollen]
Grantham, B.A. & Hann, B.J. (1994) Leeches (Annelida:Hirudinea) in the Experimental Lakes Area, north-western Ontario, Canada. Patterns of species composition in relation to environment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51, 1600-1607.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, ecology; leeches]
Gremmen, N.J.M., Huiskes, A.H.L. & Francke, J.W. (1994) Epilithic macrolichen vegetation of the Argentine Islands, Antarctic Peninsula Antarctic Science 6, 463-471
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; lichens]
Grillas, P. (1990) Distribution of submerged macrophytes in the Camargue in relation to environmental factors. Journal of Vegetation Science 1, 393-402.
[ CCA, Gaussian logit regression; ecology; vascular plants]
Grillas, P. et al. (1993) Submerged macrophyte seed bank in a Mediterranean temporary marsh: abundance and relationship with established vegetation. Oecologia 94, 1-6.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants, seeds]
Groom, P.K. & Lamont, B.B. (1996) Ecogeographical analysis of Hakea (Proteaceae) in South-western Australia, with special reference to leaf morphology and life form. Australian Journal of Botany, 44, 527-542.
[CCA; ecology, morphology; vascular plants]
Grosvernier, P.H., Matthey, Y. & Buttler, A. (1995) Microclimate and physical properties of peat: new clues to the understanding of bog restoration processes. In Restoration of Temperate Wetlands (Eds. B.D. Wheeler, S.C. Shaw, W.J. Fojt & R.A. Robertson), pp. 434-450. J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
[RDA, partial RDA, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests; mire ecology, restoration; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Grytnes, J.-A. (1996) Species richness relationships to biomass, soil, and environmental heterogeneity at a fine scale in different alpine communities on the Hardangervidda, western Norway. Cand. scient. Thesis, Botanical Institute, University of Bergen, 79 pp.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Gurnell, J. (1996) The effects of food availability and winter weather on the dynamics of a grey squirrel population in southern England. Journal of Applied Ecology 33, 325-338.
[RDA; ecology; mammals]
Gustafsson, L. & Eriksson, I. (1995) Factors of importance for the epiphytic vegetation of aspen Populus tremula with special emphasis on bark chemistry and soil chemistry. Journal of Applied Ecology 32, 412-424.
[CCA, RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; bryophytes, lichens]
Høiland, K. (1994) Reaction of some decomposer basidiomycetes to toxic elements. Nordic Journal of Botany 15, 305-318.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; mycology, ecological dynamics; lichens]
Høiland, K. & Bendiksen, E. (1996) Biodiversity of wood-inhabiting fungi in a boreal coniferous forest in Sør-Trøndelag County, Central Norway. Nordic Journal of Botany 16, 643-659.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, spatial constraints; ecology, mycology; fungi]
Haase, R. (1990) Community composition and soil properties in northern Bolivian savanna vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 1, 345-352.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Hall, R. I. (1993) Paleolimnological analysis of lake - watershed interactions and long term lake trophic status. Doctoral thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, 318 pp.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology, paleolimnology; diatoms]
Hall, R. I. & Smol, J. P. (1992) A weighted-averaging regression and calibration model for inferring total phosphorous concentration from diatoms in British Columbia (Canada) lakes. Freshwater Biology 27, 417-434.
[ CCA, calibration, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeoecology; diatoms]
Hall, R. I. & Smol, J. P. (1993) The influence of catchment size on lake trophic status during the hemlock decline and recovery (4800 to 3500 BP) in southern Ontario lakes. Hydrobiologia 269/270, 371-390.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Hall, R.I. & Smol, J.P. (1996) Paleolimnological assessment of long-term water-quality changes in south-central Ontario lakes affected by cottage development and acidification. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53, 1-17.
[CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Hansen, J. R. & Ingolfsson, A. (1993) Patterns in species composition of rocky shore communities in sub-arctic fjords of eastern Iceland. Marine Biology 117, 469-481.
[ CCA; marine biology; algae, marine invertebrates]
Haraughty, S.J. & Burks, S.L. (1996) Nutrient limitation in Lake Tenkiller, Oklahoma. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 11, 91-100.
[CCA; field experiments, limnology; phytoplankton]
Hardy, M.B., Tainton, N.M. & Morris C.D. (1994) Defoliation patterns of three grass species in sourveld grazed by cattle and sheep. African Journal of Range and Forestry Science 11, 37-42.
[CCA; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Hassink, J., Oude Voshaar, J. H., Nijhuis, E. H. & van Veen, J. A. (1991) Dynamics of the microbial populations of a reclaimed-polder soil under a conventional and a reduced-input farming system. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 23, 515-524.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; microbiology; bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes]
Haworth, E. Y., Atkinson, K. M. & Carrick, T. R. (1990) The preliminary assessment of diatom distribution in the waterbodies of Cumbria, North-West England. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Diatom Symposium (Ed. H. Simola), pp. 459-470. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein.
[ CCA; limnology; diatoms]
Hayward, B.W., Grenfell, H., Cairns, G. & Smith, A. (1996) Environmental controls on benthic foraminiferal and thecamoebian associations in a New Zealand tidal inlet. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 26, 150-171.
[CCA; marine biology, ecology; foraminifera]
Heegaard, E. (1996) Niche relationships of Andreaea in western Norway: a quantitative analysis. Cand.scient. Thesis, Botanical Institute, University of Bergen, 142 pp.
[CCA, response curves, Monte Carlo tests; bryology; bryophytes]
Heikkinen, R. K. (1991) Multivariate analysis of esker vegetation in southern Häme, S. Finland. Annales Botanici Fennici 28, 201-224.
[ CCA, RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Heikkinen, R.K. (1996) Predicting patterns of vascular plant species richness with composite variables: a meso-scale study in Finnish Lapland. Vegetatio 126, 151-165.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, biogeography; vascular plants]
Heikkinen, R.K. & Birks, H.J.B. (1996) Spatial and environmental components of variation in the distribution patterns of subarctic plant species at Kevo, N Finland - a case study at the meso-scale level. Ecography 19, 341-351.
[CCA, partial CCA, partial CA, spatial constraints, variance partitioning; biogeography, ecology; vascular plants]
Heliövaara, K., Väisänen, R. & Immonen, A. (1991) Quantitative biogeography of the bark beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Nothern Europe. Acta Forestalia Fennica 219, 1-35.
[ CCA, logistic regression; biogeography, conservation; beetles]
Herben, T., Krahulec, F., Hadincová, V. & Pecháèková (1995) Climatic variability and grassland community composition over 10 years: separating effects on module biomass and number of modules. Functional Ecology 9, 767-773.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Herman, A.B. & Sicer R.A. (1996) Palaeobotanical evidence for a warm Cretaceous Arctic Ocean. Nature 380, 330-333.
[CCA; morphology, palaeobotany; vascular plants]
Herman, R. L. & Dahms, H. U. (1992) Meiofauna communities along a depth transect off Halley Bay (Weddell Sea-Antarctica). Polar Biology 12, 313-320.
[ CCA; marine biology; marine invertebrates]
Hermida, J., Ondina, P.& Outeiro, A. (1995) Influence of soil characteristics on the distribution of terrestrial gastropods in northwest Spain. European Journal of Soil Biology 31, 29-38.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; molluscs]
Hermida, J., Outeiro, A. & Rodriguez, T. (1994) Biogeography of terrestrial gastropods of north-west Spain. Journal of Biogeography 21, 207-217.
[CCA; biogeography; molluscs]
Hermy, M. (1992) Compositional development of deciduous forests from non-forest precursors in northern Belgium: evidence from historical ecology. In Responses of forest ecosystems to environmental changes (Eds. A. Teller, P. Mathy & J.N.R. Jeffers), pp.437-444. Elsevier
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Hessen, D.O., Faafeng, B.A. & Andersen, T. (1994) Replacement of herbivore zooplankton species along gradients of ecosystem productivity and fish predation pressure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52, 733-742.
[CCA; limnology, ecological dynamics; zooplankton, fish]
Hicks, S. & Birks, H.J.B. (1996) Numerical analysis of modern and fossil pollen spectra as a tool for elucidating the nature of fine-scale human activities in boreal areas. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 5, 257-272.
[RDA, t-value biplots; palaeoecology; pollen]
Hietz, P. & Hietz-Seifert, U. (1995) Composition and ecology of vascular epiphyte communities along an altitudinal gradient in central Veracruz, Mexico. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 487-498.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Higler, L. W. G., Torenbeek, R. & Verdonschot, P. F. M. (1987) A new ordination technique for ecological purposes applied to caddis larvae in ditches. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Trichoptera (Eds. M. Bournaud & H. Tachet), pp. 299-303. Dr W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht.
[ DCCA; limnology; caddis flies]
Higler, L. W. G. & Verdonschot, P. F. M. (1989) Macroinvertebrates in the Demmerik ditches (The Netherlands): the role of environmental structure. Hydrobiological Bulletin 23, 143-150.
[ DCCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Hill, M. O. (1991) Patterns of species distribution in Britain elucidated by canonical correspondence analysis. Journal of Biogeography 18, 247-255.
[ CCA, DCCA, spatial constraints, logistic regression; biogeography; vascular plants, birds]
Hill, M.O. & Lozano, F.D. (1994) A numerical analysis of the distribution of liverworts in Great Britain. In Atlas of the Bryophytes of Britain and Ireland. (Eds. M.O.Hill, C.D.Preston, & A.J.E.Smith), Harley Books, Colchester, pp. 11-20
[CCA, spatial constraints, logistic regression; biogeography, bryology; bryophytes]
Hill, T.R. (1996) Description, classification and ordination of the dominant vegetation communities, Cathedral Peak, KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg. South African Journal of Botany 62, 263-269.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Hilmo, O. (1994) Distribution and succession of epiphytic lichens on Picea abies branches in a boreal forest, central Norway. Lichenologist 26, 1149-169.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics, lichenology; lichens]
Hjertholm, E. (1992) The autecology of four species of Sedum along a west-east climatic gradient, Sognefjorden, Western Norway. Cand. Scient. thesis, University of Bergen, 83 pp.
[ CCA, response curves; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Holien, H. (1996) Influence of site and stand factors on the distribution of crustose lichens of the Caliciales in a suboceanic spruce forest area in central Norway. Lichenologist 28, 315-330.
[CCA; ecology, lichenology; lichens]
Holopainen, A-L. & Huttunen, P. (1992) Effects of forest clear-cutting and soil disturbance on the biology of small forest brooks. Hydrobiologia 243/244, 457-464.
[ CCA; ecological impacts, management, limnology; algae]
Holopainen, J.K., Bergman, T., Hautala, E.-L. & Oksanen, J. (1995) The ground beetle fauna (Coleoptera:Carabidae) in relation to soil properties and foliar fluoride content in spring cereals. Pedobiologia 39, 193-206.
[CCA; ecology; beetles]
Hudon, C., Paquet, S. & Jarry, V. (1996) Downstream variations of phytoplankton in the St. Lawrence River (Québec, Canada). Hydrobiologia 337, 11-26.
[CCA; limnology; phytoplankton]
Hughes, J. & Huntley, B. (1988) Upland Hay Meadows in Britain - Their vegetation, management and future. In The Cultural Landscape Past, Present and Future (Eds. H. H. Birks et al.), pp. 91-110. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
[ CCA; ecology, management; vascular plants]
Huhta, A.-P. (1996) Vegetation changes in semi-natural meadows after abandonment in coastal northern Finland. Nordic Journal of Botany 16, 457-472.
[CCA; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Huttunen, P. et al. (1990) Palaeoecological evaluation of the recent acidification of susceptible lakes in Finland. In Acidification in Finland (Eds. P. Kauppi et al.), pp. 1071-1090. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Huttunen, P. & Turkia, J. (1990) Estimation of palaeoalkalinity from diatom assemblages by means of CCA. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Diatom Symposium (Ed. H. Simola), pp. 443-450. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koeningstein.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Huttunen, P. & Turkia, J. (1990) Surface sediment diatom assemblages and lake acidity. In Acidification in Finland (Eds. P. Kauppi et al.), pp. 995-1008. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology, limnology; diatoms]
Huys, R., Herman, P. M. J., Heip, C. H. R. & Soetaert, K. (1992) The meiobenthos of the NOrth Sea: density, biomass trends and distribution of copepod communities. ICES Journal of Marine Science 49, 23-44.
[ CCA; marine biology; copepods]
Hytteborn, H. (1985) Methods of forest dynamics research. In Theory and models in vegetation science. Studies in Plant Ecology. (Eds. R.Leemans, I.C.Prentice & E. van der Maarel), pp. 17-27. Uppsala.
[DCCA, temporal constraints; ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Hytteborn, H. (1986) Methods of forest dynamics research. In Forest dynamics research in Western and Central Europe (Ed. J. Fanta), pp. 17-31. Pudoc, Wageningen.
[ DCCA; ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Hytteborn, H. & Cramer, W. (1985) Successional trends in the field layer of a coastal woodland; a comparison of direct and indirect gradient analysis. In Theory and models in vegetation science. Studies in Plant Ecology. (Eds. R.Leemans, I.C.Prentice & E. van der Maarel), pp. 48-49. Uppsala.
[CCA, DCCA, temporal constraints; ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Hyvärinen, M., Halonen, P. & Kauppi, M. (1992) Influence of stand age and structure on the epiphytic lichen vegetation in the middle-boreal forests of Finland. Lichenologist 24, 165-180.
[ CCA; ecology, lichenology; lichens, vascular plants]
Innes, J. L. & Whittaker, R. J. (1993) Relationships between the crown condition of Sitka and Norway spruce and the environment in Great Britain: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 30, 341-360.
[ DCCA, partial DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Jackson, D.A. & Harvey, H.H. (1993) Fish and benthic invertebrates: community concordance and community-environment relationships. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50, 2641-2651.
[CCA; limnology, freshwater biology; fish, aquatic invertebrates]
Jacobsen, J. (1991) Heavy metal concentrations in recent lake sediments along a west-east transect in the Bergen area. Cand. Scient. thesis. University of Bergen, 80 pp.
[ RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; palaeolimnology; chemical elements]
Jacobsen, J. (1991) Vannplantestudier i Hordaland: miljøvariabler som virker inn på den floristiske sammensetningen i vannene. Cand. Scient. thesis, University of Bergen, 80 pp.
[ CCA; limnology; vascular plants]
Janssen, C.R. & Birks, H.J.B. (1994) Recurrent groups of pollen types in time. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 82, 165-173.
[CCA, temporal constraints; palaeoecology; pollen]
Janssens, J. A. (1990) Ecology of peatland bryophytes and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of peatlands using fossil bryophytes - Summary. INQUA Working Group on Data-handling Methods Newsletter 3, 1-5.
[ CCA, calibration; bryology, mire ecology; bryophytes]
Janssens, J. A. (1992) Bryophytes. In The Patterned Peatlands of Minnesota (Eds. H. E. Wright, B. A. Coffin & N. E. Aaseng), pp. 43-57. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
[ CCA; mire ecology; bryophytes]
Jaramillo, E., McLachlan, A. & Coetzee, P. (1993) Intertidal zonation patterns of macroinfauna over a range of exposed sandy beaches in south-central Chile. Marine Ecology Progress Series 101, 105-118.
[ CCA, partial CCA; marine biology; marine invertebrates]
Jean, M. & Bouchard, A. (1993) Riverine wetland vegetation: importance of small-scale and large-scale environmental variation. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 609-620.
[ CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, temporal constraints, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; ecology, scale; vascular plants]
Jeglum, J. K. & He, F. (1995) Pattern and vegetation-environment relationships in a boreal forested wetland in north-eastern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Botany 73, 629-637.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Jeppesen, E., Madsen, E.A., Jensen, J.P. & Anderson, N.J. (1996) Reconstructing the past density of planktivorous fish and trophic structure from sedimentary zooplankton fossils: a surface sediment calibration data set from shallow lakes. Freshwater Biology 36, 115-127.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology; zooplankton]
Jiang, H. (1996) Diatoms from the surface sediments of the Skagerrak and the Kattegat and their relationship to the spatial changes of environmental variables. Journal of Biogeography 23, 129-137.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; marine biology; diatoms]
Jobbágy, E.G., Paruelo, J.M. & Léon, R.J.C. (1996) Vegetation heterogeneity and diversity in flat and mountain landscapes of Patagonia (Argentina). Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 599-608.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
John, E. A. (1989) An assessment of the role of biotic interactions and dynamic processes in the organization of species in a saxicolous lichen community. Canadian Journal of Botany 67, 2025-2037.
[ CCA; ecology; lichens]
John, E. & Dale, M. R. T. (1989) Niche relationships amongst Rhizocarpon species at Jonas Rockslide, Alberta, Canada. Lichenologist 21, 313-330.
[ CCA; ecology, lichenology; lichens]
John, E. & Dale, M. R. T. (1990) Environmental correlates of species distributions in a saxicolous lichen community. Journal of Vegetation Science 1, 385-392.
[ CCA; ecology; lichens]
John, E. & Dale, M. R. T. (1991) Determinants of spatial pattern in saxicolous lichen communities. Lichenologist 23, 227-236.
[ CCA; ecology, lichenology; lichens]
Johnson, J.B. (1996) Phytosociology and gradient analysis of a subalpine treed fen in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Canadian Journal of Botany 74, 1203-1218.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants]
Johnson, R.K. (1995) The indicator concept in freshwater biomonitoring. In Chironomids. From genes to ecosystems (Ed. P. Cranston), pp.11-27. CSIRO, Victoria, Australia.
[CCA, partial CCA, RDA; limnology; chironomids]
Johnson, R. K., Eriksson, L. & Wiederholm, T. (1992) Ordination of profundal zoobenthos along a trace metal pollution gradient in northern Sweden. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 65, 339-351.
[ CCA; limnology, ecological impacts; aquatic invertebrates]
Johnson, R. K. & Wiederholm, T. (1989) Classification and ordination of profundal macroinvertebrate communities in nutrient poor, oligo-mesohumic lakes in relation to environmental data. Freshwater Biology 21, 375-386.
[ CCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Johnson, R. K., Wiederholm, T. & Eriksson, L. (1990) The influence of season on the classification and ordination of profundal communities of nutrient poor, oligo-mesohumic Swedish lakes using environmental data. Verhandlungen Internationalen Vereinigung Limnologie 24, 646-652.
[ CCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Johnson, R. K., Wiederholm, T. & Rosenberg, D. M. (1993) Freshwater biomonitoring using individual organisms, populations, and species assemblages of benthic macroinvertebrates. In Freshwater biomonitoring and benthic macroinvertebrates (Eds. D. M. Rosenberg & V. H. Resh), pp. 40-158. Chapman & Hall, London.
[ CCA; limnology, monitoring; aquatic invertebrates]
Johnston, M. H. (1992) Soil-vegetation relationships in a tabonuco forest community in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. Journal of Tropical Ecology 8, 253-263.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Jones, V.J.& Juggins, S. (1995) The construction of a diatom-based chlorophyll a transfer function and its application at three lakes on Signy Island (maritime Antarctic) subject to differing degrees of nutrient enrichment. Freshwater Biology 34, 433-445.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Jones, V. J., Juggins, S. & Ellis-Evans, J. C. (1993) The relationship between water chemistry and surface sediment diatom assemblages in maritime Antartic lakes. Antarctic Science 5, 339-348.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; diatoms]
Jonsgard, B. (1992) Quantitative studies on saxicolous bryophyte-environment relationships in Western Norway. Cand. Scient. thesis, University of Bergen, 65 pp.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, bryology; bryophytes, lichens, vascular plants]
Jonsgard, B. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Quantitative studies on saxicolous bryophyte - environment relationships in western Norway. Journal of Bryology 17, 579-611.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, bryology; bryophytes, lichens, vascular plants]
Jose, S., Gillespie, A.R., George, S.J. & Kumar, B.M. (1996) Vegetation responses along edge-to interior gradients in a high altitude tropical forest in peninsular India. Forest Ecology and Management 87, 51-62.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Joshi, J. & Matthies, D. (1996) Effects of mowing and fertilization on succession in an old-field plant community. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH 62, 13-26.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; field experiments, ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Juggins, S. (1992) Diatoms in the Thames estuary, England: ecology, palaeoecology, and salinity transfer function. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 25, 216 pp.
[ CCA, calibration; algology, palaeoecology; diatoms]
Juggins, S., Battarbee, R.W. & Fritz, S.C. (1994) Diatom / salinity transfer functions and climate change: an assessment of methods and application to two Holocene sequences from the northern Great Plains, North America. In Palaeoclimate of the Last Glacial / Interglacial cycle. (Eds. B.M.Funnell, & R.L.F. Kay) Special Publication no. 94/2 of the NERC Earth Science Directorate, pp. 37-41.
[CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Juggins, S., Flower, R.J. & Battarbee, R.W. (1996) Palaeolimnological evidence for recent chemical and biological changes in UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network sites. Freshwater Biology 36, 203-219.
[DCCA, CCA, RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; limnology, palaeolimnology, monitoring; diatoms, chemical elements]
Jullien, M. & Thiollay, J.-M. (1996) Effects of rain forest disturbance and fragmentation: comparative changes of the raptor community along natural and human-made gradients in French Guiana. Journal of Biogeography 23, 7-25.
[CCA; ecological impacts, ecology, conservation; birds]
Kaümierczak, E., van der Maarel, E. & Noest , V. (1995) Plant communities in kettle-holes in central Poland: Chance occurrence of species? Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 863-874.
[CCA, hybrid analysis; ecology; vascular plants]
Kainulainen, P., Oksanen, J., Palomäki, V., Holopainen, J. K. & Holopainen, T. (1992) Effect of drought and waterlogging stress on needle monoterpenes of Picea abies. Canadian Journal of Botany 70, 1613-1616.
[ RDA, Monte Carlo tests; field experiments, ecology; vascular plants]
Kartunen, K. & Toivonen, H. (1995) Ecology of aquatic bryophyte assemblages in 54 small Finnish lakes, and their changes in 30 years. Annales Botanici Fennici 32, 75-90.
[CCA; ecology, limnology; bryophytes]
Kautsky, H. & van der Maarel, E. (1990) Multivariate approaches to the variation in phytobenthic communities and environmental vectors in the Baltic Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 60, 169-184.
[ DCCA; marine biology; marine invertebrates, algae]
Kavanagh, R.P., Debus, S., Tweedie, T. & Webster, T. (1995) Distribution of nocturnal forest birds and mammals in north-eastern New South Wales: Relationships with environmental variables and management history. Wildlife Research 22, 359-377.
[CCA, CVA; ecology, management; birds, mammals]
Keizer, P.J. (1994) Mycocoenology of roadside verges planted with beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Drente, The Netherlands. Phytocoenologia 22, 325-353.
[CCA ; ecology, mycology; fungi, vascular plants]
Kellner, O. (1993) Effects of fertilization on forest flora and vegetation. Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University.
[DCCA, CCA, RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, field experiments, ecological impacts; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Kellner, O. (1993) Effects on associated flora of sylvicultural nitrogen fertilization repeated at long intervals. Journal of Applied Ecology 30, 563-574.
[CCA, DCCA, RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts, field experiments; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Kent, M., Brayshay, B., Gilbertson, D., Wathern, P. & Weaver, R. (1994) A biogeographical study of plant communities and environmental gradients on South Uist, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Scottish Geographical Magazine 110, 85-99.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Kent, M. & Coker, P. (1992) Vegetation Description and Analysis: A Practical Approach. Belhaven Press, London, 363 pp.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; general, theory, ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Kent, M., Weaver, R., Gilbertson, D., Wathern, P. & Brayshay, B. (1996) The present-day machair vegetation of the southern Outer Hebrides. In The Outer Hebrides The Last 14,000 Years (Eds. D.Gilbertson, M.Kent & J.Grattan), pp. 133-145. Sheffield Academic Press
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Kernan, M. (1995) The use of catchment attributes to predict surface water critical loads: a preliminary analysis. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85, 2479-2484.
[RDA; limnology; chemical elements]
Kingston, J. C., Birks, H. J. B., Uutala, A. J., Cumming, B. F. & Smol, J. P. (1992) Assessing damaged fishery resources and lake water aluminum trends using paleolimnological analyses of siliceous algae. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49, 116-127.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration, bootstrapping; palaeolimnology, limnology; diatoms, fish]
Kingston, J. C. et al. (1990) Paleoecological investigation of recent lake acidification in the northern Great Lakes states. Journal of Paleolimnology 4, 153-201.
[ CCA; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Kinrass, J. H., Christofi, N., Read, P. A. & Harriman, R. (1993) Filamentous algal communities related to pH in streams in the Trossachs, Scotland. Freshwater Biology 30, 301-317.
[ DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology; algae]
Kirkham F.W., Mountford, J.O. & Wilkins, R.J. (1996) The effects of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus addition on the vegetation of a Somerset peat moor under cutting management. Journal of Applied Ecology 33, 1013-1029.
[CCA; field experiments, ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Kitayama, K. & Mueller-Dombois, D. (1995) Biological invasion on an oceanic island mountain: Do alien plant species have wider ecological ranges than native species? Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 667-674.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Klironomos, J.N. & Kendrick, B. (1995) Relationships among microarthopods, fungi, and their environment. Plant and Soil 170, 183-197.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; fungi, arthropods]
Korhola, A. A. & Tikkanen, M. J. (1991) Holocene development and early extreme acidification in a small hilltop lake in southern Finland. Boreas 20, 335-356.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Korsman, T. (1993) Acidification trends in Sweden: An assessment of past water conditions using lake sediments. Doctoral thesis, University of Umeå.
[ DCCA, RDA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology, limnology, ecological impacts; diatoms, pollen]
Korsman, T. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Diatom-based water chemistry reconstructions: a comparison of reconstruction techniques. Journal of Paleolimnology (submitted).
[ DCCA, partial CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
See also 717
Korsman, T. & Birks, H.J.B. (1996) Diatom-based water chemistry reconstructions from northern Sweden: a comparison of reconstruction techniques. Journal of Paleolimnology 15, 65-77.
[DCCA, partial CCA, CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology; diatoms]
Korsman, T., Renberg, I. & Anderson, N.J. (1994) A palaeolimnological test of the influence of Norway spruce (Picea abies) immigration on lake-water acidity. The Holocene 4, 132-140.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology, palaeoecology, ecological impacts; pollen, diatoms]
Kovach, W.L. & Spicer, R.A. (1996) Canonical correspondence analysis of leaf physiognomy: A contribution to the development of a new palaeoclimatological tool. Palaeoclimates 1, 125-138.
[CCA, calibration; morphology, palaeobotany; vascular plants]
Kröncke, I., Duineveld, G. C. A., Raak, S., Rachor, E. & Daan, R. (1992) Effects of a former discharge of drill cuttings on the macrofauna community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 91, 277-287.
[ Partial DCA; marine biology, ecological impacts; marine invertebrates]
Kremen, C. (1992) Assessing the indicator properties of species assemblages for natural areas monitoring. Ecological Applications 2, 203-217.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; monitoring, ecology; butterflies]
Kremen, C. (1994) Biological inventory using target taxa: A case study of the butterflies of Madagascar. Ecological Applications 4, 407-422.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, partial CCA; biogeography, ecology; butterflies]
Kuuluvainen, T., Hokkanen, T.J., Järvinen, E. & Pukkala, T. (1993) Factors related to seedling growth in a boreal Scots pine stand: a spatial analysis of a vegetation-soil system. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23, 2101-2109.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Lahav-Ginott, S. & Cronk, Q. C. B. (1993) The mating system of Elatostema (Urticaceae) in relation to morphology: a comparative study. Plant Systematics and Evolution 186, 135-145.
[ RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; morphology, taxonomy; vascular plants]
Laine, J. (1989) Metsäojitettujen soiden luokittelu (Classification of peatlands drained for forestry). Suo 40, 37-51.
[ CCA; mire ecology; bryophytes, vascular plants]
Laine, J. & Vanha-Majamaa, I. (1992) Vegetation ecology along a trophic gradient on drained pine mires in southern Finland. Annales Botanici Fennici 29, 213-233.
[ CCA, response curves; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Laine, J., Vasander, H. & Laiho, R. (1995) Long-term effects of water level drawdown on the vegetation of drained pine mires in southern Finland. Journal of Applied Ecology 32, 785-802.
[CCA, predictive modelling; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Lancaster, J., Real, M., Juggins, S., Monteith, D.T., Flower, R.J. & Beaumont, W.R.C. (1996) Monitoring temporal changes in the biology of acid waters. Freshwater Biology 36, 179-201.
[DCCA, RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; limnology, monitoring; diatoms, aquatic invertebrates, fish]
Lapointe, F.-J. & Legendre, P. (1994) A classification of pure malt whiskies. Applied Statistics 43, 237-257.
[CCA, spatial constraints; general; whiskies]
Large, A.R.G., Prach, K., Bickerton, M.A. & Wade, P.M. (1994) Alteration of patch boundaries on the floodplain of the regulated River Trent, UK. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 9, 71-78.
[CCA; ecological impacts, ecology; vascular plants]
Larsen, J., Birks, H.J.B., Raddum, G.G. & Fjellheim, A. (1996) Quantitative relationships of invertebrates to pH in Norwegian river systems. Hydrobiologia 328, 57-64.
[CCA, DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, partial DCCA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Larsen, J., Boyle, J.F. & Birks, H.J.B. (1996) Variation in the geochemistry of recent lake sediments along a west-east pollution gradient in the Bergen area, Norway. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 88, 47-81.
[RDA, limnology, ecological impacts; chemical elements]
Lavorel, S. (1991) Spatial structure, disturbances, and dynamics of coexistence of plant species: from experimentation to modelling. Doctoral thesis. University of Montpellier II, 267 pp.
[ CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics, field experiments; vascular plants]
Lavorel, S., Debussche, M., Lebreton, J. D. & Lepart. J. (1993) Seasonal patterns in the seed bank of Mediterranean old-fields. Oikos 67, 114-128.
[ CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, variance partitioning; ecology; vascular plants]
Lavorel, S. & Lebreton, J. D. (1992) Evidence for lottery recruitment in Mediterranean old fields. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 91-100.
[ CCA, hybrid analysis, spatial constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Lavorel, S., Lebreton, J. D., Debussche, M. & Lepart, J. (1991) Nested spatial patterns in seed bank and vegetation of Mediterranean old-fields. Journal of Vegetation Science 2, 367-376.
[ CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints; field experiments, ecology; vascular plants]
Lavorel, S., Lepart, J., Debussche, M., Lebreton, J.-D., & Beffy, J.-L. (1994) Small scale disturbances and the maintenance of species diversity in Mediterranean old fields. Oikos 70, 455-473.
