Translations available of the second edition (2018) of the English book
Chinese translation (second Chinese edition)
- Borcard, D., F. Gillet & P. Legendre. 2020. Numerical ecology with R, 2nd Chinese edition (translation: J. Lai, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences). Higher Education Press, Beijing.
- Front cover
Japanese translation
- Borcard, D., F. Gillet & P. Legendre. 2023. Numerical ecology with R (Rによる数値⽣態学), Japanese edition. Kyoritsu
Shuppan Co. Ltd, Tokyo.
- Front cover
French translation - available soon - disponible bientôt
- Borcard, D., F. Gillet & P. Legendre. L'écologie numérique en R, Édition française. Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
Scripts, functions and data - Second edition
- This material includes a script to install the necessary packages; it also provides the data sets, the R scripts for all chapters (cross-platform) and several R functions. Latest major update: 2022-04-02 (R version 4.1.3). Added 2022-10-11 in the dataset folder: pdf file with full names of oribatid mites.
- Complete material, updated for R 4.1.3
- Important additional information: before using this material please make sure you have updated both R to version 4.1.3 and the adespatial package (including all its dependencies) to version 0.3-16.
- Material for the first edition of the book, February 2017, tested with R 3.3.2. No longer updated.
- First edition material
Errata, addenda and updates - Second edition
- This file provides corrections of small mistakes found in the printed edition (Errata), as well as improved explanations and additional, recently published information (Addenda). The corrections or improvements to the R code have been made in the corresponding scripts. Latest update: 2024-12-10.
- pdf file
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web page of the book - second edition
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