[CCA, partial CCA, hybrid analysis, spatial constraints; ecological dynamics, field experiments; vascular plants]
Lawesson, J. E. (1990) Sahelian woody vegetation in Sénégal. Vegetatio 86, 161-174.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Le Brocque, A. F. & Buckney, R.T. (1994) Vegetation and environmental patterns on soils derived from Hawkesbury Sandstone and Narrabeen substrata in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, New South Wales. Australian Journal of Ecology 19, 229-238.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Lebreton, J. D., Chessel, D., Prodon, R. & Yoccoz, N. (1988) L'analyse des relations espèces-milieu par l'analyse canonique des correspondances. I - Variables de milieu quantitatives. Acta Oecologia, Oecologia Generalis 9, 53-67.
[ CCA; ecology; birds]
Lebreton, J. D., Chessel, D., Richardot-Coulet, M. & Yoccoz, N. (1988) L'analyse des relations espèces-milieu par l'analyse canonique des correspondances. II- Variables de milieu qualitatives. Acta Oecologia, Oecologia Generalis 9, 137-151.
[ CCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Lebreton, J. D., Sabatier, R., Banco, G. & Bacou, A. M. (1991) Principal component and correspondence analyses with respect to instrumental variables: an overview of their role in studies of structure - activity and species - environment relationships. In Applied Multivariate Analysis in SAR and Environmental Studie
[ RDA, partial RDA, CCA, partial CCA; theory, ecology; vascular plants]
Legendre, P. (1990) Quantitative methods and biogeographic analysis. In Evolutionary biogeography of the marine algae of the North Atlantic (Eds. D. Garbary & G. R. South). NATO ASI Series, G22, 9-34. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
[ CCA, spatial constraints; ecology, biogeography; vascular plants]
Legendre, P. (1993) Spatial autocorrelation: trouble or new paradigm? Ecology 74, 1659-1673.
[ CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints, variance partitioning; theory, ecology, general; mites, bacteria]
Legendre, P. & Borcard, D. (1994) Rejoinder. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 1, 57-61.
[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; ecology, theory]
Leland, H. (1995) Distribution of phytobenthos in the Yakima River basin, Washington, in relation to geology, land use, and other environmental factors. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 5, 1108-1129.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, algology; algae]
Lepö, J., Michálek, J. Kulíöek, P. & Uhlík, P. (1995) Use of paired plots and multivariate analysis for the determination of goat grazing preference. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 37-42.
[RDA, CCA; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Leps, J. & Hadincová, V. (1992) How reliable are our vegetation analyses? Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 119-124.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, general; vascular plants]
Leps, J. & Spitzer, K. (1990) Ecological determinants of butterfly communities (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) in the Tam Dao Mountains, Vietnam. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslov 87, 182-194.
[ CCA, hybrid analysis, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; butterflies]
Lescourret, F. & Genard, M. (1994) Habitat, landscape and bird composition in mountain forest fragments. Journal of Environmental Management 40, 317-328.
[CCA, variance partitioning; ecological impacts, ornithology; birds]
Leskinen, E. & Hällfors, G. (1995) Dynamics of epiphytic diatoms on Cladophora glomerata, in the Tvärminne Archipelago, Northern Baltic Sea. Proceedings of the 11th International Diatom Symposium, (Ed. J.P. Kociolek), pp. 425-434. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.
[CCA; algology; diatoms]
Li, D.-W. & Kendrick, B. (1994) Functional relationships between airborne fungal spores and environmental factors in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, as detected by canonical correspondence analysis. Grana 33, 166-176.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; aerobiology; fungal spores]
Li, D.-W. & Kendrick, B. (1996) Functional and causal relationships between indoor and outdoor airborne fungi. Canadian Journal of Botany 74, 194-209.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; mycology; fungi]
Li, D-W. & Kendrick B. (1995) A year-round study on functional relationships of airborne fungi with meteorological factors. International Journal of Biometeorology 39, 74-80.
[RDA; aerobiology, mycology; fungi, spores]
Little, D. & Bolger, T. (1995) . The effects of contrasting land uses on soil properties and animal communities in brown earth soils. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 95B, 183-193.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; soil invertebrates]
Liu, Q. & Bråkenhielm, S. (1995) A statistical approach to decompose ecological variation. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85, 1587-1592.
[RDA, partial RDA, variance partitioning; ecology, ecological impacts; algae, lichens]
Lobo, E.A., Katoh, K. & Aruga, Y. (1995) Responses of epilithic diatom assemblages to water pollution in rivers in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, Japan. Freshwater Biology 34, 191-204.
[CCA; limnology, ecological impacts; diatoms]
Lokna, A. (1995) An ecological study of three oak forests sites in Langtang National Park, Nepal. Cand.scient. thesis, University of Bergen, 70 pp.
[CCA, RDA; ecology, vascular plants]
Lonergan, S.P. & Rasmussen, J.B. (1996) A multi-taxonomic indicator of acidification: isolating the effects of pH from other water-chemistry variables. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53, 1778-1787.
[CCA, spatial constraints; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Losvik, M. H. (1992) Restoring abandoned pasture by mowing - influences on frequency and cover of plant species. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 6, 391-409.
[ CCA; ecology, management, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Losvik, M. H. (1993) Hay meadow communities in western Norway and relations between vegetation and environmental factors. Nordic Journal of Botany 13, 195-206.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management; vascular plants]
Losvik, M. H. (1993) The effect of clear-cutting Betula pubescens Ehrh. (birch) on the plant species composition in a subalpine Vaccinium myrtillus-dominated pasture area. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7, 333-344.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics, field experiments, management; vascular plants]
Lotter, A. F. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) The impact of the Laacher See Tephra on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Black Forest (Southern Germany). Journal of Quaternary Science 8, 263-276.
[ RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints, variance partitioning; palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; diatoms, pollen]
Lotter, A.F., Birks, H.J.B. & Zolitschka, B. (1995) Late-glacial pollen and diatom changes in response to two different environmental perturbations: volcanic eruption and Younger Dryas cooling. Journal of Paleolimnology 14, 23-47.
[DCCA, RDA, partial RDA, temporal constraints, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; pollen, diatoms]
Lotter, A. F., Eicher, U., Birks, H. J. B. & Siegenthaler, U. (1992) Late-glacial climatic oscillations as recorded in Swiss lake sediments. Journal of Quaternary Science 7, 187-204.
[ RDA, partial RDA, temporal constraints, Monte Carlo tests; palaeoecology; pollen, oxygen isotopes]
Luff, M.L. (1996) Use of Carabids as environmental indicators in grasslands and cereals. Annales Zoologici Fennici 33, 185-195.
[CCA; ecology, ecological impacts; beetles]
Lyons, J. (1996) Patterns in the species composition of fish assemblages among Wisconsin streams. Environmental Biology of Fishes 45, 329-341.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; fish]
Mütter, H. (1994) The comparative ecology of three species of Polystichum in Hordaland, Western-Norway. Cand.scient. thesis, University of Bergen, 83 pp.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, logistic regression; ecology; ferns, bryophytes, lichens, vascular plants]
Machena, C. (1987) Zonation of submerged macrophyte vegetation in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe and its ecological interpretation. Vegetatio 73, 111-119.
[ CCA, hybrid analysis; limnology; vascular plants]
Magnan, P., Rodriguez, M.A., Legendre, P. & Lacasse, S. (1994) Dietary variation in a freshwater fish species: relative contribution of biotic interactions, abiotic factors, and spatial structure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51, 2856-2865.
[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; fish]
Malmqvist, B. & Englund, G. (1996) Effects of hydropower-induced perturbations on mayfly (Ephemeroptera) richness and abundance in north Swedish river rapids. Hydrobiologia 341, 145-158.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, limnology; mayflies]
Malmqvist, B. & Eriksson, Å. (1995) Benthic insects in Swedish lake-outlet streams: pattern in species richness and assemblage structure. Freshwater Biology 34, 285-296.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, ecology; aquatic invertebrates]
Malmqvist, B. & Mäki, M. (1994) Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in north Swedish streams: environmental relationships. Ecography 17, 9-16.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Marchetto, A. & Lami, A. (1994) Reconstruction of pH by chrysophycean scales in some lakes of the Southern Alps. Hydrobiologia 274, 83-90.
[CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; chrysophytes]
Marchetto, A., Mosello, R., Psenner, R., Bendetta, G., Boggero, A., Tait, D. & Tartari, G.A. (1995) Factors affecting water chemistry of alpine lakes. Aquatic Sciences 57, 81-89.
[RDA; limnology; chemical elements]
Marchetto, A. & Schmidt, R. (1993) A regional calibration data set to infer lakewater pH from sediment diatom assemblages in alpine lakes. Memorie Dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 51, 115-125.
[ DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, bootstrapping, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Marinissen, J. C. Y. (1992) Population dynamics of earthworms in a silt loam soil under conventional and "integrated" arable farming during two years with different weather patterns. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 24, 1647-1654.
[ ?CCA; ecology, ecological impacts; earthworms]
Marrs, R. H., Bravington, M. & Rawes, M. (1988) Long-term vegetation change in the Juncus squarrosus grassland at Moor House, northern England. Vegetatio 76, 179-187.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; ecology, field experiments, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Marsicano, L. J. & Siver, P. A. (1993) A paleolimnological assessment of lake acidification in five Connecticut lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 9, 209-221.
[ CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; chrysophytes]
Martin, J.-L., Gaston, A.J. & Hitier, S. (1995) The effect of island size and isolation on old growth forest habitat and bird diversity in Gwaii Haanas (Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada) Oikos 72, 115-131.
[CCA; ornithology, ecology; birds]
Martin, J.-L. & Lepart, J. (1989) Impoverishment in the bird community of a Finnish archipelago: the role of island size, isolation and vegetation structure. Journal of Biogeography 16, 159-172.
[ CCA; ecology, biogeography; birds]
McAlister, S. D. (1990) Influences on the structure of lignicolous cryptogam communities in the North Carolina piedmont. Doctoral thesis, Duke University, 110 pp.
[ CCA; ecology, bryology; lichens, bryophytes]
McCloskey, M., Firnbank, L.G., Watkinson, A.R. & Webb, D.J. (1996) The dynamics of experimental arable weed communities under different management practices. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 799-808.
[CCA; ecology, field experiments; vascular plants]
McDonald, D.J., Cowling, R.M. & Boucher, C. (1996) Vegetation-environment relationships on a species-rich coastal mountain range in the fynbos biome (South Africa). Vegetatio 123, 165-182.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
McIntyre, S. & Lavorel, S. (1994) How environmental and disturbance factors influence species composition in temperate Australian grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 373-384.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, hybrid analysis; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Mees, J. & Hamerlynck, O. (1992) Spatial community structure of the winter hyperbenthos of the Schelde estuary, the Netherlands, and the adjacent coastal waters. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 29, 357-370.
[CCA; ecology, marine biology; marine invertebrates]
Mercier, P. (1988) Approche méthodologique de l'étude des relations entre la structure spatiale du peuplement ligneux et la végétation du sous-bois. Ann. Sci. For. 45, 275-290.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Mercier, P., Chessel, D. & Dolédec, S. (1992) Complete correspondence analysis of an ecological profile data table: a central ordination method. Acta Oecologica 13, 25-44.
[ CCA; theory, ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Mesléard, F., Grillas, P. & Lepart, J. (1991) Plant community succession in a coastal wetland after abandonment of cultivation: the example of the Rhone delta. Vegetatio 94, 35-45.
[ CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Mesléard, F. & Lepart, J. (1991) Germination and seedling dynamics of Arbutus unedo and Erica arborea on Corsica. Journal of Vegetation Science 2, 155-164.
[ CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Michelsen, A., Lisanework, N., Friis, I. & Holst, N. (1996) Comparison of understorey vegetation and soil fertility in plantations and adjacent natural forests in the Ethiopian highlands. Journal of Applied Ecology 33, 627-642.
[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Mihuc, T.B., Minshall, G.W. & Mihuc, J.R. (1996) Species-environment relationships among filter-feeding caddisflies (Trichoptera:Hydropsychidae) in Rocky Mountains streams. Great Basin Naturalist 56, 287-293.
[CCA; limnology; caddis flies]
Miskimmin, B.M., Leavitt, P.R. & Schindler, D.W. (1995) Fossil record of cladoceran and algal responses to fishery management practices. Freshwater Biology 34, 177-190.
[RDA, temporal constraints, Monte Carlo tests; palaeolimnology; cladocera, pigments]
Mjelstad, H. & Sætersdal, M. (1988) The effects of density on time budget of breeding Mallards Anas platyrhynchos. Fauna Norvegica Series C, Cinclus 11, 11-18.
[ CCA; behavioural ecology; birds]
Moles, R. & Breen, J. (1991) Surveillance of recent vegetation change in the Burren, County Clare, Republic of Ireland. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 1, 151-156.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecological impacts, ecology, management, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Monti, D., Legendre, L., Therriault, J.-C. & Demers, S. (1996) Horizontal distribution of sea-ice microalgae: environmental control and spatial processes (southeastern Hudson Bay, Canada). Marine Ecology Progress Series 133, 229-240.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, spatial constraints; marine biology; algae]
Moore, J.C., Zwersloot, H.J.C. & de Ruiter, P.C. (1990) Statistical analysis and simulation modelling of the belowground food webs of two winter wheat management practices. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 38, 303-316.
[CCA, CVA, temporal constraints; ecological impacts, microbiology, management; soil microorganisms, fungi, bacteria]
Morano, L.D. & Walker, M.A. (1995) Soils and plant communities associated with three Vitis species. American Midland Naturalist 134, 254-263.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Morrison, D.A., Buckney, R.T., Bewick, B.J. & Cary, G.J. (1996) Conservation conflicts over burning bush in south-eastern Australia. Biological Conservation 76, 167-175.
[RDA, partial PCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, conservation, management; vascular plants]
Motta, P.J., Clifton, K.B., Hernandez, P. & Eggold, B.T. (1995) Ecomorphological correlates in ten species of subtropical seagrass fishes: diet and microhabitat utilization. Environmental Biology of Fishes 44, 37-60.
[CCA, DCCA; morphology; fish]
Mountford, J. O. & Chapman, J. M. (1993) Water regime requirements of British wetland vegetation: using the moisture classifications of Ellenberg and Londo. Journal of Environmental Management 38, 275-288.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Moustafa, A.E.-R.A. & Zaghloul, M.S. (1996) Environment and vegetation in the montane Saint Catherine area, south Sinai, Egypt. Journal of Arid Environments 34, 331-349.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Moustafa, A.E.-R.A. & Zayed, A. (1996) Effect of environmental factors on the flora of alluvial fans in southern Sinai. Journal of Arid Environments 32, 431-443.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Muotka, T. & Virtanen, R. (1995) The stream as a habitat templet for bryophytes: species' distribution along gradients in disturbance and substratum heterogeneity. Freshwater Biology 33, 141-160.
[CCA; bryology, ecology; bryophytes]
Myklestad, Å. (1991) A numerical analysis of the distribution patterns of Salix species in Europe. A numerical analysis of the distribution patterns of Salix species in Fennoscandia. Cand. Scient. thesis, University of Bergen, 103 pp.
[ CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests; biogeography, morphology; vascular plants]
Myklestad, Å. (1993) The distribution of Salix species in Fennoscandia - a numerical analysis. Ecography 16, 329-344.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; biogeography; vascular plants]
Myklestad, Å. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) A numerical analysis of the distribution patterns of Salix L. species in Europe. Journal of Biogeography 20, 1-32.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints, partial CCA, variance partitioning; biogeography, morphology; vascular plants]
Nantel, P. & Neumann, P. (1992) Ecology of ectomycorrhizal-basidiomycete communities on a local vegetation gradient. Ecology 73, 99-117.
[ CCA; ecology, mycology; fungi, vascular plants]
Naranjo, S.A., Carballo, J.L. & García-Gómez, J.C. (1996) Effects of environmental stress on ascidian populations in Algericas Bay (southern Spain). Possible marine bioindicators? Marine Ecology Progress Series 144, 119-131.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; marine biology; ascidians]
Natuhara, Y. & Imai, C. (1996) Spatial structure of avifauna along urban-rural gradients. Ecological Research 11, 1-9.
[CCA; ecology, ornithology; birds]
Nicholls, K. H., Nakamoto, L. & Keller, W. (1992) Phytoplankton of Sudbury area lakes (Ontario) and relationships with acidification status. Canadian Journal of Aquatic Science 49 (Suppl.1), 40-51.
[ CCA; limnology, algology; algae, phytoplankton]
Nicholson, B.J., Gignac, L.D. & Bayley, S.E. (1996) Peatland distribution along a north-south transect in the Mackenzie River Basin in relation to climatic and environmental gradients. Vegetatio 126, 119-133.
[DCCA; mire ecology, ecology; bryophytes]
Nieppola, J. (1992) Long-term vegetation changes in stands of Pinus sylvestris in southern Finland. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 475-484.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Nieppola, J. J. & Carleton, T. J. (1991) Relations between understorey vegetation, site productivity, and environmental factors in Pinus sylvestris L. stands in southern Finland. Vegetatio 93, 57-72.
[ CCA, DCCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Noest, V. (1991) Simulated impact of sea level rise on phreatic level and vegetation of dune slacks in the Voorne dune area (The Netherlands). Landscape Ecology 6, 89-97.
[ CCA, predictive modelling; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Noest, V., van der Maarel, E., van der Meulen, F. & van der Laan, D. (1989) Optimum-transformation of plant species cover-abundance values. Vegetatio 83, 167-178.
[ CCA; methods; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Nordbakken, J.-F. (1995) Fine-scale patterns of vegetation and environmental factors on an ombrotrophic mire expanse: a numerical approach. Nordic Journal of Botany 16, 197-209.
[CCA, partial CCA; mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Nordby, H. (1994) Quantitative studies on alpine mire communities and their environment relationships, at Finse, South Western Norway. Cand.scient. thesis, University of Bergen, 63 pp.
[CCA, DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, CVA; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Novotñy, V. (1993) Spatial and temporal components of species diversity in Auchernorrhyncha ( Insecta: Hemiptera) communities of Indochinese montane rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 9, 93-100.
[CCA, partial CCA, hybrid analysis, Monte Carlo tests; temporal constraints, spatial constraints; ecology, entomology; leafhoppers]
O'Connor, T. G. & Pickett, G. A. (1992) The influence of grazing on seed production and seed banks of some African savanna grasslands. Journal of Applied Ecology 29, 247-260.
[ DCCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Odasz, A.M. (1996) Bryophyte vegetation and habitat gradients in the Tikhaia Bay region, Hooker Island, Franz Josef Land, Arctic Russia. The Bryologist 99, 407-415.
[CCA; ecology, bryology; bryophytes]
Odeh, I. O. A., Chittleborough, D. J. & McBratney, A. B. (1991) Elucidation of soil-landform interrelationships by canonical ordination analysis. Geoderma 49, 1-32.
[ CCA, RDA; pedology; soils]
Odgaard, B. V. (1992) The fire history of Danish heathland areas as reflected by pollen and charred particles in lake sediments. The Holocene 2, 218-226.
[ RDA, partial RDA, temporal constraints; palaeoecology; pollen, charcoal]
Odgaard, B.V. (1994) The Holocene vegetation history of northern West Jutland, Denmark. Opera Botanica 123, 171 pp.
[CCA, partial CA, temporal constraints; palaeoecology; pollen]
Odland, A. (1991) A synecological investigation of Athyrium distentifolium - dominated stands in western Norway. Nordic Journal of Botany 11, 651-673.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Odland, A. (1991) Klassifisering av vassdrag på Vestlandet ut fra deres floristiske sammensetning. Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning 16, 88 pp.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Odland, A. (1991) On the ecology of Thelypteris limbosperma - a synecological investigation of T. limbosperma - dominated stands in W. Norway. Nordic Journal of Botany 10, 637-659.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Odland, A. (1992) Endringer i flora og vegetasjon på Bygddeltaet etter senkningen av Myrkdalsvatnet i Vossovassdraget - utviklingen fra 1987 til 1991. Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning Oppdragsmelding 113, 1-36.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; ecology, limnology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Odland, A. (1992) A synecological investigation of Matteuccia struthiopteris - dominated stands in Western Norway. Vegetatio 102, 69-95.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Odland, A. (1993) Botaniske undersøkelser i forbindelse med Sauda-utbyggingen. Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning Utredning 39, 1-36.
[ CCA; ecology, management; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Odland, A. (1993) The ecology and life history of Thelypteris limbosperma, Athyrium distentifolium and Matteuccia struthiopteris in western Norway. Dr. Philos. thesis, University of Bergen, 370 pp.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Odland, A., Birks, H. H., Botnen, A., Tønsberg, T. & Vevle, O. (1991) Vegetation change in the spray zone of a waterfall following river regulation in Aurland, western Norway. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 6, 147-162.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints, spatial constraints; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Odland, A., Birks, H. J. B. & Line, J. M. (1990) Quantitative vegetation-environment relationships in west Norwegian tall-fern vegetation. Nordic Journal of Botany 10, 511-533.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Odland, A., Birks, H.J.B. & Line J.M. (1995) Ecological optima and tolerances of Thelypteris limbosperma, Athyrium distentifolium, and Matteuccia struthiopteris along environmental gradients in Western Norway. Vegetatio 120, 115-129.
[CCA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves; ecology; vascular plants]
Odland, A., Røsberg, I., Aarestad, P. A. & Blom, H. H. (1991) Floristic, vegetational and successional patterns on a glacio-fluvial floodplain (sandur) in Jostedal, Western Norway. Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning 14, 89 pp.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Ojeda, F., Arroyo, J. & Marañon, T. (1995) Biodiversity components and conservation of Mediterranean heathlands in southern Spain. Biological Conservation 72, 61-72.
[DCCA; ecology, conservation; vascular plants]
Oksanen, J. (1988) Impact of habitat, substrate and microsite classes on the epiphyte vegetation: interpretation using exploratory and canonical correspondence analysis. Annales Botanici Fennici 25, 59-71.
[ CCA; ecology; lichens, bryophytes]
Oksanen, J. & Tonteri, T. (1995) Rate of compositional turnover along gradients and total gradient length. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 815-824.
[CCA; theory; vascular plants]
Oliveira-Filho, A.T., Vilela, E.A., Carvahlo, D.A. & Gavilanes, M.L. (1994) Effects of soils and topography on the distribution of tree species in a tropical riverine forest in south-eastern Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology 10, 483-508.
[CCA, DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Oliveira-Filho, A.T., Vilela, E.A., Carvahlo, D.A. & Gavilanes, M.L. (1994) Differentiation of streamside and upland vegetation in an area of montane semideciduous forest in south-eastern Brazil. Flora 189, 287-305.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Oliveira-Filho, A.T., Vilela, E.A., Carvahlo, D.A. & Gavilanes, M.L. (1994) Effect of flooding regime and understorey bamboos on the physiognomy and tree species composition of a tropical semideciduous forest in south-eastern Brazil. Vegetatio 113, 99-124.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Ollikainen, M., Simola, H. & Niinioja, R. (1993) Changes in diatom assemblages in the profundal sediments of two large oligohumic lakes in eastern Finland. Hydrobiologia 269/270, 405-413.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Oppenheim, D. R. (1991) Seasonal changes in epipelic diatoms along an intertidal shore, Berrow Flats, Somerset. Journal of the Marine Biology Association of the United Kingdom 71, 579-596.
[ CCA; marine biology, algology; diatoms]
Oppenheim, D. R. & Greenwood, R. (1990) Epiphytic diatoms in two freshwater maritime Antarctic lakes. Freshwater Biology 24, 303-314.
[ RDA; limnology; diatoms]
Økland, R. H. (1990) Vegetation ecology: theory, methods and applications with reference to Fennoscandia. Sommerfeltia Supplement 1, 233 pp.
[ CCA, DCCA, RDA, hybrid analysis, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, mire ecology, methods; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Økland, R. H. (1990) Studies in S.E. Fennoscandian mires, with special regard to the use of multivariate techniques and the scaling of ecological gradients. Sommerfeltia Supplement 2, 22 pp.
[ DCCA, hybrid analysis; general, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Økland, R.H. (1990) A phytoecological study of the mire Northern Kisselbergmosen, S.E. Norway. II. Identification of gradients by detrended (canonical) correspondence analysis. Nordic Journal of Botany 10, 79-108.
[ DCCA, hybrid analysis; mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Økland, R.H. (1995) Persistence of vascular plants in a Norwegian boreal coniferous forest. Ecography 18, 3-14.
[RDA, hybrid analysis, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Økland, R.H. (1996) Are ordination and constrained ordination alternative or complementary strategies in general ecological studies? Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 289-292.
[CCA, partial CCA; general, methods; -]
Økland, R. H. & Eilertsen, O. (1993) Vegetation-environment relationships of boreal coniferous forests in the Solhomfjell area, Gjerstad, S Norway. Sommerfeltia 16, 1-254.
[DCCA, hybrid analysis; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Økland, R.H. & Eilertsen, O. (1994) Canonical correspondence analysis with variation partitioning: some comments and an application. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 117-126.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, theory; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Økland, R.H. & Eilertsen, O (1996) Dynamics of understorey vegetation in an old-growth boreal coniferous forest, 1988-1993. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 747-762.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Økland, T. (1996) Vegetation-environment relationships of boreal spruce forests in ten monitoring reference areas in Norway. Sommerfeltia 22, 349 pp.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, DCCA; ecology, monitoring; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Outeiro, A., Agüera, D. & Parejo, C. (1993) Use of ecological profiles and canonical correspondence analysis in a study of the relationships of terrestrial gastropods and environmental factors. Journal of Conchology 34, 365-374.
[CCA; ecology; gastropods]
Pajunen, T., Haila, Y., Halme, E., Niemelä, J & Punttila, P. (1995) Ground-dwelling spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) in fragmented old forests and surrounding managed forests in southern Finland. Ecography 18, 62-72.
[CCA; ecology, management; spiders]
Palik, B.J. & Pederson, N. (1996) Overstorey mortality and canopy disturbances in longleaf pine ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26, 2035-2047.
[RDA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Palmer, C.G., Maart, B., Palmer, A.R. & O'Keefe, J.H. (1996) An assessment of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups as water quality indicators in the Buffalo River, Easter Cape Province, South Africa. Hydrobiologia 318, 153-164.
[CCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Palmer, C., Palmer, A., O'Keefe, J. & Palmer, R. (1994) Macroinvertebrate community structure and altitudinal changes in the upper reaches of a warm temperate southern African river. Freshwater Biology 32, 337-347.
[CCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Palmer, M. W. (1990) Spatial scale and patterns of species-environment relationships in hardwood forest of the North Carolina piedmont. Coenoses 5, 79-87.
[ DCCA, partial DCCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Palmer, M. W. (1993) Putting things in even better order: the advantages of Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Ecology 74, 2215-2230.
[ CCA; theory]
Palmer, M.W. (1994) Fuzzy sets or blurry artifacts? A comment on Zhang and Oxley. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 439-440.
[DCCA; ecology, general, theory; vascular plants]
Palmer, M.W. (1995) Blurry artifacts: a retraction. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 447.
[DCCA; theory, general; -]
Pan, Y. & Stevenson, R.J. (1996) Gradient analysis of diatom assemblages in western Kentucky wetlands. Journal of Phycology 32, 222-232.
[CCA, calibration; limnology; diatoms]
Pan, Y, Stevenson, R.J., Hill, H.H., Herlihy, A.T. & Collins, G.B. (1996) Using diatoms as indicators of ecological conditions in lotic systems: a regional assessment. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15, 481-495.
[CCA; Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology; diatoms]
Pantis, J. D. & Mardiris, Th. A. (1992) The effects of grazing and fire on degradation processes of mediterranean ecosystems. Israel Journal of Botany 41, 233-242.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Pantis, J.D. & Mardiris, Th.A. (1992) The effects of grazing and degradation processes of Mediterranean ecosystems. Israel Journal of Botany 41, 233-242.
[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Pappas, J.L. & Stoermer, E.F. (1995) Effects of inorganic nitrogen enrichment on Lake Huron phytoplankton: an experimental study. Journal of Great Lakes Research 21, 178-191.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, algology, ecological experiments; phytoplankton]
Pappas, J.L. & Stoermer, E.F. (1995) Multidimensional analysis of diatom morphologic and morphometric phenotypic variation and relation to niche. Ecoscience 2, 357-367.
[CCA; morphology, algology; diatoms]
Pardoe, H.S. (1996) Micro-scale patterns of modern pollen deposition within three alpine plant communities. New Phytologist 132, 327-341.
[CCA; palynology; pollen]
Parikesit, P, Larson, D.W. & Matthes-Sears, U. (1995) Impacts of trails on cliff-edge forest structure. Canadian Journal of Botany 73, 943-953.
[CCA, DCCA; ecological impacts; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Parker, A.J. (1994) Latitudinal gradients of coniferous tree species, vegetation, and climate in the Sierran-Cascade axis of northern California. Vegetatio 115, 145-155.
[CCA, calibration; ecology; vascular plants]
Parker, A.J. (1995) Comparative gradient structure and forest cover types in Lassen Volcanic and Yosemite National Parks, California. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 122, 58-68.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Patón, D., Martín, L., Cereijo, M., Rota, A., Rojas, A. & Tovar, J. (1995) Relationship between rank order and productive parameters in Verata goats during milking. Animal Science 61, 545-551.
[CCA; agriculture; goats]
Pedersen, G., Tande, K.S. & Nilssen, E.M. (1995) Temporal and regional variation in the copepod community in the central Barents Sea during spring and early summer 1988 and 1989. Journal of Plankton Research 17, 263-282.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; marine biology; copepods]
Petridis, D. (1993) Macroinvertebrate distribution along an organic pollution gradient in Lake Lysimachia (Western Greece). Archiv für Hydrobiologie 128, 367-384.
[ CCA, CVA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Petridis, D. & Sinis, A. (1995) Benthos of Lake Mikri Prespa (North Greece). Hydrobiologia 304, 185-196.
[CCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Pienitz, R, Douglas, M.S.V., Smol, J.P., Huttunen, P & Meriläinen, J. (1995) Diatom, chrysophyte and protozoan distributions along a latitudinal transect in Fennoscandia. Ecography 18, 429-439.
[CCA; limnology; diatoms, chrysophytes, amoebae]
Pienitz, R. & Smol, J. P. (1993) Diatom assemblages and their relationship to environmental variables in lakes from the boreal forest-tundra ecotone near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Hydrobiologia 269/270, 391-404.
[ CCA, partial CCA, calibration, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Pienitz, R., Smol, J. P. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Assessment of freshwater diatoms as quantitative indicators of past climatic change in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada. Arctic and Alpine Research (submitted).
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning, calibration; palaeolimnology, palaeoecology; diatoms]
See also 609
Pienitz, R., Smol, J.P. & Birks, H.J.B. (1995) Assessment of freshwater diatoms as quantitative indicators of past climatic change in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 13, 21-49.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; limnology; diatoms]
Piernik, A., Kazmierczak, E. & Rytkowski, L. (1996) Differentiation of vegetation in a saline grassland in the vicinity of Inowroclaw soda plants at Matwy. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 65, 349-356.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Pinel-Alloul, B., Méthot, G., Lapierre, L. & Willsie, A. (1996) Macroinvertebrate community as a biological indicator of ecological and toxicological factors in Lake Saint-FranÁois (Québec). Environmental Pollution 91, 65-87.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, monitoring, ecotoxicology; aquatic invertebrates]
Pinel-Alloul, B., Niyonsenga, T. & Legendre, P. (1995) Spatial and environmental components of freshwater zooplankton structure. Ecoscience 2, 1-19.
[CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; zooplankton]
Pollet, M. (1992) Impact of environmental variables on the occurrence of dolichopodid flies in marshland habitats in Belgium (Diptera: Dolichopodidae): Journal of Natural History 26, 621-636.
[ CCA; ecology, ecological impacts; flies]
Pollet, M. & Grootaert, P. (1996) An estimation of the natural value of dune habitats using Empidoidea (Diptera). Biodiversity and Conservation 5, 859-880.
[CCA; ecology, management; flies]
Potapova, M. (1996) Epilithic algal communiities in rivers of the Kolyma Mountains, NE Siberia, Russia. Nova Hedwigia 63, 309-334.
[CCA; limnology; algae, diatoms]
Poulin, B., Lefebvre, G. & McNeil, R. (1993) Variations in bird abundance in tropical arid and semi-arid habitats. Ibis 135, 432-441.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ornithology; birds]
Prentice, H. C. & Cramer, W. (1990) The plant community as a niche bioassay: environmental correlates of local variation in Gypsophila fastigiata. Journal of Ecology 78, 313-325.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; genecology; vascular plants]
Puntiila, P. Haila, Y. & Tukia, H. (1996) Ant communities in taiga clearcuts : habitat effects and species interactions. Ecography 19, 16-28.
[RDA; ecology, ecological impacts; ants]
Punttila, P., Haila, Y., Niemalä, J. & Pajunen, T. (1994) Ant communities in fragments of old-growth taiga and managed surroundings. Annales Zoologici Fennici 31, 131-144.
[RDA; ecology, ecological impacts; ants]
Purata, S. E. (1986) Floristic and structural changes during old-field succession in the Mexican tropics in relation to site history and species availability. Journal of Tropical Ecology 2, 257-276.
[ DCCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Purata, S. E. (1986) Studies on secondary succesion in Mexican tropical rain forest. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 19, 34 pp.
[ DCCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Pyöek, P. (1994) Pattern of species dominance and factors affecting community composition in areas deforested due to air pollution. Vegetatio 112, 45-56.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Pyöek, P., Prach, K. & ämilauer, P. (1995) Relating invasion success to plant traits: An analysis of the Czech alien flora. In Plant Invasions. General Aspects and Special Problems, (Ed. Pyöek, P., et al.), pp. 39-60. SPB, Amsterdam.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Pyöek, P.& Pyöek, A. (1995) Invasion by Heracleum mategazzianum in different habitats in the Czech Republic. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 711-718.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Pyron, M. & Taylor, C. M. (1993) Fish community structure of Oklahoma Gulf Coastal Plains. Hydrobiologia 257, 29-35.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, limnology; fish]
Pysek, P. & Leps, J. (1991) Response of a weed community to nitrogen fertilization: a multivariate analysis. Journal of Vegetation Science 2, 237-244.
[ CCA, partial CCA, hybrid analysis, Monte Carlo tests; field experiments, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Rajakumar, R., Ramani bai, R. & Devaraj, N. (1994) Observations of species (plankton)- environment relationships in urban aquatic ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Biology 15, 177-183.
[CCA; limnology; phytoplankton, zooplankton]
Rakocinsky, C.F., Lyczkowski-Schultz, J. & Richardson, S.L. (1996) Ichthyoplankton assemblage structure in Mississippi Sound as revealed by canonical correspondence analysis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 43, 237-257.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; marine biology; zooplankton]
Ratcliffe, D. A., Birks, H. J. B. & Birks, H. H. (1993) The ecology and conservation of the Killarney fern (Trichomanes speciosum Willd.) in Britain and Ireland. Biological Conservation 66, 231-247.
[ CCA, partial CCA; ecology; bryophytes, vascular plants]
Reavie, E.D., Hall, R.I. & Smol, J.P. (1995) An expanded weighted-averaging model for inferring past total phosphorus concentrations from diatom assemblages in eutrophic British Columbia (Canada) lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 14, 49-67.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; diatoms]
Reavie, E.D., Smol, J.P. & Carmichael N.B. (1995) Postsettlement eutrophication histories of six British Columbia (Canada) lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 52, 2388-2401.
[CCA, hybrid analysis; palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Reed, R. A. (1992) Book Review - ter Braak, C. J. F. (1990) CANOCO Version 3.10. Smilauer, P. 1991. CANODRAW: A companion program to CANOCO for publication-quality graphical output. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 567-570.
[ CCA, DCCA, partial CCA, partial DCCA, RDA, partial RDA; general, graphics, computing]
Reed, R. A., Peet, R. K., Palmer, M. W. & White, P. S. (1993) Scale dependence of vegetation-environment correlations: a case study of a North Carolina piedmont woodland. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 329-340.
[ DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, scale; vascular plants]
Reilly, S.B. & Fiedler, P.C. (1994) Interannual variability of dolphin habitats in the eastern tropical Pacific. I: Research Vessel Surveys, 1986-1990. Fishery Bulletin 92, 434-450.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; marine biology, ecology; dolphins]
Rejmánkova, E., Savage, H. M., Rejmánek, J. I., Arrendondo-Jimenez & Roberts, D. R. (1991) Multivariate analysis of relationships between habitats, environmental factors and occurrence of anopheline mosquito larvae Anopheles albimanus and A. pseudopunctipennis in southern Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Applied Ecology 28, 827-841.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; insects]
Rejmankova, E., Pope, K., Pohl, M.D. & Rey-Benayas, J.M. (1995) Freshwater wetland plant communities of northern Belize: Implications for paleoecological studies of Maya wetland agriculture. Biotropica 27, 28-36.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Renberg, I., Korsman, T. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Palaeolimnological evidence for the role of prehistoric land-use changes in influencing the pH of acid-sensitive lakes in Sweden. Nature 362, 824-826.
[ RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology, palaeoecology; diatoms, pollen, inferred-pH]
Retuerto, R. & Carballeira, A. (1991) Defining phytoclimatic units in Galicia, Spain, by means of multivariate methods. Journal of Vegetation Science 2, 699-710.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; biogeography; vascular plants]
Reyment, R. A. (1991) Multidimensional Palaeobiology. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 377 pp.
[ CCA; palaeoecology; foraminifera]
Reyment, R. A. & Jöreskog, K. G. (1993) Applied factor analysis in the natural sciences. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 371 pp.
[ CCA; theory, ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Richards, C. & Bacon, K.L. (1994) Influence of fine sediment on macroinvertebrate colonization of surface and hyporheic stream substrates. Great Basin Naturalist 54, 106-113.
[CCA; limnology, ecological impacts; aquatic invertebrates]
Richards, C., Host, G. E. & Arthur, J. W. (1993) Identification of predominant environmental factors structuring stream macroinvertebrate communities within a large agricultural catchment. Freshwater Biology 29, 285-294.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, management; aquatic invertebrates]
Richards, C., Johnson, L.B. & Host, G.E. (1996) Landscape-scale influences on stream habitats and biota. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53 (suppl.1) 295-311.
[RDA, partial RDA, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests; landscape ecology, limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Richards, M.B., Cowling, R.M. & Stock, W.D. (1995) Fynbos plant communities and vegetation-environment relationships in the Soetanysberg hills, Western Cape. South African Journal of Botany 61, 298-305.
[CCA; Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Roberts, D. & McMinn, A. (1996) Relationships between surface sediment diatom assemblages and water chemistry gradients in saline lakes of the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 8, 331-341.
[CCA; limnology; diatoms]
Roberts, M.R. & Gilliam, F.S. (1995) Disturbance effects on herbaceous layer vegetation and soil nutrients in Populus forest of northern lower Michigan. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 903-912.
[CCA; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Rodríguez, M.A. & Magnan, P. (1995) Application of multivariate analyses in studies of the organization and structure of fish and invertebrate communities. Aquatic Sciences 57, 199-216.
[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; limnology; fish, aquatic invertebrates]
Rodriguez, M. A. & Magnan, P. (1993) Community structure of lucustrine macrobenthos: do taxon-based and size-based approaches yield similar insights? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50, 800-815.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Rodriguez, M. A., Magnan, P. & Lacasse, S. (1993) Fish species composition and lake abiotic variables in relation to the abundance and size structure of cladoceran zooplankton. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50, 638-647.
[ RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; zooplankton]
Romo, S., van Donk, E., Gylstra, R. & Gulatis, R. (1996) A multivariate analysis of phytoplankton and food web changes in a shallow biomanipulated lake. Freshwater Biology 36, 683-696.
[CCA; limnology, field experiments; phytoplankton, zooplankton]
Romo, S. & van Tongeren, O. (1995) Multivariate analysis of phytoplankton and related environmental factors in a shallow hypertrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 299, 93-101.
[RDA, temporal constraints; limnology; phytoplankton]
Rosén, E. & Sjögren, E. (1988) Plant cover in alvar junipers on Öland. Distribution features correlated to shrub size and shape. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 76, 101-112.
[ CCA; ecology, morphology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Rosef, L. (1996) Åpen eng og beitemark i drift, Voss kommune, Hordaland-vegetasjon og økologi. Cand.scient.Thesis, Botanical Institute, University of Bergen, 69 pp.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Ross, M.S., O'Brien, J.J. & Sternberg, L. da S.L. (1994) Sea-level rise and the reduction in pine forests in the Florida Keys. Ecological Applications 4, 144-156.
[DCCA; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants, plant communities]
Rout, J. & Gaur, J.P. (1994) Composition and dynamics of epilithic algae in a forest stream at Shillong (India). Hydrobiologia 291, 61-74.
[CCA; limnology, algology; algae]
Roy, R., Legendre, P., Knowles, R. & Charlton, M.N. (1994) Denitrification and methane production in sediment of Hamilton Harbour (Canada). Microbial Ecology 27, 123-141.
[RDA, partial RDA, spatial constraints, variance partitioning; Monte Carlo tests; marine ecology; bacteria, chemical elements]
Ruse, L. P. (1994) Chironomid microdistribution in gravel of an English chalk river. Freshwater Biology 32, 533-551.
[CCA, partial CCA, temporal constraints, t-value biplots, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; chironomids]
Ruse, L.P. (1996) Multivariate techniques relationg macroinvertebrate and environmental data from a river catchment. Water Research 30, 3017-3024.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Ruse, L.P. & Hutchings, A.J. (1996) Phytoplantkon composition of the River Thames in relation to certain environmental variables. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplement 113, 189-201.
[CCA, partial CCA, response curves, variance partitioning, t-value biplots; limnology; phytoplankton]
Ruse, L.P. & Wilson, R.S. (1995) Long-term assessment of water and sediment quality of the River Thames using chironomid pupal skins. In Chironomids. From genes to ecosystems (Ed. P. Cranston), pp. 113-123. CSIRO, Victoria, Australia.
[CCA, partial CCA, t-value biplots, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; chironomids]
Rushton, S. P. & Eyre, M. D. (1989) The spider fauna of intensively managed agricultural grasslands. Journal of Applied Entomology 108, 291-297.
[ CCA; ecology, ecological impacts, management; spiders]
Rushton, S.P., Hill, D. & Carter, S.P. (1994) The abundance of river corridor birds in relation to their habitats: a modelling approach. Journal of Applied Ecology 31, 313-328.
[CCA, logistic regression; ecology, ornithology; birds]
Rydgren, K. (1996) Vegetation-environment relationships of old-growth spruce forest vegetation in Østmarka Nature Reserve, SE Norway, and comparison of three ordination methods. Nordic Journal of Botany 16, 421-439.
[CCA, partial CCA, variance partitioning, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Ryves, D.B. (1994) Diatom dissolution in saline lake sediments. An experimental study in the Great Plains of North America. Doctoral thesis, Department of Geography, University College London, 306 pp.
[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecological experiments, limnology, algology; diatoms]
Sætersdal, M. & Birks, H. J. B. (1993) Assessing the representativeness of nature reserves using multivariate analysis: vascular plants and breeding birds in deciduous forests, western Norway (1993). Biological Conservation 65, 121-132.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests, CVA; conservation, ecology; birds, vascular plants]
Såstad, S.M. (1995) Fungi-vegetation relationships in a Pinus sylvestris forest in central Norway. Canadian Journal of Botany 73, 807-816.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; mycology, ecology;fungi]
Sabatiers, R., Lebreton, J.-D. & Chessel, D. (1989) Principal component analysis with instrumental variables as a tool for modelling composition data. In Multiway Data Analysis (Eds. R. Coppi & S. Bolasco), pp. 341-352. North Holland, Amsterdam.
[ RDA, partial RDA, CCA, partial CCA; theory, limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Sabbatini, M.R. & Murphy, K.J. (1996) Submerged plant survival strategies in relation to management and environmental pressures in drainage channel habitats. Hydrobiologia 340, 191-195.
[CCA; ecology, limnology; vascular plants]
Salonen, J. (1993) Weed infestation and factors affecting weed incidence in spring cereals in Finland - a multivariate approach. Agricultural Science in Finland 2, 525-536.
[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management; vascular plants]
Salonen, V. (1994) Revegetation of harvested peat surfaces in relation to substrate quality. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 403-408.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Samways, M.J. & Steytler, N.S. (1996) Dragonfly (Odonata) distribution patterns in urban and forest landscapes, and recommendations for riparian management. Biological Conservation 78, 279-288.
[CCA; management ecology; dragonflies]
San Jose, J. J. & Montes, R. (1991) Regional interpretation of environmental gradients which influence Trachypogon savannas in the Orinoco Llanos. Vegetatio 95, 21-32.
[ DCCA; Monte Carlo tests, ecology; vascular plants]
Sanyanga, R.A, Machena, C. & Kautsky, N. (1995) Abundance and distribution of inshore fish in fished and protected areas in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Hydrobiologia 306, 67-78.
[DCCA; limnology, ecological impacts; fish]
Sarvala, J. & Halsinaho, S. (1990) Crustacean zooplankton of Finnish forest lakes in relation to acidity and other environmental factors. In Acidification in Finland (Eds. P. Kauppi et al.), pp. 1009-1027. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg.
[ CCA; limnology; zooplankton]
Schaefer, J.A. & Messier, F. (1995) Scale-dependent correlations of arctic vegetation and snow cover. Arctic and Alpine Research 27, 38-43.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Schaeffer, J.A., Stevens, S.D. & Messier, F. (1996) Comparative winter habitat use and associations among herbivores in the High Arctic. Arctic, 49, 387-391.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants, mammals]
Scheu, S. & Poser, G. (1996) The soil macrofauna (Diplopoda, Isopoda, Lumbricidae and Chilopoda) near tree trunks in a beechwood on limestone: indications for stemflow induced changes in community structure. Applied Soil Ecology 3, 115-125.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; earthworms, soil macrofauna, isopods, centipedes, diplopods]
Schmalzer, P. A. & Hinkle, C. R. (1992) Species composition and structure of oak-saw palmetto scrub vegetation. Castanea 57, 220-251.
[ DCCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Schnell, Ø.A. & Willassen, E. (1996) The chironomid (Diptera) communities in two sediment cores from Store Hovvatn, S. Norway, an acidified lake. Annals of Limnology 32, 45-61.
[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints; palaeolimnology; chironomids, heavy metals]
Schrijvers, J., van Gansbeke, D. & Vincx, M. (1995) Macrobenthic infauna of mangroves and surrounding beaches at Gazi Bay, Kenya. Hydrobiologia 306, 53-66.
[CCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Setälä, H., Marshall, V.G. & Trofymov, J.A. (1995) Influence of micro- and macro-habitat factors on collembolan communities in Douglas-fir stumps during forest succession. Applied Soil Ecology 2, 227-242.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, partial CCA, temporal constraints; ecology; collembola]
Siepel, H. (1989) Objective selection of indicator species for nature management. Comtes Rendus du Symposium "Invertebres de Belgique", 443-446.
[ DCCA, Gaussian logit regression; conservation, management; arthropods]
Siepel, H., Meijer, J., Marbelis, A. A. & Den Boer, M. H. (1989) A tool to assess the influence of management practices on grassland surface macrofaunas. Journal of Applied Entomology 108, 271-290.
[ DCCA, Gaussian logit regression; management, ecological impacts; insects]
Siepel, H. & van de Bund, C. F. (1988) The influence of management practises on the microarthropod community of grassland. Pedobiologia 31, 339-354.
[ DCCA, Gaussian logit regression; ecology, management, ecological impacts; arthropods]
Sim-Sim, M., Rego, F. & de Sousa, J. (1995) Epiphytic bryophyte communities of Olea europaea in Portugal - a background survey for future evaluation of environmental quality. Cryptogamica Helvetica 18, 25-33.
[DCCA; bryology, ecology; bryophytes]
Simandl, J. (1993) Canopy arthropods on Scots pine: influence of season and stand age on community structure and the position of sawflies (Diprionidae) in the community. Forest Ecology and Management 62, 85-98.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; sawflies, vascular plants]
Sinke, A. J. C., Cornelese, A. A., Cappenberg, T. E. & Zehnder, A. J. B. (1992) Seasonal variation in sulfate reduction and methanogenesis in peaty sediments of eutrophic Lake Loosdrecht, The Netherlands. Biogeochemistry 16, 43-61.
[ RDA; limnology; chemical elements]
Sinke, A. J. C., Cornelese, A. A., Keizer, P., van Tongeren, O. F. R. & Cappenberg, T. E. (1990) Mineralization, pore water chemistry and phosphorus release from peaty sediments in the eutrophic Loosdrecht lakes, The Netherlands. Freshwater Biology 23, 587-599.
[ RDA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, management; chemical elements]
Siver, P. A. (1993) Inferring the specific conductivity of lake water with scaled chrysophytes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38, 1480-1492.
[ CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; chrysophytes]
Siver, P. A. & Hamer, J. S. (1992) Seasonal periodicity of Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae in a small New England lake: implications for paleolimnological research. Journal of Phycology 28, 186-198.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; algology; chrysophytes]
Skarpe, C. (1986) Plant community structure in relation to grazing and environmental changes along a north-south transect in the western Kalahari. Vegetatio 68, 3-18.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Skjerdal, G. (1993) Kvantitative undersøkjingar av vegetasjonen på steintippar i Aurland, Vest-Noreg. Cand. scient. thesis, University of Bergen. 77pp.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Skjerdal, G. & Odland, A. (1995) Vegetasjonsutvikling på 15 steintippar i Sør-Noreg. Ei botanisk-økologisk vurdering etter opp til 40 år med suksesjon. Høgskulen i Telemark, Bø, 86 pp.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Smallidge, P.J., Leopold, D.J. & Allen, C.M. (1996) Community characteristics and vegetation management of Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) habitats on rights-of-way in east-central New York, USA. Journal of Applied Ecology 33, 1406-1419.
[CCA; ecology, management; butterflies]
Smilauer, P. (1990) Program CANODRAW, version 2.10. Trebon, Czechoslovakia, 33 pp.
[ CCA, RDA; computing, graphics, ecology; vascular plants]
Smit, H. & van der Hammen, H. (1992) Water mites as indicators of natural aquatic ecosystems of the coastal dunes of the Netherlands and northwestern France. Hydrobiologia 231, 51-64.
[ DCCA; ecology; mites]
Smith, M.-L. (1995) Community and edaphic analysis of upland northern hardwood communities, central Vermont, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 72, 235-249.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Smith, R.D. (1996) Composition, structure, and distribution of woody vegetation on the Cache River floodplain, Arkansas. Wetlands 16, 264-278.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Smith, R. S. & Jones, L. (1991) The phenology of mesotrophic grassland in the Pennine Dales, Northern England: Historic hay cutting dates, vegetation variation and plant species phenologies. Journal of Applied Ecology 28, 42-59.
[ CCA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves; ecology, management; vascular plants]
Smith, R.S. & Rushton, S.P. (1994) The effects of grazing management on the vegetation of mesotrophic (meadow) grassland in Northern England. Journal of Applied Ecology 31, 13-34.
[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological management, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Snoeijs, P. (1992) Ecology and taxonomy of Enteromorpha species in the vicinity of the Forsmark nuclear power plant (Bothnian Sea). Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 78, 11-23.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, ecology, ecological impacts, algology; algae]
Snoeijs, P. (1995) Effects of salinity on epiphytic diatom communities on Pilayella littoralis (Phaeophyceae) in the Baltic Sea. Ecoscience 2, 382-394.
[CCA; ecology, algology; diatoms]
Snoeijs, P. J. M. (1988) Ecological studies of epilithic algae and fauna in the Baltic hydrolittoral. Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University, 200 pp.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, ecology, ecological impacts, algology; diatoms, algae, marine invertebrates]
Snoeijs, P. J. M. (1989) Effects of increasing water temperatures and flow rates on epilithic fauna in a cooling-water discharge basin. Journal of Applied Ecology 26, 935-956.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, ecological impacts; marine invertebrates]
Snoeijs, P. J. M. (1989) Ecological effects of cooling water discharge on hydrolittoral epilithic diatom communities in the northern Baltic Sea. Diatom Research 4, 373-398.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, algology, ecological impacts; diatoms]
Snoeijs, P. J. M. (1990) Effects of temperature on spring bloom dynamics of epilithic diatom communities in the Gulf of Bothnia. Journal of Vegetation Science 1, 599-608.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, algology; diatoms]
Snoeijs, P. J. M. (1991) Monitoring pollution effects by diatom community composition. A comparison of sampling methods. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 121, 497-510.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, algology, monitoring; diatoms]
Snoeijs, P. J. M. & Kautsky, U. (1989) Effects of ice-break on the structure and dynamics of a benthic diatom community in the northern Baltic Sea. Botanica Marina 32, 547-562.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, algology; diatoms]
Snoeijs, P. J. M. & Prentice, I. C. (1989) Effects of cooling water discharge on the structure and dynamics of epilithic algal communities in the northern Baltic. Hydrobiologia 184, 99-123.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, algology, ecological impacts; algae, diatoms]
Snoeijs, P., Leskinen, E., Sundbäck, K., Kuylenstierna, M., Witkowsky, A. & Hällfors, G. (1990) Microphytobenthic cell density and species composition in the surface sediment in a shallow brackish-water bay (Gulf of Finland). Aqua Fennica 20, 103-114.
[ CCA; algology; algae, diatoms]
Snooeijs, P. (1994) Distribution of epiphytic diatom species composition, diversity and biomass on different macroalgal hosts along seasonal and salinity gradients in the Baltic Sea. Diatom Research 9, 189-211.
[CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, ecology; diatoms]
Soetaert, K. & Van Rijswijk, P. (1993) Spatial and temporal patterns of the zooplankton in the Westerschelde estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series 97, 47-59.
[ CCA; marine biology; zooplankton]
Soetaert, K., Vincx, M., Wittoeck, J. & Tulkens, M. (1995) Meiobenthic distribution and nematode community structure in five European estuaries. Hydrobiologia 311, 185-206.
[CCA; ecology; nematodes]
Soetaert, K., Vincx, M., Wittoeck, J., Tulkens, M. & van Gansbeke, D. (1994) Spatial patterns of Westeerschelde meiobenthos. Eustarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 39, 367-388.
[CCA; ecology, marine biology; marine invertebrates]
Spitzer, K., Jaroö, J. Havelka, J. & Lepö, J. (1996) Effect of small-scale disturbance on butterfly communities of an Indochinese montane rainforest. Biological Conservation 80, 9-15.
[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; butterflies]
Spitzer, K., Novotny, V., Tonner, M. & Leps, J. (1993) Habitat preferences, distribution and seasonality of the butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) in a montane tropical rain forest, Vietnam. Journal of Biogeography 20, 109-121.
[ CCA, partial CCA, hybrid analysis; ecology, biogeography; butterflies]
Srivastava, D.S., Staicer, C.A. & Freedman, B. (1995) Aquatic vegetation of Nova Scotian lakes differing in acidity and trophic status. Aquatic Botany 51, 181-196.
[CCA; partial CCA; limnology; vascular plants]
Srutek, M. (1993) Distribution of the stands with Urtica dioica L. along the Luznice River floodplain on the border between Austria and Czechoslovakia and land management. Vegetatio 106, 73-87.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; ecology; vascular plants]
Stanton, M.L., Rejmánek, M. & Galen, C. (1994) Changes in vegetation and soil fertility along a predictable snowmelt gradient in the Mosquito Range, Colorado, U.S.A. Arctic and Alpine Research 26, 364-374.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Stemberger, R.S. & Lazorchak, J.M. (1994) Zooplankton assemblage responses to disturbance gradients. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51, 2435-2447.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; zooplankton]
Stengele, U. (1995) Einfluþ von Exposition, Bodenbeschaffenheit und Vegetation auf die Neubesiedlung durch Laufkäfer in Rekultivierungsgebieten. Diplomarbeit, Universität zu Köln, 104 pp.
[CCA; ecology; beetles]
Sterling, P. H., Gibson, C. W. D. & Brown, V. K. (1992) Leaf miner assemblies: effects of plant succession and grazing management. Ecological Entomology 17, 167-178.
[ DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management, ecological dynamics; leaf miners]
Stevens, L.E., Schmidt, J.C., Ayers, T.J. & Brown, B.T. (1995) Flow regulation, geomorphology, and Colorado River marsh development in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. Ecological Applications 5, 1025-1039.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Stevenson, A. C., Birks, H. J. B., Flower, R. J. & Battarbee, R. W. (1989) Diatom-based pH reconstruction of lake acidification using canonical correspondence analysis. Ambio 18, 229-233.
[ CCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Stevenson, A. C. et al. (1991) The Surface Waters Acidification Project Palaeolimnology Programme: modern diatom/lake-water chemistry data-set. Ensis Publishing, London, 86 pp.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Stevenson, A.C., Rhodes, A.N., Kirkpatrick, A.H. & MacDonald, A. J. (1996) The determination of fire histories and an assessment of their effects on moorland soils and vegetation. Scottish Natural Heritage: Research, Survey and Monitoring Report 16, 85 pp.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants, bryophytes, soils]
Stevenson, R.J. & White, K.D. (1995) A comparison of natural and human determinants of phytoplankton communities in the Kentucky River basin, USA. Hydrobiologia 297, 201-216.
[DCCA; limnology; phytoplankton]
Stewart, G. H., Basher, L. R., Burrows, L. E., Runkle, J. R., Hall, G. M. J. & Jackson, R. J. (1993) Beech-hardwood forest composition, landforms, and soil relationships, north Westland, New Zealand. Vegetatio 106, 111-125.
[ DCCA; ecology, landscape ecology; vascular plants]
Stillman, R.A. & Brown, A.F. (1994) Population sizes and habitat associations of upland breeding birds in the South Pennines, England. Biological Conservation 69, 307-314.
[RDA, spatial constraints, variance partitioning, partial RDA; ecology, ornithology; birds]
Streever, W.J., Portier, K.M. & Chrisman, T.L. (1996) A comparison of dipterans from ten created and ten natural wetlands. Wetlands 16, 416-428.
[CCA; ecology, limnology; flies]
Stromberg, M.R. & Griffin, J.R. (1996) Long-term patterns in coastal California grasslands in relation to cultivation, gophers, and grazing. Ecological Applications 6, 1189-1211.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Sundbäck, K. & Snoeijs, P. J. M. (1991) Effects of nutrient enrichment on microalgal community composition in a coastal shallow-water sediment system: an experimental study. Botanica Marina 34, 341-358.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; algology, field experiments, marine biology; algae, diatoms]
Swanberg, N. R. & Eide, L. K. (1992) The radiolarian fauna at the ice edge in the Greenland Sea during summer, 1988. Journal of Marine Research 50, 297-320.
[ RDA, Monte Carlo tests; marine biology; radiolaria]
Sweets, P. R. et al. (1990) Paleoecological investigations of recent lake acidification in Northern Florida. Journal of Paleolimnology 4, 103-137.
[ CCA; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Tárrega, R., Luis-Calabug, E. & Marcos, E. (1996) Relationships between soil changes and plant succession in postfire regeneration of Quercus pyrenaica ecosystems. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 10, 85-93.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Taft, J.B., Schwartz, M.W. & Loy, R. P (1995) Vegetation ecology of flatwoods in the Illinoian till plain. Journal of Vegetation Science 6, 647-666.
[RDA, CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Taggart, J.B. (1994) Ordination as an aid in determining priorities for plant community protection. Biological Conservation 68, 135-141.
[DCCA; ecology, conservation; vascular plants]
Takane, Y., Yanai, H. & Mayekawa, S. (1991) Relationships among several methods of linearly constrained correspondence analysis. Psychometrika, 56, 667-684.
[CCA, partial CCA, partial CA; theory; -]
Tardif, J. & Bergeron, Y. (1993) Radial growth of Fraxinus nigra in a Canadian boreal floodplain in response to climatic and hydrological fluctuations. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 751-758.
[ RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Taylor, C. M., Winston, M. R. & Matthews, W. J. (1993) Fish species-environment and abundance relationships in a Great Plains river system. Ecography 16, 16-23.
[ CCA; ecology, limnology; fish]
Taylor, K. C., Reader, R. J. & Larson, D. W. (1993) Scale-dependent inconsistencies in the effects of trampling on a forest understory community. Environmental Management 17, 239-248.
[ CCA, CVA; ecology, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1986) Canonical correspondence analysis: a new eigenvector technique for multivariate direct gradient analysis. Ecology 67, 1167-1179.
[ CCA, DCCA; theory, methods, ecology; spiders, vascular plants, algae]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1987) Unimodal models to relate species to environment. Doctoral thesis, University of Wageningen, 152 pp.
[ CCA, partial CCA, DCCA, RDA, partial RDA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves and surfaces; theory, methods, ecology, ecological dynamics, limnology, management; spiders, vascular plants, algae]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1987) The analysis of vegetation-environment relationships by canonical correspondence analysis. Vegetatio 69, 69-77.
[ CCA, spatial constraints; theory, methods, ecology, management, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1987) Ordination. In Data analysis in community and landscape ecology (Eds. R. H. G. Jongman, C. J. F. ter Braak & O. F. R. van Tongeren), pp. 91-173. Pudoc, Wageningen.
[ CCA, RDA, DCCA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, response curves and surfaces; theory, methods, ecology, general; vascular plants, bryophytes]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1988) CANOCO - a FORTRAN program for canonical community ordination by (partial) (detrended) (canonical) correspondence analysis, principal components analysis and redundancy analysis (version 2.1). Technical Report LWA-88-02, GLW, Wageningen, 95 pp.
[ CCA, DCCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, hybrid analysis, Monte Carlo tests, calibration, response curves; theory, methods, computing, ecology, genecology, management; vascular plants, butterflies]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1988) CANOCO - an extension of DECORANA to analyze species-environment relationships. Vegetatio 75, 159-160.
[ General, computing]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1988) Partial canonical correspondence analysis. In Classification and Related Methods of Data Analysis (Ed. H. H. Bock), pp. 551-558. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.
[ Partial CCA; theory, ecology; diatoms]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1989) CANOCO - an extension of DECORANA to analyze species-environment relationships. Hydrobiologia 184, 169-170.
[ General, computing]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1990) Update notes: CANOCO version 3.10. Agricultural Mathematics Group, Wageningen, 35 pp.
[ CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; theory, computing]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1990) Interpreting canonical correlation analysis through biplots of structure correlations and weights. Psychometrika 55, 519-531.
[ RDA; theory, graphics, methods]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1991) Relations between linear, logistic and ideal point discriminant analysis and (canonical) correspondence analysis. In Abstract Volume of the Third Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies.
[ CCA; theory]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1992) Permutation versus bootstrap significance tests in multiple regression and ANOVA. In Bootstrapping and related techniques (Eds. K.-H. Jöckel, G. Rothe & W. Sendler), pp. 79-86. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
[ CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, bootstrapping, Monte Carlo tests; theory, computing]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1992) Multidimensional scaling and regression. Statistica Applicata (Italian Journal of Applied Statistics) 4, 577-586.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; theory, methods, genecology, field experiments; butterflies, vascular plants]
ter Braak, C.J.F. (1994) Canonical community ordination. Part I: Basic theory and linear methods. Ecoscience 1, 127-140
[RDA, partial RDA; theory, general, ecology; vascular plants, diatoms]
ter Braak, C.J.F. (1995) Ordination. In Data analysis in ommunity and landscape ecology (eds. Jongman, R.H.G., ter Braak, C.J.F., van Tongeren, O.F.R.), pp. 91-173. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
[CCA, RDA, DCCA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, response curves and surfaces; theory, methods, ecology, general; vascular plants, bryophytes.]
ter Braak, C.J.F. (1996) Unimodal models to relate species to environment. Agricultural Mathematics Group, Wageningen. 266 pp.
[CCA, partial CCA, partial RDA, DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, Gaussian logit regression, response curves and surfaces, t-value biplots, variance partitioning; theory, methods, ecology, ecological dynamics, limnology, management; spiders, vascular plants, algae, aquatic invertebrates]
ter Braak, C. J. F. & Juggins, S. (1993) Weighted averaging partial least squares regression (WA-PLS): an improved method for reconstructing environmental variables from species assemblages. Hydrobiologia 269/270, 485-502.
[ DCCA, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology, theory; diatoms]
ter Braak, C. J. F., Juggins, S., Birks, H. J. B. & van der Voet, H. (1993) Weighted averaging partial least squares regression (WA-PLS): definition and comparison with other methods for species-environment calibration. In Multivariate Environmental Statistics (Eds. G.P. Patil & C.R. Rao), pp. 529-560. North Holland, Amsterdam.
[ DCCA, calibration; theory, palaeoecology; foraminifera]
ter Braak, C.J.F. & Looman, C.W.N. (1994) Biplots in reduced-rank regression. Biometrical Journal 8, 983-1003.
[RDA, t-value biplots, partial RDA; theory, graphics, public health; cancer types]
ter Braak, C. J. F. & Prentice, I. C. (1988) A theory of gradient analysis. Advances in Ecological Research 18, 271-317.
[ CCA, DCCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves and surfaces; methods, theory, ecology, ecological dynamics, limnology; diatoms, vascular plants, birds]
ter Braak, C.J.F., van Dobben, H. & di Bella, G. (1996) On inferring past environmental change from species composition data by nonlinear reduced-rank models. XVIIIth International Biometric Conference, July 1-5, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Invited papers, 65-70.
[RDA, CCA, temporal constraints, spatial constraints, calibration; theory; --]
ter Braak, C.J.F. & Verdonschot, P.F.M. (1995) Canonical correspondence analysis and related multivariate methods in aquatic ecology. Aquatic Sciences 57, 255-289.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, DCCA, variance partitioning; ecology, theory, general, methods; aquatic invertebrates]
ter Braak, C.J.F. & Wiertz, J. (1994) On the statistical analysis of vegetation change: a wetland affected by water extraction and soil acidification. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 361-372.
[RDA, partial RDA, temporal constraints, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics, theory; vascular plants]
Toivonen, H. & Huttunen, P. (1995) Aquatic macrophytes and ecological gradients in 57 small lakes in southern Finland. Aquatic Botany 51, 197-221.
[CCA; limnology, ecology; vascular plants]
Tolonen, K., Warner, B.G. & Vasander, H. (1994) Ecology of testaceans (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) in mires in Southern Finland: II. Multivariate Analysis. Archiv für Protistenkunde 144, 97-112.
[CCA; ecology, mire ecology; amoebae]
Tonteri, T. (1994) Species richness of boreal understorey forest vegetation in relation to site type and successional factors. Annales Zoologici Fennici 31, 53-60.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Tonteri, T., Hotanen, J.-P. & Kuusipalo, J. (1990) The Finnish forest site type approach: ordination and classification studies of mesic forest sites in southern Finland. Vegetatio 87, 85-98.
[ CCA, partial CCA, hybrid analysis, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Totland, Ø. (1992) Pollination ecology in alpine plant communities in Southern Norway: effect of abiotic and biotic factors on insect visitation and interspecific interactions. Cand. Scient. thesis, University of Bergen, 61 pp.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, pollination biology; insects, vascular plants]
Totland, Ø. & Birks, H.J.B. (1996) Factors influencing inter-population variation in Ranunculus acris seed production in an alpine area of southwestern Norway. Ecography 19, 269-278
[RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, pollination biology, population biology; vascular plants]
Treskonova, M. (1991) Changes in the structure of tall tussock grasslands and infestation by species of Hieracium in the Mackenzie Country, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 15, 65-78.
[ CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Tsuyuzaki, S., & del Moral, R. (1994) Canonical correspondence analysis of early volcanic succession on Mt. Usu, Japan. Ecological Research 9, 143-150.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Tsuyuzaki, S. & Kanda, F. (1996) Revegetation patterns and seedbank structure on abandoned pastures in northern Japan. American Journal of Botany 83, 1422-1428.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, seeds]
Tsuyuzaki, S., Kanda, F. & Narita, K. (1994) Revegetation patterns on abandoned pasture in northern Japan. Acta Oecologica 15, 461-467.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Turnbull, D., Soulsby, C., Langan, S., Owen, R. & Hirst, D. (1995) Macroinvertebrate status in relation to critical loads for freshwaters : A case study from N.E. Scotland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85, 2461-2466.
[CCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Uherèiková, E. (1995) Application of some ecological indices for characteristics of two types of floodplain forest in inundation zone of Danube. Ekológia (Bratislava) 14, 151-170.
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Undi, M., Wittenberg, K.M. & Holliday, N.J. (1996) Occurrence of fungal species in stored alfalfa forage as influenced by moisture content at baling and temperature during storage. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 77, 95-103.
[CCA; mycology; fungi]
Väisänen, R. (1992) Distribution and abundance of diurnal Lepidoptera on a raised bog in southern Finland. Annales Zoologica Fennici 29, 75-92.
[ DCCA, partial DCCA; ecology; butterflies, moths]
Väisänen, R., Heliövaara, K. & Immonen, A. (1992) Biogeography of northern European insects: province records in multivariate analysis (Saltatoria; Lepidoptera: Sesiidae; Coleoptera: Buprestidae, Cerambycidae). Annales Zoologici Fennici 28, 57-81.
[ DCCA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests; biogeography; beetles, butterflies, insects]
Valázquez, A. (1993) Man-made and ecological habitat fragmentation: study case of the Volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi). Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 58, 54-61.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, management; mammals, vascular plants]
van Dam, H. (1996) Partial recovery of moorland pools from acidification: indications by chemistry and diatoms. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology 30, 203-218.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, ecology, ecological impacts; diatoms]
van Dam, H. & Mertens, A. (1995) Long-term changes of diatoms and chemistry in headwater streams polluted by atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen compounds. Freshwater Biology 34, 579-600.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, ecological impacts; diatoms]
van de Rijt, C.W.C.J., Hazelhoff, L. & Blom, C.W.P.M. (1996) Vegetation zonation in a former tidal area: A vegetation-type response model based on DCA and logistic regression using GIS. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 505-518.
[CCA, response curves, Gaussian logit regression; ecology; vascular plants]
van de Vijver, B. & Beyens, L. (1996) Freshwater diatom communities of the Strømness Bay area, South Georgia. Antarctic Science 8, 359-369.
[CCA; limnology; diatoms]
van den Boom, P.P.G., Aptroot, A. & van Herk, C.M. (1996) The lichen flora of megalithic monuments in the Netherlands. Nova Hedwigia 62, 91-104.
[RDA; ecology, lichenology, ecological impacts; lichens]
van den Brink, P.J., van Donk, E., Gylstra, R., Crum, S.J.H. & Brock, T.C.M. (1995) Effects of chronic low concentrations of the pesticides chlorpyrifos and atrazine in indoor freshwater microcosms. Chemosphere 31, 3181-3200.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecotoxicology, ecological impacts, ecological experiments; zooplankton]
van den Brink, P.J., van Winjgaarden, R.P.A., Lucassen, W.G.H., Brock, T.C.M. & Leeuwangh, P. (1996) Effects of the insecticide DursbanÆ 4E (active ingredient chlorpyrifos) in outdoor experimental ditches: II. Invertebrate community responses and recovery. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15, 1143-1153.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; field experiments, ecotoxicology; aquatic invertebrates]
van der Maarel, E. (1996) Vegetation dynamics and dynamic vegetation science. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 45, 421-442.
[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics, methods; vascular plants]
van der Molen, P.C. (1992) Hummock-hollow complexes on Irish raised bogs. A palaeo/actuo ecological approach of environmental and climatic change. Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 213 pp.
[CCA; ecology, mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
van Dobben, H. F. (1993) Vegetation as a monitor for deposition of nitrogen and acidity. Doctoral thesis, University of Utrecht, 214pp.
[ RDA, Monte Carlo tests, temporal constraints, spatial constraints, calibration, t-value biplots; field experiments, ecology, theory, monitoring, methods, graphics, ecological impacts; lichens, bryophytes, vascular plants]
van Dobben, H.F. & de Bakker, A.J. (1996) Re-mapping epiphytic lichen biodiversity in The Netherlands: effects of decreasing SO2 and increasing NH3. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 45, 55-71.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, t-value biplots, spatial constraints; ecology, ecological impacts; lichens]
van Dobben, H. F. & Dirkse, G. M. (1989) Effects of experimental fertilization on forest undergrowth in northern Sweden. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 38, 359.
[ RDA; field experiments; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
van Eeuwijk, F. A. (1992) Interpreting genotype-by-environment interaction using redundancy analysis. Theoretical Applied Genetics 85, 89-100.
[ RDA; theory, genecology; vascular plants]
van Groenendael, J.M., Roepers, R.G., Woltjer, I. & Zweers, H.R. (1996) Vegetation succession in lakes of West Connemara, Ireland: comparing predicted and actual changes. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 211-218.
[CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
van Nes, E. H. & Smit, H. (1993) Multivariate analysis of macrozoobenthos in Lake Volkerak-Zoommeer (The Netherlands): changes in an estuary before and after closure. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 127, 185-203.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints, temporal constraints; ecology, marine biology; marine invertebrates]
van Tongeren, O.F.R. (1995) Data analysis or simulation model: a critical evaluation of some methods. Ecological Modelling 78, 51-60.
[RDA, CCA; general, methods, limnology; phytoplankton]
van Tongeren, O. F. R. et al. (1992) Multivariate analysis of the plankton communities in the Loosdrecht lakes: relationship with the chemical and physical environment. Hydrobiologia 233, 105-117.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests, hybrid analyses, predictive modelling, temporal constraints; limnology; phytoplankton, zooplankton]
van Wijngaarden, R.P.A., van den Brink, P.J., Voshaar, J.H.O. & Leeuwangh, P. (1995) Ordination techniques for analysing response of biological communities totoxic stress in experimental ecosystems. Ecotoxicology, 4, 61-77.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecotoxicology, ecological experiments, general, methods; aquatic invertebrates]
van Wingerden, W. K. R. E., van Kreveld, A. R. & Bongers W. (1992) Analysis of species composition and abundance of grasshoppers (Orth., Acrididae) in natural and fertilized grasslands. Journal of Applied Entomology 113, 138-152.
[ CCA, Gaussian logit regression; ecology, ecological impacts; grasshoppers]
Vandvik, V. (1995) Mountain summer farms in Røldal, Western Norway- vegetation, soils, and ecology. Cand.scient. thesis, University of Bergen,74 pp.
[CCA, DCCA, RDA, partial RDA, partial DCA, Monte Carlo tests, variance partitioning; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Vanha-Majamaa, I. & Lähde, E. (1991) Vegetation changes in a burned area planted by Pinus sylvestris in Northern Finland. Annales Botanici Fennici 28, 161-170.
[ CCA, temporal constraints; ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Velázquez, A. (1993) Man-made and ecological habitat fragmentation: study case of the Volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi). Zeitschrift für Saugetierkunde 58, 54-61.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, conservation, management; mammals]
Velázquez, A. & Heil, G.W. (1996) Habitat suitability study for the conservation of the volcani rabbit (Romerolagus diazi). Journal of Applied Ecology 33, 543-554.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants, mammals]
Velasquez, A. (1994) Multivariate analysis of the vegetation of the volcanoes Táloc and Pelado, Mexico. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 263-270.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Verdonschot, P. F. M. (1987) Aquatic oligochaetes in ditches. Hydrobiologia 155, 283-292.
[ DCCA, Gaussian logit regression; limnology; oligochaetes]
Verdonschot, P. F. M. (1989) The role of oligochaetes in the management of waters. Hydrobiologia 180, 213-227.
[ DCCA; limnology; oligochaetes]
Verdonschot, P. F. M. (1990) Ecological characterization of surface waters in the province of Overijssel (The Netherlands). Research Institute for Nature Management, Leersum, 255 pp.
[ DCCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Verdonschot, P. F. M. (1992) Macrofaunal community types of ditches in the province of Overijssel (The Netherlands). Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement 90, 133-158.
[ DCCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Verdonschot, P. F. M. (1992) Macrofaunal community types in ponds and small lakes (Overijssel, The Netherlands). Hydrobiologia 232, 111-132.
[ DCCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Verdonschot, P.F.M. (1995) Typology of macrofaunal assemblages: a tool for the management of running waters in The Netherlands. Hydrobiologia 297, 99-122.
[DCCA, classification; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Verdonschot, P.F.M. (1996) Oligochaetes and eutrophication; an experiment over four years in outdoor mesocosms. Hydrobiologia 334, 169-183.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; field experiments, limnology; oligochaetes]
Verdonschot, P. F. M. & Higler, L. W. G. (1989) Macroinvertebrates in Dutch ditches: a typological characterization and the status of the Demmerik ditches. Hyrobiological Bulletin 23, 135-142.
[ DCCA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Verdonschot, P.F.M. & ter Braak, C.J.F. (1994) An experimental manipulation of oligochaete communities in mesocosms treated with chlorpyrifos or nutrient additions: multivariate analyses with Monte Carlo permutation tests. Hydrobiologia 278, 251-266.
[RDA, partial RDA, spatial constraints, Monte Carlo tests; field experiments, limnology, ecological impacts; oligochaetes]
Versteegh, G.J.M. & Zonneveld, K.A.F. (1994) Determination of (palaeo-) ecological preferences of dinoflagellates by applying detrended and canonical correspondence analysis to Late Pliocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of the south Italian Singa section. Review of Palaebotany and Palynology 84, 181-199.
[CCA; palaeoecology; dinoflagellates]
Verwijst, T. (1988) Environmental correlates of multiple-stem formation in Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa. Vegetatio 76, 29-36.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, morphology; vascular plants]
Vetaas, O. R. (1992) The interaction between biotic and abiotic factors controlling temporal and spatial dynamics of arid vegetation in Erkowit, north-eastern Sudan. Doctoral thesis, University of Bergen, 185 pp.
[ CCA, partial CCA, RDA, Partial RDA, spatial constraints, temporal constraints, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Vetaas, O. R. (1992) Gradients in field-layer vegetation on an arid misty mountain plateau in the Sudan. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 527-534.
[ RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Vetaas, O. R. (1993) Spatial and temporal vegetation changes along a moisture gradient in northeastern Sudan. Biotropica 25, 164-175.
[ CCA, partial CCA, spatial constraints, temporal constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Vetaas, O. R. (1993) Effect of spatial arrangement of environmental variables on ordination results from a disturbed humidity gradient in northeastern Sudan. Coenoses 8, 27-37.
[CCA, RDA, partial CCA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Vetaas, O.R. (1994) Primary succession of plant assemblages on a glacier foreland- Bødalsbreen, southern Norway. Journal of Biogeography 21, 297-308.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Vinebrooke, R.D. (1996) Abiotic and biotic regulation of periphyton in recovering acidified lakes. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15, 318-331.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; algology, limnology, field experiments; phytoplankton]
Vintasalo, M., Vuorinen, I. & Saesmaa, S. (1995) Mesozooplankton dynamics in the northern Baltic Sea: implications of variations in hydrography and climate. Journal of Plankton Research 17, 1857-78.
[CCA; marine biology, ecological dynamics; zooplankton]
Voelz, N.J. & Ward, J.V. (1991) Biotic responses along the recovery gradient of a regulated stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 48, 2477-2490.
[CCA, DCCA; ecological impacts, freshwater biology; aquatic invertebrates]
Vuori, K.-M. & Parkko, M. (1996) Assessing pollution of the river Kymijoki via hydropsychid caddis flies : population age structure, microdistribution and gill abnormalities in the Cheumatopsyche lepida and Hydropsyche pellucidula larvae. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 136, 171-190.
[CCA; limnology, ecological impacts; caddis flies]
Vyverman, W. & Sabbe, K. (1995) Diatom-temperature transfer functions based on the altitudinal zonation of diatom assemblage in Papua New Guinea: a possible tool in the reconstruction of regional palaeoclimatic changes. Journal of Paleolimnology 13, 65-77.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, partial CCA; limnology; diatoms]
Vyverman, W., Vyverman, R., Rajendram, V.S. & Tyler, P. (1996) Distribution of benthic diatom assemblages in Tasmanian highland lakes and their possible use as indicators of environmental changes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53, 493-508.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration, partial CCA; limnology; diatoms]
Wagner, R. & Gathmann, O. (1996) Long-term studies on aquatic Dance flies (Diptera, Empididae) 1983-1993 : Distribution and size patterns along the stream, abundance changes between years and the influence of environmental factors on the community. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 137, 385-410.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, response curves; ecology, limnology; flies]
Wakeley, J.S. & Roberts, T.H. (1996) Bird distributions and forest zonation in a bottomland hardwood wetland. Wetlands 16, 296-308.
[CCA; ecology, ornithology; birds]
Walker, I.R. (1995) Distributions of Chironomidae (Insecta:Diptera) and other freshwater midges with respect to treeline, Northwestern Territories, Canada. Arctic and Alpine Research 27, 258-263.
[CCA, RDA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; chironomids]
Walker, I. R., Smol, J. P., Engstrom, D. R. & Birks, H. J. B. (1991) An assessment of Chironomidae as quantitative indicators of past climatic change. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48, 975-987.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; chironomids]
Walker, I. R., Smol, J. P., Engstrom, D. R. & Birks, H. J. B. (1992) Aquatic invertebrates, climate, scale, and statistical hypothesis testing: a response to Hann, Warner, and Warwick. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49, 1276-1280.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology, palaeolimnology; chironomids]
Walker, I.R., Wilson, S.E. & Smol, J.P. (1995) Chironomidae (Diptera) : quantitative palaeosalinity indicators for lakes of western Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52, 950-960.
[CCA, DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; chironomids]
Wallossek, C. & Lüpke, M. (1993) Verbreitung, Ökologie und Gesellschaftsanschluß der Kalk-Krummsegge (Carex curvula ssp. rosae Giloman) in den Dolomiten. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 22, 307-312.
[ DCCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Wallossek, C. & Lüpke, M. (1993) Verbreitung, Ökologie und Gesellschaftsanschluss der Kalk-Krummsegge ( Carex curvula ssp. rosae Gilomen) in den Dolomiten. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, 22, 307-312.
[DCCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Ward, D. & Balustein, L. (1994) The overriding influence of flash floods on species-area curves in ephemeral Negev Desert pools: a consideration of the value of island biogeography theory. Journal of Biogeography 21, 595-603.
[RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, biogeography; arthropods]
Ward, D. & Olsvig-Whittaker, L. (1993) Plant species diversity at the junction of two desert biogeographic zones. Biodiversity Letters 1, 172-185.
[ CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology, biogeography; vascular plants]
Ward, D., Olsvig-Whittaker, L. & Lawes, M. (1993) Vegetation-environment relationships in a Negev Desert erosion cirque. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 83-94.
[ RDA, partial RDA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Wardle, D.A., Yeates, G.W., Watson, R.N. & Nicholson, K.S. (1995) Development of the decomposer food-web, trophic relationships, and ecosystem properties during a three-year primary succession in sawdust. Oikos 73, 155-166.
[DCCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; nematodes, bacteria, fungi, mites]
Warner, B.G & Charman, D.J. (1994) Holocene changes on a peatland in north-western Ontario interpreted from testate amoebae (Protozoa) analysis. Boreas 23, 270-279.
[CCA, calibration; mire ecology, palaeoecology; amoebae]
Warrington, S., Knaggs, D. & Smith, A. (1996) Methods for determining species-habitat relationships, illustrated with fieldwork on freshwater macroinvertebrates in an upland catchment. Journal of Biological Education 30, 257-264.
[CCA; limnology, ecology; aquatic invertebrates]
Wassen, M. J. (1990) Water flow as a major landscape ecological factor in fen development. Doctoral thesis, University of Utrecht, 199 pp.
[ CCA; mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Wassen, M. J. & Barendregt, A. (1992) Topographic position and water chemistry of fens in a Dutch river plain. Journal of Vegetation Science 3, 447-456.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Wassen, M. J., Barendregt, A., Palczynski, A., de Smidt, J. T. & de Mars, H. (1990) The relationship between fen vegetation gradients, groundwater flow and flooding in an undrained valley mire at Biebrza, Poland. Journal of Ecology 78, 1106-1122.
[ CCA; mire ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Watt, T.A., Treweek, J.R. & Woolmer, F.S. (1996) An experimental study of the impact of seasonal sheep grazing on formerly fertilized grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 535-542.
[CCA, temporal constraints, spatial constraints, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts, field experiments; vascular plants]
Weaver, R., Kent, M., Gilbertson, D., Wathern, P. & Brayshay, B. (1996) The acidic and upland vegetations of the southern Outer Hebrides. In The Outer Hebrides The Last 14,000 Years (Eds. D.Gilbertson, M.Kent & J.Grattan), pp. 147-162. Sheffield Academic Press
[CCA; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Wheeler, B.D. & Shaw, S.C. (1995) A focus on fens - Controls on composition of fen vegetation in relation to restoration. In Restoration of Temperate Wetlands, (Eds. B.D. Wheeler, S.C. Shaw, W.J. Fojt & R.A. Roberston), pp. 49-72, Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
[CCA; ecology, mire ecology; vegetation types]
Whittaker, R. J. (1989) The vegetation of the Storbreen Gletschervorfeld, Jotunheimen, Norway. III. Vegetation-environment relationships. Journal of Biogeography 16, 413-433.
[ CCA; ecology, ecological dynamics; vascular plants]
Wiegleb, G., Herr, W. & Todeskino, D. (1989) Ten years of vegetation dynamics in two rivulets in Lower Saxony (FRG). Vegetatio 82, 163-178.
[ CCA, partial CCA, temporal constraints; limnology, ecological dynamics, ecological impacts; vascular plants]
Wilkins, H. K. A. & Myers, A. A. (1992) Microhabitat utilisation by an assemblage of temperate Gobiidae (Pisces: Teleostei). Marine Ecology Progress Series 90, 103-112.
[ CCA; marine biology; fish]
Willén, E. (1992) Planktonic green algae in an acidification gradient of nutrient-poor lakes. Archiv Protistenkende 141, 47-64.
[ CCA; limnology, algology; algae]
Willassen, E. & Thunes, K.H. (1996) Bracket fungi (Polyporaceae): an alternative habitat for soil chironomids (Diptera:Chironomidae). Pedobiologia 40, 405-412.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; chironomids]
Willen, E., Hajdu, S. & Pejler, Y. (1990) Summer phytoplankton in 73 nutrient-poor Swedish lakes. Classification, ordination and choice of long-term monitoring objects. Limnologica 20, 217-227.
[ CCA; limnology; algae, phytoplankton]
Williams, D.D. & Smith, M.R. (1996) Colonization dynamics of river benthos in response to local changes in bed characteristics. Freshwater Biology 36, 237-248.
[RDA; limnology; aquatic invertebrates]
Williams, L.R., Toepfer, C.S, & Martinez, A.D. (1996) The relationship between fish assemblages and environmental gradients in an Oklahoma prairie stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 11, 459-468.
[CCA; ecology, limnology; fish]
Williams, N. E. (1991) Geographical and environmental patterns in caddisfly (Trichoptera) assemblages from coldwater springs in Canada. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 155, 107-124.
[ CCA; ecology, limnology; caddisflies]
Wilson, S. E., Walker, I. R., Mott, R. J. & Smol, J. P. (1993) Climatic and limnological changes associated with the Younger Dryas in Atlantic Canada. Climate Dynamics 8, 177-187.
[ CCA, calibration; palaeoecology, palaeolimnology; diatoms, chironomids]
Winemiller, K. O. & Leslie, M. A. (1992) Fish assemblages across a complex, tropical freshwater/marine ecotone. Environmental Biology of Fishes 34, 29-50.
[ DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, marine biology; fish]
Wiser, S.K., Peet, R.K. & White, P.S. (1996) High-elevation rock outcrop vegetation of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 703-722.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests, spatial constraints; ecology, scale; vascular plants]
Witkowski, E.T.F. & O'Connor, T.G. (1996) Topo-edaphic, floristic and physiognomic gradients of woody plants in a semi-arid African savanna woodland. Vegetatio 124, 9-23.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Wolda, H. (1992) Trends in abundance of tropical forest insects. Oecologia 89, 47-52.
[ RDA, temporal constraints; ecology, population biology; insects]
Wolda, H., Spitzer, K. & Leps, J. (1992) Stability of environment and of insect populations. Researches in Population Ecology 34, 213-225.
[ RDA, temporal constraints, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, population biology; moths]
Wolf, J.H.D. (1994) Factors controlling the distribution of vascular and non-vascular epiphytes in the northern Andes. Vegetatio 112, 15-28.
[CCA, partial CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens]
Wolfe, J.A. (1995) Paleoclimatic estimates from Tertiary leaf assemblages. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 23, 119-142.
[CCA; calibration; palaeobotany; vascular plants, fossil plants]
Wunsam, S. & Schmidt, R. (1995) A diatom-phosphorus transfer function for Alpine and pre-alpine lakes. Memorie Dell'Instituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 53, 85-99.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology, palaeolimnology; diatoms]
Wunsam, S., Schmidt, R. & Klee, R. (1995) Cyclotella-taxa ( Bacillariophyceae) in lakes of the Alpine region and their relationships to environmental variables. Aquatic Sciences 57, 360-386.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; diatoms]
Xiao-bing, D. (1993) Changes in composition and structure of Vitex shrubland in northern China in relation to human disturbance. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 109-114.
[ CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Yanai, H. & Takane, Y. (1992) Canonical correlation analysis with linear constraints. Linear Algebra and its Applications 176, 75-89.
[ CCA; theory]
Yeates, G. W., Wardle, D. A. & Watson, R. N. (1993) Relationships between nematodes, soil microbial biomass and weed-management strategies in maize and asparagus cropping systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25, 869-876.
[ DCCA; ecology, management; nematodes]
Yoccoz, N. & Chessel, D. (1988) Ordination sous contraintes de relevés d'avifaune: éliminations d'effets dans un plan d'observations á deux facteurs. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 307, 189-194.
[ CCA, partial CCA; biogeography, ecology; birds]
Yoke, K.A. & Rennie, J.C. (1996) Landscape ecosystem classification in the Cherokee National Forest, East Tennessee, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 39, 323-338.
[DCCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Young, T. P. & Peacock, M. M. (1992) Giant senecios and alpine vegetation of Mount Kenya. Journal of Ecology 80, 141-148.
[ CCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Zamora-Muñoz, C. & Alba-Tercedor, J. (1996) Bioassessment of organically polluted Spanish rivers, using a biotic index and multivariate methods. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15, 332-352.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, ecological impacts; aquatic invertebrates]
Zavala-Hurtado, J.A., Valverde, P.L., Díaz-Solís, Vite, F. & Portilla, E. (1996) Vegetation-environment relationships based on a life-forms classification in a semiarid region of Tropical Mexico. Revista de Biologia Tropical 44(2), 581-590
[DCCA, Gaussian logit regression; ecology; vascular plants]
Zeeb, B.A., Christie, C.E, Smol, J.P., Findlay, D.L., Kling, H.J. & Birks, H.J.B. (1994) Responses of diatom and chrysophyte assemblages in Lake 227 sediments to experimental eutrophication. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51, 2300-2311.
[RDA, partial RDA, variance partitioning, temporal constraints; limnology, ecological impacts, ecological experiments; diatoms, chrysophytes]
Zeeb, B. A. & Smol, J.P. (1995) A weighted-averaging regression and calibration model for inferring lakewater salinity using chrysophycean stomatocysts from lakes in western Canada. International Journal of Salt Lake Research 4, 1-23.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; chrysophytes]
Zhang, J.-T., Oxley, E.R.B. (1994) A comparison of three methods of multivariate analysis of upland grasslands in North Wales. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 71-76.
[DCCA; ecology; vascular plants]
Zhang, Y. & Prepas, E.E. (1996) Regulation of the dominance of planktonic diatoms and cyanobacteria in four eutrophic hardwater lakes by nutrients, water column stability, and temperature. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53, 621-633.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; limnology; diatoms, bacteria]
Zobel, M. (1993) Changes in pine forest communities after clear-cutting: a comparison of two edaphic gradients. Annales Botanici Fennici 30, 131-137.
[ CCA; ecology, management; vascular plants, bryophytes]
Zogg, G.P. & Barnes, B.V. (1995) Ecological classification and analysis of wetland ecosystems, northern Lower Michigan, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25, 1865-1875.
[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants]
Zonneveld, K. (1996) Paleoclimatic and palaeo-ecologic changes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Arabian Sea regions during the last deglaciaton: a palynological approach to land-sea correlation. LPP Contributions Series 3, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 199 pp.
[CCA; marine ecology, palaeoecology; dinoflagellates]